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"Tilly vs Crystal." Jona calls, and opens the door. My legs turn into jelly but i force myself to get up. I force a sympathetic smile at Rosie and she gently nods back, as if to say 'good luck.'

Tilly flicks her long blonde hair over her shoulder and struts into the ring. The other initiates can see our fights, on the large TV screen which the cameras are connected to. We walk through the the doors.

"Give it your best shot. You'll be scored on this, so fight hard." Jona says. I brush my hair out of my face, and put my arms into defence position. Tilly does the same. My breathing accelerates as I duck, only just missing her punch. I resurface. She tries again.  She brings her foot up and kicks me in the stomach, I don't let myself flinch. I take the opportunity and grab her foot, dragging her down.

She lets out a Yelp as her back hits the floor aggressively. I stand over her and pin her to the floor, images of her flirting with Kaden flash into my mind as I beat her up, when suddenly she rolls us over so I'm on the floor. Her fist connects with my jaw and I let out a Yelp from the impact.

I grit my teeth. I have to win. With another swift movement, we roll and she's on the floor. I take no mercy whilst punching her unconscious, remembering what my parents always said - "show no mercy." She rolls unconscious I stand up, in victory.

*a few hours later*
I grab a hamburger, I'm starving. I'm about to take a huge bite when I see Rosie trudging in, her whole face black and blue. She walks with a slight limp, god she looks terrible. She gently  sits down, and I hug her. "You did so good." I say
"I feel so bad... I'm not usually like this. I've never beaten someone unconscious before, I've never been beaten up either." She whimpers
"Neither have I." I say softly.
She just snifs and continues sobbing.

Me, Kaden and Rosie all won our fights. We are now waiting to get our results, the results are marked out of 100 depending on how well you fight. I see the screen flash and i Gulp.

Kaden - 89
Crystal - 83
Hollie - 79
Derrick - 76
Rosie - 75
Sid - 70
Ross - 67
Tilly - 59

Haha. Tilly is last. A smile spreads across my face and I turn to Kaden. "Guess she didn't put up much of a fight then?" He says and laughs. "Nope." I reply
"Crystal Eaton. Be my girlfriend."

I am shocked... I never thought I would get a boyfriend! What do I say? I already have a lot on my mind... My divergence, initiation... I guess having a boyfriend would be pretty cool...

I smile. "Yes."

Haiiii sorry I haven't updated I'm a while! I'm super busy, and it's like 10:30 at night but I thought I should update. More interesting stuff coming soon!

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