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I sit in the big room, along with 9 others. Once you are 16, you are tested to see your true faction. I sit on the cold, silver seat, shaking my legs as other people are called into the testing rooms.

"Crystal Eaton." A woman with black hair, tied back and braided calls out. I look up, and take a deep breath and stand up. I shakily walk over to her and attempt a smile as she leads me into one of the two testing rooms. "Sit." She says and points to the chair. I sit down and put my head back.

"My name is Rosie and I'll be administoring your test today. You will be injected with a serum to see how you react in certain situations, the way you react will determine your faction." She says and brings a needle up to me head. "Ready?" She asks.
"Ready." I reply

I feel the sharp stab in my neck as the needle plunges into my neck. I've never really minded needles, to be honest.

I open my eyes and wince as the bright light hits my eyes like a gust of wind. I bring my hand up to my face and shakily block out the sunlight and stand up. I feel a strong force on my arm and I shoot around. I see a little girl, of about 10 staring at me with brown, tear filled eyes.

"Help me. HELP ME!" She screams. My eyes widen and I look around, looking for someone... Anyone.
"What's wrong?" I ask softly
"He's following me... He's... He's THERE!" She shouts and runs off.

I shout after her but she's gone... Disappeared into the darkness. I turn back around and see a boy, of about 12years. "Choose." He simply says.
"For what?" I ask, whilst frowning.
"Choose." He repeats.
"Tell me what for, and I will!" I say
I turn my head and see two plates. One holding a bag of money and one holding a knife.

I turn around, but the boy has gone. In the distance, the sunlight dies down and I see a man approaching. I look back round again for the plates but they have disappeared. The man starts running at me. I close my eyes. This is just a simulation. This isn't real. I drop to my knees and allow darkness to take me over.

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