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After our little activity in the kitchen utility room Johnny and I departed from each other out side the club. With Johnny shouting flame on and becoming air borne I hailed a cab and returned to the Baxter building. "Hey, Lex" Ben greeted as I entered the lab. "Where's Reed, I want to congratulate him for turning down the Generals offer. Sue is so happy its all she's been texting me for the past half an hour " I said with a smile as I reached Ben's side. "I think his on the roof " Ben answered in his gruff tone before leading me towards Reed's location. "Hey what are you doing up here ?" Ben shouted as we looked to Reed who was currently doing something with a satellite.

"Nothing, I just, uh, needed some air" Reed answered hesitantly. "You're making that thing for the general, aren't you?" I questioned disbelief evident in my tone. "I'm guessing Susie doesn't know anything about it" Ben continued as we both took a seat on the concrete steps. This caused Reed to spin his head around away from his work. "Don't worry my lips are sealed" Ben replied allowing a small smile to play on Reed's face. "That is they would be if I had any" Ben finished with a laugh. Reed turned to me with hope. I sighed I couldn't believe him "You just can't help yourself" I replied to his look before getting up and beginning to make my way to lab."Look, don't tell Johnny, Alexa please" As I spun round to argue the human torch himself landed next to us. "Don't tell Johnny what?" He asked as his flames died down from his body."Great" Reed sighed causing me to smirk. "Are you building that thing?" Johnny asked Reed. "No" Reed answered, Johnny looked to me as I nodded to his question. "If Sue finds out, you'll get an invisible kick in the nuts." Johnny stated with a laugh as he walked over to me. "Hey, hey we're keeping this quiet." Ben said as he gripped Johnny's arm. "I know" Johnny replied which earned a smile from Reed.

It was the day of the wedding and Johnny and I had arrived out side the venue to be greeted with a lot of press and fans. "Look at these parasites" Johnny said as we looked around through the car windows. "I know, it's unbelievable" I replied "Have they no shame?" Johnny continued as we exited the car. Smiling at the surrounding camera's I waited for Johnny to finish taking in his gorgeous suited appearance. "Hey! Hey, listen! listen, everybody! This is a very special day for my sister, probably the most important day of her life. So I just want to say to you guys, please respect our privacy." The crowd groaned in response as I took another selfie with a fan."Just kidding. We're auctioning off the exclusive wedding photos to the highest bidder, so go online and place your bids, thank you" Johnny finished slamming his car door and making his way to me.

"So, what's it take to date the human Torch?" A reporter asked me as Johnny snaked his arm around my waist. "Fireproof lingerie and a lot of aloe." I finished with a laugh."And what's it like with aquamarine by your side" another reporter aimed to Johnny, "Well swim trunks and towels are always handy" Johnny said with a smirk before we nodded our thanks and walked into the building."Do you really have to use aloe cream" Johnny asked with concern written over his face and his hands holding me by my upper arms."No not any more" I admitted with a slight smile as I looked into his eyes.
"What do you mean not any more?" Johnny asked worry laced through his voice. I sighed before hooking my thumb over the waist line of my skirt and pulling it down slightly to reveal the faint scar of his hand burn marks. I felt so guilty. Johnny pushed his hand towards me gingerly rubbing his warm thumb over the prints on my skin. "When?" He whispered remorsefully. "It was the first few times" I replied truthfully grabbing his hand in mine causing him to look away from the scar and back to my face. I smiled but he looked down again sadly. "Why didn't you tell me?" Johnny asked softly taking my hand to his lips and kissing my knuckles softly. "I didn't mind at the time, it all added to the sensations. It was just after we'd had the accident, I didn't blame you as your powers were still new to you, but I didn't want to tell you as I knew you'd feel awful." Johnny looked to me as I answered and pulled my skirt back up with my free hand. "I'm so sorry Alexa, it now makes sense that you were trying to hide something when we slept together. I should've put two and two together" Johnny replied solemnly. I shook my head with a smile. "Johnny it's not issue to me, I think it's kinda sexy" I answered with a smirk causing him to smile. "I just didn't want you to worry, I mean I'm more worried about the burnt bed sheets!" I stayed truthfully causing him to laugh. "I love you Lex" Johnny whispered pulling me towards him for a sweet kiss. I smiled as we pulled away. "I love you Johnny".

"Honestly, it was never horrifically painful, my power helped, besides its never been as bad as when I flooded that hotel room" I said with a giggle as I pulled away from our embrace."Well that was a good night " Johnny said with a wink before we walked to the elevator hand in hand. I'm glad the reporter asked, I had needed to tell him for a long time.

As I bided fair well to Johnny, I went into the brides room were I met Sue and Alicia, Ben's girlfriend. Returning from the bathroom in my deep purple brides maids dress I sighed as I noticed the hicky Johnny had gifted me with in the lift which was now going to be visible to the world on live TV. Sue was looking out of the window gazing at the helicopters flying past as Alicia sat on the bed putting her earrings in."This isn't how I imagined it" Sue began as I finished applying make up to my love bite."It never is" Alicia said."No, it just doesn't feel right." Sue replied. "Sweetie..." Alicia began walking forward carefully. "I think even superhero's are allowed wedding day jitters" I finished as I looked to Sue's dress hanging up on the mirror."It's more than that. Is my life always gonna be a circus?" Sue asked turning around and facing us. "Do we really want to raise kids in all of this?" Sue continued looking me in the eye. "Face it we're not exactly normal." Sue finished causing me to scoff. "Ben and I aren't normal and no offence Alexa but you and Johnny never were." Alicia stated causing me to chuckle. "But we don't let it get in the way of us being happy" Alicia finished.

"Do you love Reed" I asked "More than I've ever loved anyone" Sue replied both of us smiling."Then you have nothing to worry about" I finished."Thank you" Sue finished as she pulled us into a group hug before pulling away and walking to the mirror "Oh Great" Sue sighed."What?" Alicia and I said in sync."I've got a Zit"

"Can't you put make up on it?" I suggested inspecting it for myself."No, no, I got it." Sue replied as she made the pimple invisible."Crisis averted" I breathed "Now all I have to do is concentrate on that area for the next eight hours" Sue replied with a chuckle before I excused myself to find Johnny.

With no luck of finding him I just headed to the kitchen and greeted Ben whilst Alicia put on his tie."Hey Johnny" Alicia said causing me to turn around with a smile."Wow" Johnny said with a laugh."Does that amaze anyone else? How did she know it was me? I didn't say anything" Johnny questioned as if none of us knew she was blind."Well to be honest, you kind of smell like ash." Alicia confirmed as I nodded in agreement, Ben chuckling "You're late" I stated looking to the wall clock."Lets not make today about me. It's Reed and Sue's big day let's give them the attention for a change." Johnny finished.

"Ow" Ben exclaimed pretending to be hurt."Don't do that" Alisha replied hitting his chest. "Okay your perfect" Alicia finished as she patted down Ben's tie. "You're perfect" Ben replied cheeseily causing me to smile and look up to Johnny who was doing the same, before the two of them kissed and we both made a look of confusion as to how that worked. "I'll see you upstairs" Alisha finished smiling as she walked up towards the stairs. "Bye Johnny and Alexa" She said as she passed us."So seems like you and Alicia are doing well.  Annoyingly so, in fact." Johnny stated causing me to hit his chest as I walked past and placed my champagne glasses in the sink."Yeah I'm a lucky guy" Ben said with a smile as Johnny nodded in agreement. "Question for you though" Johnny began as I spun around from the sink to face Ben."How do you guys, um.." and with that Johnny jumped down from the work top grabbed me and grinded into me from behind causing me to let out a quiet moan. Johnny had obviously implied about their sex life and Ben had become very protective. "That's none of you business!" Ben exclaimed as he marched over to us. I was still flushed from Johnny's actions and nearly fell over when he pulled me from Ben's path."Okay, I'm just concerned" Johnny began raising his hands hiding me from Bens eyes. "Johnny I'd hate to wake up one morning to find out she was killed in a rock slide" and with that Johnny grabbed me and sprinted away from Ben with me stumbling not so elegantly behind in my stilettos. "I'll show you a rock slide!" Ben shouted after us whilst we rushed into the elevator, catching our breathe as we rose to the roof. "Oh my God" I breathed still flushed from Johnny's movements. "You liked it!" Johnny defended."But it was in front of Ben!" I exclaimed. Silence filled the lift before we both burst out laughing.

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