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The pounding on the door continued, only getting louder. Ava stood next to me, holding up a gun as well.
"Oh shit," I whispered, suddenly feeling nauseous.
"What?" Suddenly the knocking stopped. Ava slowly walked up to the door looking through the peep hole again. I stepped forward and grabbed her, pulling her back. I had a bad feeling about this.
"Hide," I whispered, pulling her into the coat closet as the front door burst open.
"Split up and find them, bring them to me," I heard someone I didn't recognize say. They were going to kill us, I knew it. I saw the shadow outline at the bottom of the door. Someone was standing right infront of us. I looked over at Ava who had tears in her eyes. I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. And quickly reached for it to shut it up. The door infront of us swung open and I dropped my phone on the ground.
"Well hello girls," the guy said smirking. He grabbed us and pulled us out, pushing Ava over to Michael. "Oh don't you worry Caitlyn, we'll be really gentle with you, we wouldn't want to hurt the baby, now would we?"
"What?" I asked. How could he possibly know.
"We have our resources, but that isn't why we're here."
"Just kill us and get it over with, what is it with you people and long excruciating speeches?" I asked. He just smirked again and pushed me over to Ashton, who held me tightly from behind.
We're not here to kill you," he laughed. "We came to give you a message."
"Yes, we got your message loud and clear this morning," I said.
"That was just a distraction to get the others away, because this message is only for you, Caitlyn." He nodded at Michael, before he knocked Ava out. I tried to pull away from Ashton to help her, but he was too strong. "Nick just wanted you to know that everything is going according to plan and as long as you stay out of his way, none of you will be hurt."
"Right,and thats why he said he'd kill us all?"
"He's a drama queen. He feeds off of your strife. But the real plan, now that's bigger than any of you... so stay out of his way if you know what's good for you. And if you do somehow manage to piss him off, he won't kill you, he'll kill the father of your child... do we have an understanding?" He asked, brushing a peice of hair from my face and smirking wickedly. I just looked down at the ground. He grabbed my face and forced me to look up. "Do. We. Have. An understanding?"
"Yes..." I said shakily.
"Good. I'll be looking forward to our next visit," he said as Ashton let go of me and pushed me to the floor. "Keep that baby of yours healthy, stress can kill you know," he said as they all walked out. I quickly went over to Ava and tried waking her up, but to no avail. I quickly stood up and ran back to the closet, picking up my phone and calling Thomas.
"Hey, I tried calling-"
"Thomas, I need you to get here now. Th-they were just here and I don't know what to do, Ava's knocked out and-"
"Hey, listen to me. We'll be home in 5 minutes, just calm down, alright. We're almost there." I sighed and hung up, sitting back bext to Ava.
"Ava, come on, wake up, please," I said looking over at the door that was wide open. I sighed and put my head in my hands, still shaking.
"Cait, what happened?" Thomas asked running in. I looked up and saw Grant run over to Ava, checking her vitals.
"They broke in, I'm sorry, I tried to keep them out, b-but there was a man I've never met before..."
"Who was it?"
"Daniel," Ava said sitting up. "I-it was Daniel..." Thomas quickly kneeled next to his sister.
"Daniel... as in..."
"Yeah... as in the man that killed our parents..." he sighed and looked down.
"H-he's back?"
"What did he say?" He asked looking up at me.
"He.. he said that Nick just wanted to get rid of you all to give me a message... and he said that they just want us to stay out of the way... as long as we don't interfere with Nick's plans, we'll be alright..."
"Why would he tell us that he was going to kill us then?" Dylan asked, still not looking at me.
"I don't know.. but whatever he's up to, it can't be good..."
"We need to figure out what it is... and we need to stop it..." Grant said standing up.
"But what if they were telling the truth... if we stay out if it they'll leave us alone... is it really worth getting in their way?" Ava asked as Grant helped her up.
"We just need to find out and they'll decide. Luckily we can do that undetected," Dylan said
"How do you plan on doing that?" Thomas asked, standing next to me.
"I think it's time we call Styles..."

Problems (Sequel To Bad Blood)Where stories live. Discover now