We Got This

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Slightly dirty talkatations
I woke up in the middle of the night with a huge crick in my neck.

"Dammit," I moaned, rubbing the area with a flat palm.

Last night, I slept on the couch because Maggie was about rolling in the floor in pain due to her pregnancy and sleeping on the couch, so I let her have my bed.

"Hey baby," Carl said from the doorway,"Your neck hurting?"

I gave him a sarcastic look,"Nope. I feel like a million bucks."

He smiled and sat on the couch with me,"Do you want to come and sleep with me in my bed?"

I frowned as he shifted me onto his lap,"You only have a twin size. We'd be crushed."

He pressed his lips against my neck and lightly kissed down to my shoulder blade.

"Yeah," he said in between kisses,"But it's better than sleeping on the couch."

I closed my eyes and basked in the sensation Carl was giving me.

"And maybe some other things..."

I opened my eyes and turned to look at him.

"I'm being serious," he said with a smile.

I laughed and stood up.

"Let's go."

I placed my finger on my lips, telling him to be quiet before making my way to his bedroom.

As soon as he placed his bottom on the bed, I straddled his waist.

"I love you," he said, pulling my shirt over my head.

"I love you too."
I woke up this morning to the sound of Daryl and Glenn yelling their brains out.

"We thought you were just having a nightmare!"

I laughed at that comment and bowed my head down to cover it.

"Do you think that's funny?" Glenn asked.

I wanted to say yes so bad, especially since Glenn was such a playful, fun person that I couldn't help but not take him seriously, but I bit my tongue.

I shook my head while Carl did the same.

"You're lucky Rick didn't see that."

Glenn and Daryl had come into the room this morning to get us for gardening work. Let's just say that they didn't expect to see what they saw.

"I know," Carl said,"He would have flipped shit."

Glenn frowned,"Were you guys at least protected?"

I bowed my head in even more shame and Carl shook his head.

"Guys," Glenn frowned.

"We're sorry," I said.

"You will be," Daryl said,"Just hope that you're not pregnant."

Daryl and Glenn walked out and I sat on the bed, pouting in shame.

"Babe," Carl said, sitting with me,"It'll be okay. We'll get through it together."

I leaned into his shoulder as he put his arms around me.

"We got this," Carl said, smirking slightly,"Especially with that hot, steamy sex from last night. You can't tell me we don't have this when you were moaning my name all night long."

I laughed and felt a torrent of red rush to my cheeks.

"I mean it," he said,"All jokes aside, we got this."

Topic: doing something hot (yeah right)

This was really short, but I kind of like it. TODAY WAS THE LAST DAY OF THE 30 DAY CHALLENGE!!!  I couldn't do full out smut because I blushed just writing this. It's sad because I can read the hell out of smut, but writing... No. Anyways, I'm going to need more requests now because I won't have any inspiration otherwise. Luv ya ~Miki

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