Chapter 18

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On some chapter you guys will go on an expedition,so keep dat in mind~
Anyways onto da story~!

Your POV

I flutter my eyes open,as I sat up on my bed,rubbing my eyes.I stopped rubbing them,as I tried to recollect the memory of what happened yesterday.

Oh right..I realized my feelings..

I sighed deeply,as I stood up,changing my nightwear into our uniform.I started tying the straps,as I stared at myself in the mirror."God,I look horrible..",I say,joking to myself,as I saw my eyes with sacks under it and my hair messy.I finished with the straps,as I fixed my messy hair,while I went to the bathroom to wash my face.

Time to deal with reality

I opened my door,only to see Eren standing there about to knock,"Oh. Good morning,Eren,how are you?",I say,faking a smile,as he cocks a brow,"Corporal,I can tell that smile is fake..",I frowned,as I sighed, "What is it?","Squad Leader Hanji asked me if I could check up on you.She wanted me to talk with you,so you would clear your mind."

Same Hanji,huh..
But I guess it can help me.

"How about we take a walk while I tell you,after breakfast?",I suggest,as he nods and we make our way towards the dinning hall.When I opened the doors,I saw Levi's squad in a separate table chatting.Levi eyeded me,as I avoided his gaze,making my way to grab a plate with Eren.

We sat by a table,far from his squad,as we ate our breakfast quietly.Of course,I could feel Levi's gaze on me while I ate. I started to feel irritated,as I looked at him,with a harsh glare,and he stared at me in shock.When we finished,Eren grabbed our plates,locating them by the dirty utensils,as we make our way outside.

We were walking on the dirt road,as Eren started,"So,what's troubling you?",I looked at the sky,as I resplied, "Ever had the feeling that your crush likes another?", I surprised him,as he nodded,avoiding my gaze, "Yeah,I have it..","Well,I also have it..",he looked at me,wanting me to continue,as I did,"I think I liked him for a long time,but I came to realize it yesterday,when I saw him with another.",I say plainly,as Eren looked up,"I was in the same situation you are right now.",Eren says,as I eye him,curiously,"If it wasn't for Mikasa to make me realize my feelings,I wouldn't even known I liked Jen since we met.",Eren says smiling,as I smiled a little as well.

"Really?How did she made you realize?","Apperantly,I would glare at the guys who she hung with.I'm not afraid to admit that I was clearly jealous.So,Mikasa lectured me of the feelings I felt in me and they were indeed signs of love towards her.So,yeah,I'm in love with her.",he says,beaming, while giving me a bright smile,as I look at him shocked.

"And,I can tell you have something for Corporal Levi.", Eren says,as my face became hot,"W-What?!",I shouted,as he frowned, "Come on,you always hang around him with nothing,but a smile on your face!Me and Squad Leader Hanji think that you two look cute together.And also the way Corporal Levi looks at you,it definitely shows care and protection,so it's also clear that he has something for you."

"No.He doesn't..I saw him yesterday with Petra and they looked happy together",I say,sadly, as Eren looked at me,"What if it's a misunderstanding?","Huh?",I say, confused,as he nodded,"What if Petra said something to him about something that seemed to make him embarrased?And,also, he looked at you in pity on the dinning hall."

I've never thought of it being a misunderstanding..

"Yeah,you're could be a misunderstanding..",I say,with a bit if relief,as he nods,"Are you better now?",Eren says,as I nod giving him a small hug,"Thank you,Eren,I really appreciate you helping me.",I say, as he slowly returned the hug saying 'no problem' and my vision landed on something that freezed me.


He was standing,not too far away from us,as he had hurt and rejection in his eyes.Eren took notice,as he quickly let go off me,while Levi started to make his way back into the headquarters and I started to tail behined him.

"LEVI,WAIT!!",I shouted running,as he started to speed his pace.I managed to reach him,as I grab his arm stopping him,"Let.go.brat.",he says sternly, making me cringe,but not letting go, "L-Listen Levi,it's not what you think!I-","Not what I think?You both hugging lovingly is something I wouldn't think it was?!",Levi shouted,fully turning to me,with rage in his eyes making me worry a little.

"L-Levi,I'm serious I-","I don't need excuses.",Levi said,shutting me down,as he started walking away while I gritted my teeth,bawling my fists.


Levi stopped his tracks,looking at me shocked,by seeing my face with tears streaming down,"T-That's right..!You just hurt me to take your hatred and pain away,and then go to Petra acting like nothing happened between us!",I shouted, as my front bangs,casted a shadow on my eyes.

"(Y-Y/n-","No!Shut up!Just leave me like dirt and go back to Petra!",I said,cracking at the end,as I turned around from him running away, even though I could hear him tailing behined me.

I even passed Eren,not even daring to look at him.I didn't saw him,but he mouthed

'Good luck'

I started getting tired,as I felt two arms wrap around my waist and then bring me into a tight embrace from behined.


"I love you."

Author's note

Your author just loves doing cliffhangers doesn't she?:3

Anyways hope you liked this chapter and see ya in the next one~!



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