Chapter 15

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Onto da story~!

Your POV

The Garrison's stand infront of me,as they eye the cadets behined me, "Scram maggots,we're taking that monster with us!",I glared at them, while they're attention turned to me. "Oh I'm sorry,but they are humans.But,of course,you were talking about yourselves.",I say,as one swings a punch at me,while I move aside and flip him over."If you're taking him I'm comming as well got it?",I say treathening,while almost twisting his hand,as he nods franaticaly.

"Alright,you can come!",I let him go,as I eye the trio,"Arlert, Ackerman,Shinozaki,come on.", they nod,as Mikasa and Jen carry Eren by his shoulders,and we start making our way down.

~In the corner sorrounded by Garrison's~

We all waited for Eren to wake up,as we all look at him wide eyeded,when he mumbles some words with an insane smirk plastered on his face,"I'll kill you all.."

Jesus Christ,what was this kid dreaming?!

"Eren?",Armin calls,as Eren snaps back to reality looking around confused, while Jen slaps him."The fuck?",I mumble,as me and Mikasa eye each other."W-Why did you slap me?!", "IDIOT,DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!I THOUGHT YOU DIED!!", Jen shouts,crying,and brings him into an embrace,while I sigh.

What's taking Levi and the others so much?!

After the captain of the Garrison's had a chat with Eren,it didn't turn out well, so now he's going to shoot an explosive shell towards us...great...

But two cadet's of the Garrison's pinned me on the ground far from them,"What the fuck are you doing?!",I reply,glaring,as the captain ignores me lowering his arm and they shoot the explosive shell,with me getting wide eyeded.

I saw as Eren grabbed Mikasa and Armin,by they're shoulders,bringing them towards him,as he looked at the explosive shell,pulling Jen behined him,and he bites his right hand as the shell exploded.

When the smoke cleared a bit,all we saw was an unfinished titan corpse extending it's arm,where the explosive shell was shot.

So he can summon a titan corpse by biting his hand?
Hanji's going to die because of this.


I was next to Pixis eyeing the brunette male and mixed colored girl,as Jen is apologizing to Eren,by slapping him, while he tries a way to calm her down

Young love,huh?

I chuckle to myself,as apperantly he said something that made both flustered and laugh at each other,while I smile a bit.

I wonder if this is how people look at me and Levi..

I blush at my thoughts,as I shake my head,trying to eliminate it.

Don't think about that!I sound like if I like him!

As I was distracted,with my thoughts, Armin already explained the plan,of how Eren is going to cover the wall with the boulder.All I heard was that Jen,Mikasa and me have to go with him for defense towards the other titans,as I face palm.

Damn you Levi..stop invading my thoughts!

Now we're running,as we jump off the wall and switch to vertical maneuvering gear.Eren bites his right hand,transforming into a titan,while we stand at a roof close to the boulder. Apperantly he eyes Mikasa and Jen,as I see him raising his fist slowly,while I get wide eyeded and make my way towards them.

"MOVE!!",I shout,as they try to run but Eren swings a punch at the roof sending us back.In my case,I fell backwards at the impact,but Mikasa fell ontop of me,as I twist my wrist.

Shit..Levi's going to kill me now..

We stand quickly,as Eren swings another punch,but this time at Jen,as she dodges with the gear."Eren,what are you doing?!She's Jen!!She's you're-",Mikasa cutted herself off,as she hesitated on what to say,while I looked at my right wrist,not seeing it swollen yet.

I still have some time left.

Jen stands infront of Eren,shouting at him,while he raises his fist,"JEN, MOVE!!",I shoutedcas she moved and Eren whacked his face out,falling backwards to the boulder."Eren!",Jen shouts,as the palm of her right hand has a deep gash by the center and Mikasa has a cut on her right cheek. "You two defend Eren!Me and Mitabi will take care of the titans coming!",I say,as they all nod,and we take our different routes.

~Timeskipping when Eren covers the hole in the wall(sorry for all the timeskips ;-:)~

Rico and I cut the flesh,that was holding Eren,as Armin falls back with him,while I hiss in pain,looking at my wrist seeing it purple.

Crap,it's swollen now..

Two titan's come towards us,as then they are sliced on the nape at the same time.They both fall and someone stands ontop,as I notice it was Levi, while I let out a shaky breathe."About time he came..",I mumble to myself, as his squad comes down helping the teens with the brunette."Oi (Y/n)!",I hear Levi shout,as I make my way down,walking towards him.

"Calm down,I'm fi-",I was cutted off, as he brought me in a tight embrace, "Geez,you worried me,you brat.", I feel my heartbeat quicken,as I nod while my cheeks flush slowly,and I wrap my arms around him."I'm fine..",I mumble,as he lets go and grabs my right arm,looking at my swollen wrist,while I flinch."Crap..",I mumble,as he eyes me,with a glare,and I avoid his gaze.

"It was just an accident..",I say calmly as he keeps staring at me,"It was that titan boy wasn't it.."





"Yeah,it was him..",I say,in surrender,while he sighs,grabbing my other hand,as we make our way towards the others."I'll teach him a lesson later,but for now you're my top priority.",he says,in his usual monotone voice,but keeping a tight grip in my hand,as I chuckle a bit at his actions.

I guess accidents can be good things sometimes.

Author's note

Meeeehhhhh I think this chapter didn't include too much of you and Levi,me disappointed in myself ;-;

Anyways hope you liked this chapter and see ya in the next one~!



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