Will you marry me?

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Prompt: Toby and Spencer have been dating for several years now, and Toby wants to propose to his girlfriend, Spencer. (Rating: cute)

"Ready for dinner?" Toby calls out to me as I'm fixing my dress in the full length mirror in our room. "One second." I respond as I do last minute touch ups. Today marks our 3 year anniversary, so Toby made dinner reservations at this gorgeous restaurant just outside of town. I walk out to where he is and his jaw drops.

"Woah.." He mumbles as a smirk grows on his face. "Someone looks beautiful." He smiles placing a kiss on my lips. "Thank you, and someone looks handsome." I tell him with a smile. His hands stay at my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck, staring into his blue eyes. "I love you, so much." He tells me softly. "I love you too." I respond with a huge smile.

I kiss him once again, and inch closer to him as the kiss goes on. "Maybe we should get going, they can't hold our reservations forever." He chuckles grabbing my hand and leading me outside. We're greeted in the driveway by a huge limousine. "After you." He whispers into my ear as I stand there astonished. "You did all of this for me?" I ask as my smile lights up my face.

"Of course." He smiles holding my hand during the ride to the restaurant. "We've been dating for 3 years, I can't believe it." I smile. "It's been the best 3 years of my life." He tells me squeezing my hand. "I'm so excited for dinner, I haven't ate since lunch!" I giggle and he joins in. "I heard this new restaurant is amazing." He tells me.

We arrive there around 6:00 pm, after the 30 minutes limo ride. We stop outside of the restaurant for a minute and talk by the gorgeous, lit up water fountain that greets you before the restaurant. "I've only seen the outside, and it looks amazing." I say looking around. "Shall we go inside and see if it's just as nice?" He asks offering me his hand.

I nod my head and take his hand in mine. "This place is unbelievably beautiful.." I exclaim in awe. "Like someone I know.." He whispers just loud enough for me to hear it, into my ear. I blush and give him a grin. "This place must be so expensive, let me at least pay half." I insist as we wait in the reservation area. "No Spence, it's on me, my treat." He insists.

"Fine." I eventually say, and sigh. "The next name...Cavanaugh? Do we have a Cavanaugh?" The man announces before Toby raises his hand up. "Ah, I'll take you to your seats." He smiles leading us across the restaurant. He seats us in this comfy booth in the middle of the restaurant. "Hello, I'm Michael and I'll be your server. Can I get you some drinks?" He asks.

"Yes please. I'll have some wine." Toby smiles as he writes something on his notepad. "And for the lovely lady?" He asks. "Wine is good, thanks." I smile politely. He nods and walks off to get our drinks. "Wow, this place is fancy." I giggle as he quickly returns with a few menus and the wine. "I'll be back shortly to take your orders." He smiles and walks off. "What do you want?" He asks me.

"I'm thinking of having the nachos, what about you?" I ask him. "Want to share the nachos?" He asks with a grin and I nod. We place our order in, and 20 minutes later the waiter returns with this huge platter of nachos. "Oh my god." I choke out looking at it, causing Toby to laugh. We eat the majority of the nachos, still leaving 3/4's on the plate. "Room for dessert?" He asks with a smile.

"Oh no, thank you." I say sitting back. "I have to go to the washroom, be right back." I smile and walk into the restroom. When I return Toby is sat there still but without the nachos, the waiter must of taken them. "Spence?" He asks me looking into my eyes. "Yeah?" I ask him taking his two hands.

"We've been together now for 3 years. It's been the best 3 years of my life. We've shared happy memories, sad memories, and we've been pretty much inseparable during our dating period." He says letting out a low chuckle, my face starts to light up a little. "We live together, we're planning on having a family together, but I have to ask you one more thing..." He says before getting on one knee, and putting his hand in his pocket.

All eyes were on us. He pulls out this tiny black box and I cover my mouth with my two hands. "Spencer, will you make me the happiest man in the world? Will you marry me?" He asks popping open the box that holds a beautiful diamond ring. I nod my head quickly and pull him up into my arms for a hug, everyone is pretty much cheering. "Thank you so much, I love you." I whisper before kissing him.

"I love you too." He smiles.
That was prompt 1 :) if you have ideas for prompts comment them or message them to me! (I'll give credit)

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