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The five of us had been taken back to a Siberian Base and had been locked in a room. Sue and I  looked through the icy window only to see the soldiers abuse to the Surfer. I sighed and sat down in front of a glass of water, that was opposite Johnny. We smiled at one another briefly before being interrupted."But General, we had an Agreement!" Reed shouted obviously distressed over everything that was going on. Sue stood with her arms crossed as like me, she now too had her hair down."Calm down, the enemy has been captured, mission accomplished" The General stated. "Where is he?" Sue and I  said in near sink. "Containment" The General answered bluntly. "General" A solider asked. The General turned around to be met by a scrawny looking man, that seemed more rat like than human."Mr Sherman" The General answered with a sly smile before turning to us again "If you'll excuse us, we have work to do" he stated "I wanna be there for the questioning" Reed pleaded. "Out of the question. Make sure our guests remain here, comfortably" The General finished to a guard before leaving the five of us locked in the room.

Johnny stared at a security camera as I made myself entertained by creating butterfly shapes out of the water in the glass in front of me. "Are we prisoners? How did that happen?" Johnny asked with a laugh causing me to lose concentration, and cover myself in water. "Apparently they don't want us interfering with their methods." Reed replied making me feel sick. "I cant even imagine what they're doing to him in there" Sue stated causing me to nod. "I say he gets what he deserves" Ben replied causing us to look at him oddly. "How can you say that?" I asked "I'm just saying maybe the Generals right about this. The guy was about to destroy the planet. He said so himself." Ben finished as Johnny sat next to me and threw his hand over the back of my seat. It was the closet we'd been in days and I missed his touch so much."But it doesn't make any sense, He protected me from the missile, Johnny was there!! Why would he do that?" I questioned looking into Johnny's comforting eyes. "Maybe he thinks your cute" Johnny whispered into my ear. "I know I do" He continued sending shivers down my spine. "There's a lot more going on. He said he wasn't the Destroyer." Reed began,"Uh, maybe he lied?" Ben stated. "We need to get inside there and talk to him" Reed finished."Under the radar" I added looking to Sue with a smile.

Reed looked to Johnny and I ."Do what you two do best" and in sync me and Johnny replied "Distraction!" With a shit eating grin plastered on both of our faces. I unzipped my suit quite low and exposed my chest whilst Johnny opened the door, he looked to me and smirked before sadness briefly crossed his face. He couldn't touch me. He shook his head and we were soon back to our mischief. Johnny swung the door open exposing me and instantly catching the guards attention I crossed my arms and bought all eyes to  my red lace bra and bulging boobs. "Hey. Uh, Is there any way we could get some DVDs or popcorn or something, just to pass the time?" Johnny asked as I propped the door wide open "Pleaseeeee" I begged as I batted my eyelids. "I'll call it in Mr Storm" The guard replied as he peeled his eyes from my chest."Great, Thank you Semper fi." Johnny finished "That's the Marine Corps. We're the Army" The guard answered."Right yeah, we know the army." I whispered as Johnny shut the door and I zipped myself back up. Little did they know Sue had snuck past. Johnny took his seat next to me and for the next half hour we didn't stop smiling. Double trouble was back.

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