Wet Tube

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OMG That title is awkward AF. I am so sorry, but I'm going to leave it because it's pretty funny.

Keeping my head low and my body even lower, I crept along the large water pipe under the factory.

"You're making too much noise," I heard behind me.

"Carl, there's no one down here. I'm pretty sure that if anyone here is making noise, it's you."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a kiss.

"I'm sorry," he said against my lips.

I laughed and pulled back, "Don't be. Just be quiet."

As Carl pulled me into another kiss, I thought about the reason we were under a factory at the moment.

When the apocalypse first started, I had not been a part of the group with Carl, Rick, Maggie, Glenn, Sasha, Abraham, Daryl, Michonne, Rosita, and Eugene. I had been by myself for as long as I could remember and I didn't mind.

When I did meet the group, I refused to believe that anyone could become the family that I never had.

It took me a long time to start seeing them as the people who actually cared about me and my well being.

Eventually, I started to see Carl as someone more than family.

I fell in love.

The only thing was that apparently, Rick had recently lost his wife to the apocalypse and he wasn't really on board with his son dating or involving himself in a relationship like our own in any way, shape or form.

Carl and I had other ideas though.

Whenever possible, we would sneak away to the factory not too far from the houses of Alexandria and go on what Carl and I liked to call dates.

"What are you thinking about?" Carl asked me.

I shook my head and squeezed his hand," I was just thinking about everything that led us to making out in a wet, metal tube."

He laughed at me, "My father would kill us if he found out that we were together. You know that."

I frowned and pulled him into a hug," I know, but it would be nice to go on a date where we could actually see the sun. Even this is a new low for the apocalypse."

Carl held me at arm's length and smiled,"I know baby, but for now, we can just have the picnic in the pipe."

I sighed and my boyfriend placed a thick blanket on the wet pipe bottom and motioned for me to sit on it.

I found the environment quite disgusting, but it was what we had at the moment, and even though it absolutely hated habing to sneak around, being with Carl for a small amount of time made it all worth it.

Carl opened the small bag he had packed and pulled out two sandwiches.

"Ham and cheese?" I asked.

He nodded,"Your favorite."

I pecked him on the cheek and took the sandwich he was handing me.

I peeled the plastic wrap from around the sandwich and bit into the corner, feeling something hard fall into my mouth.

"What the hell?"

I pulled a small ring out of my mouth and wiped it onto the napkin next to me.

"Carl, what is this?" I asked as I looked up to see him smiling at me.

"I love you, Ebony," he said, taking the ring and my hand," I know marriage isn't really an option because we're young, but I know that you're never too young to know when you want to make sure you never lose someone. I wanted to know if you would go steady with me. It probably doesn't mean much in this shit world, but it would totally complete my world. I-"

I placed my hands on both sides of his face and pushed his cheeks inward, causing him to look somewhat like a fish.

"Shut up. Of course I'll go steady with you, you huge idiot."

I pulled him closer and pushed my lips against his.

"I love you."

Was this a bad chapter? I have no idea.

I'm like really happy right now and kind of distracted because it's raining. I don't know if it was a good chapter or not.

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Luv ya ~Miki

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