The End

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I'm shook from 7x13 (I loved and hated it)

*also, I'm using the storyline of what happened to Yvonne but continuing on after the spoby hug, and I'm gonna make the one shot as if Spencer knew they got married!

Spencer's POV:

"Well, I guess I'm going to go visit the newlyweds." I say, and Emily frowns. "Spencer, you don't have to pretend to be okay with all of this." Emily says. "Em, I'm fine." I tell her, with a small laugh at the end of my sentence.

She sighs, not wanting to argue with me, so I leave the main lobby and walk to find Toby and Yvonne. I already have the perfect gift idea for them. They're going to love it so much, and I cannot wait for them to see it.

I'm planning on giving them their gift when Yvonne gets home, and after their well deserved honey moon, because it'll give them something to look forward to when they get home.

I walk through the doors, with a smile on my face, but as soon as the doctors come down the hall with the heart monitor, my smile fades into a frown, and my heart beat quickens.

"No," I mumble. And then, he appears.

Toby walks around the corner, looking sad, defeated, broken. I haven't seen him cry often, but when I have it's absolutely heartbreaking. Like someone took my heart and just squeezed it.

I quickly make my way over to Toby, and he collapses. Luckily I got there in time to catch him. I don't wait another second before wrapping my arms around him, and rubbing his back.

He pulls me into him closer, sobbing. Still in complete and utter shock, tears begin to fill my eyes. I blink, letting them fall down my cheeks.

He pulls me into him once again, and I wrap my arms around him tighter as well.

I wish I could tell him everything would be okay.

I wish I could tell him everything would be fine.

I wish I could tell him he'd be fine.

But I can't. I don't know what happens next.

I let him cry onto my shoulder as we kneel on the ground of the hospital. When I hear the crying stop, I pull back and try to get him to look me in the eyes.

"Toby," I whisper, using my thumb to wipe all the tears. "I got you. I'll take care of you. I'm here. Forever and always." I say, making him cry once again.

He mumbles something I don't quite understand, and pulls me in closer for a hug. I accept the hug, letting him cry, knowing he won't talk just yet.

Again, once the crying has stopped, I stand up, slowly pulling him up with me.

"My knees," he mumbled, stumbling and I catch him. "Let's try walking to the chairs, okay?" I ask, and he slowly nods.

He's barely able to walk. I mean, I can't blame him, his wife just died. He's officially a widow.

We manage to reach the chairs, and he tries to cry, but there aren't any tears coming out. He sighs in frustration, and runs his hands through his hair.

"It's my fault." He mumbles over and over again. "Toby, it isn't your fault." I tell him. "I-I just feel so guilty." He says, and I nod. "I know how you feel.." I mumble, and he looks at me.

"I kissed you, Toby. I asked. If it's anyone's fault, blame me. I caused the accident, the death, the heartbreak. Just hit me, yell at me, hate me. I took her from you." I say, guilt filling my body.

"Spence," he says, making my heartache a little by calling me by my nickname.

"One, I would never- I could never, hit you, and same with hating you." He says, holding onto my hand. "I never told you this, but the reason we did get into the crash was discussing, that moment." He tells me, and guilt fills me once again.

"I told her, because I felt guilty. And then she started yelling saying we shouldn't even get married, and gave me the ring back. Of course in the middle of the fight, a deer ran into the rode, and I tried to avoid it but ended up hitting it." He tells me, attempting not to cry.

"And of course when she was getting better, I just had to marry her. I needed her, I wanted her, I loved her." He tells me, beginning to cry again.

Not going to lie, hearing that hurt me, but there was no lie. He loved Yvonne. He truly did.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper, holding his hand as tears run down his cheeks.

"Let's go," I tell him, standing up and pulling him up with me. "To where?" He asks, sniffing. "Our spot. We can talk, you can just let it out." I tell him, and a tear falls down his cheek.

"Thank you." He says, and I give a sad smile, nodding my head.

"Don't worry, I'll drive slowly." I tell him, and he nods, putting his seatbelt on.

We drive up to our spot which overlooks Rosewood, and I park my car behind us. We sit on the rock that we used to always sit on, and I hold onto his hand.

"I'm always here for you, Toby. As a friend. And I mean it. This is hard, I can't imagine how you feel. But remember, I'm here, always." I tell him, and he nods, sniffing.

"I can't lose you. You're the only person that can keep me sane." I tell him, and he chuckles.

"Thanks, Spence. This means a lot. I just. I don't know what I'm going to do. I loved her, she was my wife." He says, and I can feel my heart break inside my chest.

"I know, Toby. It's gonna be hard. It won't be easy, but you can do it. I'm sure her funeral will be beautiful, just like she was." I say, giving a small smile and he nods.

"Can you help me plan it? I can't do this alone. It's already so overwhelming." He tells me and I squeeze his hand gently.

"Yeah. Yeah, of course." I smile. "Anything. I'll do anything for you, Toby." I tell him and he hugs me, beginning to cry into me once again.

"Shh, it's okay." I say, rubbing his back. "I'm here, Toby." I whisper into his ear, holding him closer.

And now, at this very moment, as we're sitting here together like old times, I knew it'd be okay.

I knew he'd be okay.

"You'll be okay, Toby. You'll be okay." I tell him, hugging him close.


Sorry for updating like many weeks after 7x13 lol

& I meant to post this like after 7x13 but I got busy and then I went on a trip !! (I'm back now so hopefully I'll catch up with school quickly to update again asap)

Comment thoughts please???

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