Chapter 1

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Hi guys!!Welcome to my second Levixreader and also this is modern time so yeh hope you like the story~!

The key is~

(Y/n)-Your name
(L/n)-Last name
(E/c)-Eye color
(H/c)-Hair color
(H/l)-Hair lenght
(S/c)-Skin color

More will be added in the other chapters~


Between the three walls,Wall Maria, Wall Rose, and Wall Sheena there lies an abandoned hide out.That hide out was supposed to be used if the titans ever got in the wall.But it has passed 100 years and nothing has happened.

That hide out is below the cities between the three walls.The Underground City.A place where the one's that are born there are unlucky having no chance to live a real life.
People die each day of either starvation or lack of sunlight.Of course, there is also no money in there, so people steal supplies and food in order to live in that hell hole.

The only way to go up the surface is paying the gate keepers,but once you pay you won't last long.Since you need citizenship on the surface you would be sent back down,so it was basically useless to waste money in a useless situation..and even if you sneak out, they would catch you and you would be prosecuted..

But, there was always this one teenage girl that would be happy even if she was in that hell hole.She would thank God for letting her have amazing parents and a chance to experience life,even if she would die an early death in the underground.But one day the one thing that was precious for her was taken away,never to be able of having them back,not even one last time..

Her parents..

Thugs in the underground murdered them in order to rob all the goods they had.They spotted the girl and wanted to kidnap her for 'fun'.But. the girl was wise and she defended herself. Even if she got hurt a long the way,it didn't matter to her.Then the unexpected came..

An adult man from the surface who is in the military, in which goes by the name

The Scout Regiment,

found her in,while he was following his mission.

He saw the girls moves and ability.He offered her a chance to be sent in the surface while she also joined the military, since she would be a useful soldier.The girl asked for a reason on why she would join, as the adult man answered her question by saying

Seeking revenge for your parents and to save humanity.

The girl accepted and went into the military.She had nothing but hatred and loneliness written in her eyes.She did change indeed, and she dosen't regrets it.She said love will only get in your way as a distraction.Yes.She hated love.Love is what killed her parents with her doing nothing.When they told her to run,she didn't want to, but she did because she believed and loved them.

But is she really sure of what she says?

No one judges her, since she lost her faith in humanity, even though she helps them.She believes that if they wipe out all of humanities enemies, the underground people could be free. Having a chance to live in the surface.

That's what (Y/n) (L/n) believes.

But will her dream actually come true?
Or will someone step in her way making it difficult?

What would happen if it was..

An Underground thug?

Author's note

Hey guys this is a mini prologue on what's going with you.Next chapter will be longer though.

Anyways hope you liked this chapter and see ya in the next one~!


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