Chapter 7

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Sorry to not write early I woke late and lazy af xD

Anyways onto da story~!

Your POV

Today's the last day of training and the expedition will be tomorrow.To be honest,I have worry in me,I feel like something bad will happen that day, but of course something bad always happens.

I walk towards the trainning area,as I see Isabel talking with Farlan."Oi Cadets.",they both turn to me,as they salute while I look around,noticing a certain raven haired missing,and ask, "Where's the third one?",they eyeded each other for a moment,until Isabel decided to answer,"He's in the roof,he needed some time alone..",when Isabel finished as I cock a brow.

Time alone?

"I'll check on him,you two train for tomorrow's expedition I don't want you dying on me.",I say,with a bit of worry,as they nod,smiling, "Don't worry,we won't,and thank you for checking on Levi bro!", Isabel says,as she walks away with Farlan.I look up at the roof only to see Levi sitting on the edge,looking at the sky while his bangs are brushing against his eyes.

Now to see what's going on with him..

Levi's POV

How the fuck do I take this regret away?!

It has gotten worst each day.I can't stop thinking about that stupid brat.So here I am,on the roof,trying to erase my thoughts.

"Oi cadet,care to explain?"

I look to the side only to see the one and only (h/c) haired girl.

Jesus fucking Christ,do you hate me that much?

I click my tounge,as she stands behined me,"What are you doing up here?",she asks,while I look infront at the sky again,as a breeze passed over us,"Just taking fresh air.",she hums in response,as then my eyes widen a bit when she says something.

"You were making me fear you."

I turned to her,as she had her eyes closed,while the breeze flowing her
(h/c) hair.She then opens her eyes, staring right at mine,"I want you to help me get rid of it.",she says as I cock a brow,"Yes,I'm asking you,I know it's wierd to ask you of all people,'re the only person I can bring myself to actually talk to.",she said,smiling a bit,as my chest ached for a moment.

Did she just made my heart skip a fucking beat?

She must have realized what she said, because her (s/c) cheeks tainted a bit red,"I-It's also because I want to kick your ass b-by scaring me!", she said,flustered,while adverting my gaze.I stood up,dusting my hands against in each other,as I crossed them, "Alright,I'll help you get rid of it.", she looked at me,a bit surprised,as I nodded,"Can't believe I'm saying this,but thank you cadet,I really appreciate it.",she said,before she started to walk out of the roof,while I followed her behined.

Just what is this girl changing in me?

~Behined the Headquarters~

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