Chapter 6

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Again,no you're not going to be raped XDDD

Onto da story~!

Levi's POV

When I pinned her wrists above her head,she opened her eyes with fear written over them.I decided to test her, as I leaned my face closer,making her shut her eyes with tears on the corners and I backed my head away while I clicked my tounge.

Her weakness may be being dominated by men.

I let her go standing up,as I made my way towards Farlan and Isabel leaving her there.

This may be an advantage towards her

Your POV

When Levi left,I raised my left hand and I saw it shaking violently.I sat leaning by the tree and hugged my knees digging my face between them.I felt liquid trickle down my cheeks as I noticed they were tears.

I shouldn't have acted friendly towards them..

I started sobbing and I heard running footsteps towards me,"(Y/NNN)!!!",I heard someone scream my name,as I looked up crying and saw Hanji panting infront of me with a worried expression,"What happened?!",she kneeled infront of me while grabbing my shoulders,as I started to cry more. She brought me into a embrace as I cried in her shoulder.

~At night~

I was in my office finishing paper work, as the image yet again popped in my head,making me shook my head while placing the feather down.

(Y/n) forget that moment!He was just testing you to fear him!

My thoughts were cutted off,as I heard a knock on my door."Name and business.","It's Erwin.",I gave access,as he came in,while closing the door behined,and sat in a chair across from mine."I heard from Squad Leader Hanji Zoe that something, or someone,made you cower in fear and cry by the hill.",I started to do my paper work again,to avoid his gaze,"And?",I reply bluntly,as he crossed his arms,"It was one of the thugs wasn't it?",I look at him,a bit shocked,as he nods knowing already who it was,"I'll tell you the purpose on why he did it.", I cocked a brow, as I rest my arm on the table while holding my face.

~In Erwin's office~

3rd POV

Farlan was searching Erwin's bookshelf,while he sighed frustrated.

"Where could he hide those documents?"

Farlan searched his table,while he heard a bird whistle,in which noticed that Commander Erwin was arriving.

Erwin opened his door,to see no one,as he cocked a brow and entered his office.

Levi's POV

"It's not in his office.",Farlan said, as I clicked my tounge annoyed.

That means we'll have to check the brats office next.

I crossed my arms,resting by the wall, as I looked down.I felt guilt in me everytime they brought her name or whenever I would think about her.

Was it because of what I did?

I sighed,stopping my stupid thoughts, as I eyeded Farlan and Isabel. "Tomorrow we'll check the brats office.We have to finish this before the day of the expedition.", they both nodded,as Isabel left to her barack,while I looked out the window.
"Levi.",I heard Farlan call me as I looked at him raising a brow,"What did you do with Corporal (Y/n), when me and Isabel were dismissed?"

There goes again the feeling of guilt by hearing her name.

I looked to the window,as I answered, "I would rather keep that to myself.",he looked at me confused,but nodded anyways,as he went to his bed.

I want this guilt to go away now..

Your POV

I went towards the baracks,as I saw Isabel sitting outside,"What are you doing out here,cadet?",I ask,as she turns to me and salutes,"I-I was just taking fresh air..",I nod,as I made my way towards her,"Mind if I join you?",she nods,surprised,as I sit next to her and turned to look at the stars on the sky. "Beautiful isn't it?",I ask,as she looks up,nodding,"Yeah it's pretty..",Isabel says,smiling,as Erwin's words echo in my head.

They will try to kill you,specially the leader.What he did was to make you afraid of him as an advantage.If you trust them they will betray you.

But I can't help it.They are from my brithplace and it looks like they were forced to do this mission of theirs.

I sighed,standing,while dusting my hands and offer one to Isabel."Come on we need to rest.",she grabs my hand,stading,as we enter our barack.

"Hanji,just what are you doing.."I ask,as Hanji is tangled with the straps and chuckles nervously,"I-I got stuck..",I rolled my eyes,while starting to untangle the straps,as Isabel helped me.

This will take a while..

I was laying down on my bed,as Hanji's snores were the only thing you could hear.I clicked my tounge,as I heard a soft female voice,"Corporal (Y/n), you can't sleep?",Isabel asked,as I nodded,"Can't get a thought out of my head.",I say,as she raises a brow, "And what is it?",she asked,as I shook my head,"I wouldn't rather say it,to be honest.","If you say it,it actually helps you.",she says smiling,as I look at my hands,"It was something between your leader and me that happened..",she sat at the edge of the bed,while looking at me, with a curious gaze,"What happened between you guys?"

Can this girl stop asking?

My brow twitched,as I shook my head again,"I would rather not say it.", she nods,understanding,as she yawns, "If it was something inappropriate don't hate him, once you really know him you'll noticed he's not a bad guy.He's actually a good one.",Isabel says rubbing,her eyes as,I forrowed my brows in thought,"Go to sleep cadet, we have a meeting tomorrow.",she nods,saying goodnight,as she laid down and fell asleep.I turned in the opposite direction,as darkness was consuming me.

How exactly is he a good guy?

Author's note

Welp here's chapter six for ya~!

Hope you liked this chapter and see ya in the next one~!



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