Chapter 12

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Okay in this chapter you guys are visiting the 104th training corps to see how the cadets are doing~
Anyways onto da story~!

Your POV

I fixed my Survey Corps jacket,as I went outside,to see Levi and Erwin waiting for me,"Sorry to keep you guys waiting out here.",Erwin shook his head,while saying,"It's alright,we just arrived here.",I nodded,as I only saw they're horses,but not mine, "Where's my horse?", "Hanji wanted to check on him,so you'll ride with Levi.",Erwin says,as he hoists up in his horse,while I'm shocked with my mouth agape.

God,why must you torment me like this?

I look at Levi,to hear his answer,but he ignored my gaze,and I could tell it was on purpose cause the edges of his mouth were raised into a smirk.

Thanks asshole..

I sigh,as I hoist up in Levi's black horse sitting infront,as I felt Levi sit behined me.

God this is embarrasing!!!

My cheeks felt hot,as he grabbed the leather belt and claspped them on the horse,as it went into a fast speed causing me to jerk back falling into the raven haired's tonned figure.I blush worst,while he didn't notice."Hold on the reins if you need support.",I nodded a bit,as I grabbed the reins embarrased.

Please make the traveling short..

We finally arrive into the camp,as we were riding our horses in a slow pace, seeing cadets doing hand-to-hand combat.

Hmm not bad..

I think to myself,as I saw them training.Levi stops the horse,as I get down with Levi."I'll join you soon, you can go ahead if you want.", Erwin says,as me and Levi nod,and he leaves.I walk towards Shadis,as I poke his shoulder,"Ahh,my top maggot. How are you holding up?",I roll my eyes,at his choice of nickname for me, as I answer,"Busy as ever of course. And I see these cadets are going well.",he nods,turning to them,as I eye each one of them.

Girl with blonde hair in a bun,the I don't give a fuck type.Blonde boy,the nervous one.Dirty blonde haired boy,the cocky one.Raven haired girl with scarf,the emotionless one.Girl with mixed hair,the bubbly type.Boy with chocolate brown hair,the determined one.

Shadis orders them to rest,as I decided to walk to a group of 3 people,"Hello cadets.",they look at me shocked,as they salute,"No need for that.Don't worry.",they nod,as they eye me and Levi,"Are you the Corporal's Levi and (Y/n)..?",the brunette asks,as I nod,and he gets wide eyeded,"I-It's a pleasure to meet you!",he says excited,as I send him a small smile, while Levi clicks his tounge,"Tch. Shitty brat.Don't bring attention towards us..",Levi says,annoyed, while I rolled my eyes,"Don't mind him,he's like that.",I could feel him glare behined me,as I ignored him.

"So,what's your names?",I ask,as a blonde boy answers,"U-Um I'm Armin Arlert,he's Eren Yeager", he says,pointing at the brunette,and then at the raven haired girl,"She's Mikasa Ackerman.",I nod while the brunette,known as Eren,was distracted looking at something while I raised a brow."Don't mind him he's watching his crush.",Armin says, teasingly,as I smirk,"Ohh?Who's the lucky girl~?",I say,teasing,as he flinches with his cheeks flushed,"N-No you have it wrong!I-I just knew her before!",We all share a laugh at the brunette,well Levi and Mikasa as an exception,as Levi rolls his eyes.

"Oi (Y/n),you aren't suppose to get friendly with them.",I glare at him a bit,while the mixed colored haired girl walks over the flustered brunette."Ne Eren,we're graduating tomorrow isn't that nice!",she says,excited,with a grin,as Eren sends her a small smile nodding. Then she turns towards me,"A-Are you Corporal (Y-Y/n)?!",she say, as I nod,while she claspped her hands together,"P-Pleasure to meet you! I'm Jen Shinozaki I've always admired you!"

(a/n:Lol see what I did there Ereriequalslife xD)

I send her a small smile,as I turn to Levi,"Levi,how long will we be here?",he looks at me while crossing his arms,"Depends on Erwin.",I nod, as I turn towards the group of four,"Nice meeting you guys,we'll see you around later,okay?",they nod,saying good bye and waving,while me and Levi walk away.

"They're nice kids,aren't they?",I say,as Levi cocks a brow,"Those brats?I bet they're nothing but trouble.",I frown,as I playfully slap his shoulder,"Be nice.They're just teens after all.",I say,rolling my eyes, as we stand by a hill watching the sun set down."I still remember when I first came here.",I say out of the blue,as Levi turns to look at me."How was it?","Tiring,of course,but I enjoyed being here.'Cause I would come to this hill to clear my mind.",Levi nods,as he sits on the grass,"Yeah,I can tell.It's peaceful up here.",he says,while I sit next to him,with breeze flowing over us.

"I wonder how it feels to fly like birds..",I say with my eyes closed, "Doesn't the 3dgm shows you of how it is?",Levi replied,making me frown,as I turn to look at him."No,I meant like..with no we're free..",he looks at me,from the corner of his eye,as he nods."I also wonder how it feels.",Levi says,as stare at each other for a moment.

I don't know if it was the wind or myself but I could feel the distance between us close slowly..

Well that was until we jumpped apart from each other when we heard Erwin behined us."Come on,we're leaving.",we look at him,as we nod, and stand while my cheeks are heated.

"Come on.",Levi says,extending a hand to me,while seated on his horse as I grab it and sit infront.He clasps the reins,as we make our way to the Headquarters,while I clutch my chest feeling my fast heartbeat.

Crap..I'm falling for him..

Author's note

Hehehehehe I ruined da moment you were going to have :3
Anyways hope you liked this chapter and see ya in the next one~!



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