Chapter 13

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Now is when Wall Rose get's breached :3
Onto da story~!

Your POV

I was in Levi's office,drinking a cup of his favorite black coffee.And to be honest,it's pretty good.But,of course, one thing catches my attention,"Ne, Levi.",I call at him,while he looks at me raising a brow,"Why do you hold yourcup like that?",I ask,as he shruggs,"Because I can..",I roll my eyes,smiling,while I look through the window and forrow my brows.

"Levi..?","Hm?","What's going on down there?",I ask,as he stands next to me,looking through the window. "Shit,looks like our coffee break has to end.We have to deal with filthy cannibals now.",I nod,placing down the cup,and I go to my office putting the 3dgm on,as Hanji enters my office."Come on (Y/n),we're going to see titans~!!!",Hanji says, cheerfully,as I nod and we jog outside.

"We're going to Wall Maria to wipe out the titans that we can.I will announce when to retreat.", Erwin says,as we all nod and hoist up our horses going towards Shiganshina in,Wall Maria.

"(Y/n)!",I look back,as I stare at the person who called me,Petra,"Don't go on dying in the battlefield!!",she says to me,grinning,as I nod,"Same as you,Cadet Ral!",I reply and look infront,seeing from afar the 50 feet outer wall.

Wall Maria

We enter through the second gate,as we arrive into the new Titan territory. You could see more than 40 titans in there. We all switched,to vertical maneuvering gear,as we grappled the hooks on the houses leaving our horses.

Two on the left,three in the right

"Liz!Ross!Take the ones on the left!!",my two elite cadets,eye me before nodding and going to the left, while I go to the right,as I catched the attention of the titans.

It's you're fault Isabel and Farlan died..

I tighten the grip on the blade, as I make a deep cut on one of the titans neck,while it fell desintegrating.I look back,seeing the last two,as one of them was thrown blades into it's eyes.I looked to my side,to see Levi stand on it's head,while he eyeded me.I gave him a confused look,as I wrapped the wire of the gear on the titans neck and I sliced deeply the nape.

Blood was on my clothes,as I stand on a roof,while the blood started to desintigrate.I hear a loud thump,as I noticed Levi killed the titan and stood next to me,looking at his blade in disgust,"Tch.It got dirty again.",he took a white handkerchief and started wiping the handle of the blade,while I rolled my eyes.

OCD cleaning freak..

I chuckle to myself,as I see Hanji, litteraly having fun,while she killed a titan.

That girl just get's wierd everyday..

Levi then goes down,where Petra is with a,dying commrade bleeding by it's stomach.I wen't down,as Levi said that he would wipe out the titans for him,as Petra said he passed away."Did he hear me until the end?",Petra nods, as I answer,"Yeah,it looks like he's sleeping peacefully..",Levi nods,as he stands when we hear gallops on the concrete.

"Levi,(Y/n)!We're retreating.", Erwin says,as I forrow my brows,while Levi clicks his tounge,"Retreating..?!We haven't even made it to the border!You mean my troops died in vain?I'm sure you have a good reason for this..",Levi says,annoyed, as Erwin looked by the breached gate in Wall Maria."The titans are after the town!They've started moving Northward as a group!",Erwin says as me,Levi and Petra get wide eyeded, while Erwin forrows his brows,"I'm afraid so...It's just like five years ago.. something's happening in the town..they may have...",he stops in his sentence,as he gets wide eyeded,"Broken through the wall!".

"Broken Wall Rose?!That's two walls already,Erwin!What about the vanguard?!",I say,desperately,as Erwin shakes his head,"This is no time to be worrying about that!We have to replenish our gas so we can take action!",Erwin says, leaving with his horse,as I grit my teeth.

"I'm going.",I say,sternly,as Levi grabs my arm,"Going where exactly?","I'm going to Wall Rose and you won't stop me,Levi.",I warned him,as he glares,"So you can almost die like last time?Yeah,it ain't fucking happening.","Levi, that was years ago!",I say,mad,as he looks to the side,"What if you don't come back?",Levi asks,calmly this time,as I sigh,"I promise I'll come back,okay?",I say,as I hug him,while he returns it."I don't trust promises..",Levi says,monotonely,as I snort,"Well you have to trust them for now on.",I say,as I whistle, and my horse came while I hoist on it.

"(Y/n),I'm serious,you better come back.",Levi said,with worry in his eyes,as I frown," me I'll be fine.",I say,reassuring,as he rolls his eyes,"You better.",I stiffle a laugh,as before I know it,I kissed his cheek."Go and replenish your gas I'll be back!",I shout,as I clasp my reins going towards Wall Maria's broken gate and look back seeing Levi touch the cheek I kissed.

Why the hell did I do that..

I thought to myself,but cutted my thoughts,as I reached Wall Rose and saw the broken wall with dead bodies of Garrison's everywhere on the floor. "The vanguard was wiped out.."I mumble to myself,as I change to maneuvering gear and got on the roof, seeing training cadets on the roof far from me and titans on a building in the center.

What the?

"EREN?!",I hear a girl shout,as I look down,seeing the mixed colored haired girl running on the floor."Is she trying to get herself killed?!"

And just then I see 2 titans,one with black hair and the other chocolate brown hair,walking towards where she was.

Shit this isn't good..

Author's note

I don't know if its a cliffhanger or not but


Anyways hope you liked this chapter and see ya in the next one~!



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