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As Johnny flew besides us, I watched him intently as Ben briefed us on our situation,"Okay, We're now officially enemies of the United States of America. Victor is out there somewhere with unlimited power. And we've got a giant intergalactic force that's about to destroy our planet in less than 24 hours. Did I miss anything?" Ben grunted as he finished. "I've got a lock on Victor's energy trail. He's headed over southeast china. Hang on!" Reed instructed as he increased his speed."Norrin Radd"  The surfer spoke causing me, Sue, and Johnny to look at the man in between us. "What?" Sue asked. "I was once called Norrin Radd"  The surfer spoke. "Norrin, we're gonna need your help to save our world. Do you understand? " I asked him as I felt the reassuring heat from Johnny's flames indicating he was close. All of a sudden something crashed into us throwing us off course and flinging Johnny else were. "Johnny?!" I questioned looking over the side of the flying car."Victor the board is drawing the Destroyer here. You have to give it up" Reed shouted to Von Doom who was now hovering above us. Now becoming the apparent source of the crash. "You know I've never been the giving type Reed" Victor answered as we descended lower thankfully near water. With Doom behind us I turned to see Johnny too, I sighed a sigh of relief. But I thought good things to soon, as Johnny raced at Victor, Doom rose his hand and raised a wall of water with it, putting out Johnny's flames and throwing him to the ground. "Reed, Slow it up!!" I screamed. Reed listened and before anyone could ask what I was doing I rose my hand creating a column of water before taking my stand on it and throwing towers of the water around me towards Victor and the board although constantly on the look out for Johnny.

As Victor became bored of my tactics he began to target the others once again causing them to split up. and fly around in there own separate pods. I watched in horror as Doom crushed the side of a mountain to create an avalanche of heavy rock onto my friends. Walking between my water columns I used all the strength I could muster to create a water wall protecting the team from Victors falling debris. As the air fight travelled from over water to land I watched from the lake shore as Victor spun all three pods and Johnny around as if they were in a tornado flinging them outwards over the city. "Shit!" I shouted. How the hell do I get there, I thought scouting for a source of water. Nearly giving up I glanced one last time to the skyscrapers in the distance only to see a water line leading right to where I needed to go. "Here goes nothing!" I breathed as I lined my feet up with the pipe works and rose the to water inside hoping to propel myself forward. Shocking myself I smirked as I skidded across the water pipes w closer and closer to the cities border. "Who knew?" I smirked as I neared the sound of destruction and flying sparks. As I came to a sort of elegant stop, skidding forward onto the concrete I watched as the pods came crashing down around me. I shielded my head and waiting for any sign of life from my team before being met by Doom and the Surfer face to face.

As Doom got closer to Norrin, Sue screamed and ran towards them with her force fields in hand ready to protect the surfer. But of course I knew from my earlier encounter with silver that anything from the boards power can pass any materials, and without thinking I ran forward and Pushed both Sue and Norrin out of Doom's way. No force field could save them so they simply needed to move. But once again due to my hot headed thinking I forgot that that would mean I'd be in the way of what ever Victor has  thrown at us. And it just so happened to be a spear. The spear hit me side on and jammed into my body. A spear that threw me to the floor, and a spear that made me scream for Johnny.

"ALEXA !!!!" Johnny cried as he ran through a sea of scared citizens. Reed, Sue and Ben reached my side first and placed me gently against Ben's rocky torso."Oh My God!!" Johnny panted as he reached my side and knelt down arms open to cradle me. "LEX, Alexa" Johnny cried as he reached out to me, only to be stopped by Ben. "Johnny don't touch her!!" Ben shouted causing me to look into Johnny's helpless eyes. The spear disappeared leaving me in a heap against Ben. "You need to get the board." I panted looking to Sue, as I let out another scream of agony as Richards moved me slightly."Alexa, I..." I stopped Johnny before he began. "It's okay, it's okay..." Before I could finish a dark cloud covered the sky and I knew that was it, Galactus was here, and it was too late. "I love you" I breathed as I looked to Johnny one last time, staring into his blue eyes before being surrounded in darkness. The last thing I heard was between Reed and Johnny. "We don't know what it could do to you" Reed said to which Johnny replied "It's not about me, it's for Lex, She's all I had left and now she's gone...." and with that I felt Johnny take my hand and a massive surge of power surround the five of us.

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