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I adjusted the bag on my back and sighed.

Today was the first day since I broke my leg skiing that I would be going back to school, and I had no one to help me with my books.

It was annoyingly awkward to use crutches and walk with a book bag on my back, plus I had to deal with the problem of stopping every ten seconds to fix it.

I hobbled into my art class and sat at one of the empty tables, letting out a sigh of relief.

The rest of the class slowly made their way in and sat down, grumbling about it being first period on a Monday morning.

"Good morning class," Ms. Abbot said excitedly from the front of the room.

Normally, I could stand her overly joyful voice at 7 in the morning, but today, I just felt like doodling in my notebook and tuning her out.

I was the number one loner and I didn't really have friends, so it didn't surprise me when no one sat at the table with me.

As I placed my crutches on the chair beside me, I looked around the room.

No one was paying any attention to Ms. Abbot because high school heartthrob, Chandler Riggs, was walking into the room with Miss Popular, Kiera Daniels.

"Oh my gosh," one of the girls in the back of the room called, "Kiera, what happened to your leg?"

She gave a small pout and sighed," I had surgery yesterday."

I raised an eyebrow and rolled my eyes before turning back to my adventure of getting my book bag off my back.

Ms. Abbot stopped talking and sighed, "Kiera, Chandler, you're late."

Kiera pouted even more, "It's because I had to walk all the way here with my crutches and Chandler was carrying my books."

"If Katherine can make it here on time with crutches and her own books, I'm pretty sure you can make it too."

I looked up at the sound of my name and was met with a glare from Kiera.

Quickly, I looked at my notebook and doodled furiously.

"Take a seat," Ms. Abbot said before continuing with her lecture on the aspect of line.

Pretty soon, the period was over and I was thrown back into the reality of stumbling through the halls with my crutches and book bag.

As I slowly stood up, I noticed that Kiera had walked out of the classroom with one girl carrying her books and another with her crutches.

"Hey, Kat?"

I turned around to see the Chandler Riggs standing there, looking at me.

"Uh, me?" I asked, stupidly.

He nodded with a laugh,"Yeah. It looked like you could use some help."

I smiled, but shook my head, "No. I'm fine. Thanks though."

I attempted to move my crutches forward, but my book bag slid to the side of my back and knocked the crutch out of position, causing me to fall onto the floor.

A sharp pain made it's way through my broken leg and I let out a call of agony.

"Kathrine!" Ms. Abbot called, running over to me,"Are you alright?"

I nodded as the pain quickly subsided into an ache,"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded, attempting to stand up.

Chandler reached down to help me, taking my hands and lifting me to my feet. Ms. Abbot reached down and got my crutches.

"Thank you," I said, as I felt my cheeks flame.

"No problem," the said simultaneously.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Chandler said.

I gave him a half smile, "Please?"

He laughed and took my book bag from me.

As we walked out into the hallway, Chandler sparked a conversation.

"So, how did you do that to your leg?"

"I was skiing and I broke my leg," I replied.

He nodded," I don't hear too much from you throughout the day. We have a lot of classes together and you're really quiet."

I raised an eyebrow at the randomness of the statement," I don't have people to talk to."

"You can talk to me," he said with a smile.

I could help but scoff at that statement.

"What?" he asked.

"It's just that you're so beautiful and popular. It would be a joke if I talked to you."

We made it to my classroom and while Chandler helped me sit and gave me my books, I couldn't help but think that I just called Chandler beautiful.

Too his face...

I'm going to be sick.

"Thank you," I said after Chandler said he was done.

He leaned down and placed a small kiss on my cheek before whispering in my ear.

"You're beautiful too," he said before turning and walking out of the classroom, leaving my math class staring and wondering how I, silent, nerdy, Kathrine Hall, had convinced the ever so popular and hot Chandler Riggs to kiss me on the cheek.

I think this was a little odd, but I had the idea in my head for a while. Kiera is a real person in my math class and I just found it funny how she's a real bitch and has people carrying her shit around the school when she "had surgery yesterday" and I saw her walking without her crutches in the hallway... I'm not a doctor, but my brother had surgery on his leg and he wasn't allowed to be in school for a full day because of the drugs he was put under. But okay Kiera.... whatever gets you attention...

I feel kind of mean about that whole rant, but she's a bitch so....

Anyways, I love you guys a lot a lot and since I'm ungrounded, I put this up (YAYYY!!!!☺☺☺)

Requests are still open and you guys can hit me up on Snapchat ( at Mika_Hill), Kik (at Mika_K_Hill), or on Twitter (at Mathlete2585)

Luv ya ~Miki

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