Chapter 4

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Onto da story~!

Your POV

When the raven haired boy fought with me,I couldn't help but be distracted.His fighting skills seemed similar to me.I think he noticed as well,'cause when my hood revealed my face I noticed he was shocked by seeing me.

My thoughts were cutted off,when I felt Erwin nudge my shoulder,with me sending him a questionly look by the corner of my eye,"Present yourself."

But you already did dumbass..

I thought to myself and looked at the three thugs,that were sitting across from us in the carriage,as I sighed,"My name is Corporal (Y/n) (L/n) I was from the Underground City.", the red headed girl got wide eyeded making me forrow my brows,"I am Commander Erwin Smith from the Survey Corps.",the three eyeded us,as the raven haired clicked his tounge looking at me,while I send him a glare from the corner of my eye.

"What is your names?",Erwin asked as they exchanged glances, "We're not going to kill you.We're in the same Scout so we have to know each other.",I say a bit annoyed,as the dirty blonde haired and red haired nodded,"I'm Isabel Magnolia.",the girl,named Isabel,says as I nodded, "I'm Farlan Church.", the dirty blonde boy says as then he points at the raven haired."He's Levi.",the raven haired,which goes by the name 'Levi.', adverted me and Erwin's gaze by starring out the window,as I sigh a bit,"I will lead you to your baracks while giving your uniforms",I say as they nod.

~At the Survey Headquarters~

We get out of the carriage,as Erwin says to me before leaving, "Remember to attend your cut on the cheek.",I touched my cheek, feeling the line,as I nodded leading the thugs to the baracks.I opened the door and glared at the cadet that was with me,"I told you to freaking clean the baracks!",he flinched at my sudden outrage,as he cowered in fear and stuttered,"N-No I did clean them!You can ask Squad Leader Mike!",my brow twitched,annoyed,as I slid my fingers below the wood seeing crumps of dirt,"You call this clean?",he stepped back as I glared, "You will clean this right now until I don't see a speck of dust or dirt,got it soldier?",I say harshly,as he nodded,with a salute and started cleaning franaticaly.

Levi's POV

This girl really has a sassy attitude..

I thought to myself with my arms crossed,as she was discussing with the cowering cadet.

It is quite entertaining to see being honest.

The cadet started cleaning,as she turned to us sighing,"Follow me for your uniforms",we exchanged glances,as Isabel whispered to me, "Levi bro,is she the one we have to,you know?",I nodded at her question while staring at the back of (h/c) girl."She seems pretty hard to trick..",I say,under my breath,as Isabel and Farlan nod.

We'll have to find a weakness in this girl..

Your POV

I reach the baracks,that had the uniforms,as I gave them each a pair. "Let's see if that twerp cleaned it..",I say,gritting my teeth,while making my way towards the baracks, again,as I open the door seeing the cadet franaticaly stand and salute to me. I slid my finger underneath everything and nodded at him,"Good job,you're dismissed.",he let's out a sigh of relief as he leaves.

When I look back,I see the thugs already dressed in the uniform,though Levi had a caravat on."You two will sleep in here.",I said,to the males,as Isabel whinned,"Aww why can't I be with them?!",I crossed my arms sending her a serious look,"Boys and girls can't be in the same baracks, you're with me and another girl.",she nodded,as I walked towards the door,"I'll be in the Commander's office if you need me.",I said before clossing the door on my way to Erwin's office.

Levi's POV

"Now that she's gone we need to think of what we should do.",I say, as Isabel and Farlan turn to look at me, "Tomorrow we have trainning, but that brat will keep an eye on us,we'll have to act at night.","I think we should search the Commander's office first.",Farlan suggests,as I nod,"If it's not there, we check the brat's.",they both nod, as Isabel says bye to us while leaving.

"Levi,isn't that girl a bit familiar to you?",Farlan asks,as I cock a brow, in confusion,"I mean like,we've seen her before in the underground.",I nod,as I look out the window,"I think I have met her before in the underground..but,I can't quite recall when.",I say,as Farlan sighs,nodding,and sits on the bed.

Just when did I saw her?

~In the night~

Your POV

I was walking towards the roof,to see the night sky,since I wanted to refresh my mind from today's actions.I walked outside,as the breeze made my (h/c) hair blow away,while I sat on the edge looking up at the stars only to freeze when I heard a voice.

"What are you doing up here so late,brat?"

I looked to the side,seeing Levi resting on the wall with his arms crossed, "That is none of your business cadet,and also I am your Corporal, so I am not a brat.",I spat angrily,as he nodded standing next to me while looking at the sky,"So this is how the night sky looks like huh.",he asks,as I nod and look up.

"Oi cadet.",I call,recieving a hum in response,as I kept my gaze at the stars, "Do you believe in reincarnation?",I finish,looking at him,as he cocks a brow."Sorry,that was random of me to ask.",I apologised,standing,as I wipped my hands on my lap,"You better get some rest,since you have trainning tomorrow.",I say crossing my arms,as he asks something catching me off guard.

"Do you believe in reincarnation?"

I got a bit wide eyeded,as I turn around, walking into the opposite direction responding,

"Good night cadet."

As I left him in the roof alone.

I musn't get close to him..

Author's note

Here's chapter 4 guys!!And also what you asked,keep it in mind for other chapters that I'll write

Anyways hope you liked this chapter and see ya in the next one~!



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