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I gasp and sit up. I'm back... In the testing room? I run my hands over my head, and inhale sharply. Wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, I think to myself. I look up and see a pale faced Rosie, clutching the computer so hard her knuckles turn white.

She walks over to me and grabs my wrist and takes me out the back. "What was my result?" I complain. She doesn't say anything, she just keeps dragging me out. "What I'm about to tell you, you cannot tell ANYONE. Not even your parents." She says. Fear filling her eyes. "Okay? Just tell me!" I exclaim.

"Your result... Your result is inconclusive. You're rare... We call it, divergent. You got Dauntless for the bravery... You didn't pick any item up and you stood up to the boy. However, you also got Abnegation... You were willing to help the girl." My eyes widen in terror. "You are not safe. You cannot be controlled. You are a risk to them. Whatever faction you choose, you must lay low and not draw attention to yourself. And lastly, I have manually entered the result of Dauntless, and erased the simulation footage." She continues. "Stay safe Crystal, hope you make it." And with that, she pushes me out the door. I am too shocked to even say anything.. So I just head home.

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