Chapter 5

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Enjoy da chapter~
Onto z story~!

Your POV

I was tying the straps on,as I finished tying the last one on my thigh.

These straps are a living hell!

I slipped on the boots and jacket,as I was fixing my front bangs.Then,I went outside my room,seeing Hanji waiting for me outside,"Hanji,aren't you supposed to be watching the cadets train?",I asked,as Hanji yawned,"I was waiting for you, Tiny!",I glared at her,as we made our way towards the trainning field,seeing the thugs sitting or resting by the wall watching the others.

"Good morning cadets.",the three saluted,as I looked back at one of my elite cadets,"Cadet Liz.",she saluted, when I called her,as I crossed my arms, "Take Cadet Isabel to the horses and Cadet Ross,take Cadet Farlan for hand-to-hand combat.",they both saluted,as they took separate ways with Isabel and Farlan following them.

"And Cadet Levi,you will be with me and Hanji to test you in the maneuvering gear.",he nodded,as we made our way towards the woods that had the titan models."Put on the gear while we wait for you here.", he clicked his tounge and went back,as I faced one of Erwin's cadets,"You're incharge of the titan models got it?",he saluted and went towards the woods with the gear,as I stood with Hanji and one of her cadets while Levi came with the gear.

"You only have to cut the titans nape so it's easy.",I told him as he got the swords out,but held it in the opposite way."Uh,aren't you supposed to hold it the other way around?",Hanji asked,as Levi looked at her from the corner of his eye,"It doesn't matters how you hold it, you only have to kill it,don't you?",Levi asked Hanji,as she stood quite shocked by his answer,and he went away using the maneuvering gear while Hanji decided to talk.

"He isn't wrong..hehe..",she grinned,dyed red with excitement, while making me confused,as she shouted,"WE CAN CATCH TITANS WITH HIM!!",she started acting crazy,as the cadet grabbed her shoulders terrified, "SQUAD LEADER CALM DOWN!!"

Typical Hanji..

I thought,as then I saw Levi cut the titans neck deeply making me surprised.

I guess he was already prepared for this.

Levi came towards me,retrieving the swords.still with a stoic face,"Is this you're first time?",I ask,as he nods crossing his arms,"I'm quite surprised to be honest,guess you were meant to be a soldier",he raised a brow,as Hanji came towards me with a grin nudgging my shoulder.

"Ehhhh~?Tiny,are you turning soft~?",I glare at her,as I smack her head scoffing,"Hanji,we already talked about this.",she nodded, rubbing her head,as my elite cadets came with Isabel and Farlan,"Cadet Liz,how was it?","She was actually prepared to be honest.",Isabel had a grin on her face, as I nodded and looked at my other cadet,"How about you,Cadet Ross?","He was also prepared for the hand-to-hand combat.",I dismissed my cadets,as I turned to look at the three thugs."I'm quite surpirised that you were ready for this,congratulations.", they nod ,as Hanji waves at me while leaving,"I think Commander Erwin will announce an expedition outside the walls,so be prepared on what you're going to face outside the walls",I was going to leave,but I was stopped when Levi asked something.

"Are you saying we can't take it?", I turned around,placing a hand on my hip,while having an annoyed look, "Did I ever say that you weren't?", I turned around starting to walk away, but he stopped me again,"It sure looked like it,Tiny."

Oh now he's fucked

My brow twitched,as I looked at him from the corner of my eye,glaring, "How about we settle this at the hill,Shorty.",he glared at me,as I turned to look infront,starting to walk away towards the hill while he tailed me behined with Isabel and Farlan.

"Cadet Isabel and Farlan you are dismissed.",I told them,as they nodded and left leaving me and Levi in the hill."Now Cadet Levi,I haven't tested you in hand-to-hand combat,how about I test you now?",I say,while getting in my fighting position and bawling up my fists placed on the sides of my face.Levi clicked his tounge,doing the same,as we stared at each other for a moment.

When a leaf fell,I swung a kick towards him,as he grabbed it launching a punch at me,while I dodged it and retrieved my leg.He swung a kick towards my jaw,as I dodged doing a backflip and my back collapsed with a tree.I gritted my teeth,as I swung a kick to hit his side but yet again he grabbed my leg

How does he know everything I'm going to do?!!!

I grew annoyedcas I swung my other leg and succeeded to kick his side.But, due to my other leg being held,I fell on the ground hitting my heard harshly against it.I winced in pain,as Levi let go off my leg and I heard leaves getting stompped by a shoe,while I froze trying to open my eyes,but couldn't because of my head throbbing.

What is he doing?

I started to worry,as I felt a presence on my left side.Worry grew over my body, as I tried to atleast open my left eye.I felt something hold my body in place by my hips and I noticed they were knees.

W-Wait knees?!

I felt my wrists being grabbed and pinned together above my head and I opened my eyes only to see first a blurry image,but then it revealed Levi.
My face turned into a scared expression as I tried to change it but I couldn't.

He's making me fear him.

Author's note

Anyways hope you liked this chapter and see ya in the next one~!



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