Help Part 2

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*requested! / she is a Hastings in this!!!!!

Spencer's POV:

After the doctor had told Toby what he had to do for a few weeks to take care of me, Toby helped dress me, and wheeled me out to his truck.

"I got it," I say, standing myself. "Spence, you need my help. You're officially on bed rest." He tells me, holding onto me as I step into the truck.

Luckily we got to keep the wheelchair, so he puts it in the back of his truck and gets in.

"Spence, when will you tell your parents you'll be staying with me? They'll start to worry." He says, driving back to his place.

"I know," I sigh. "But this happened a few hours ago, and if I tell them they'll never look at me the same. They'll be ashamed that something like that happened to their daughter. A Hastings." I tell him.

"It's all too much, I mean, if this got out, their careers would be jeopardized." I say, looking at him, who's focused on the road.

He lets out a sigh. "Spence, whatever they say won't make a difference. What happened, happened, and you couldn't of stopped it. You tried, but he overpowered you." Toby says, and I nod, hanging onto his every word.

"Toby-" I say, looking at him. "I need you, now." I say, biting my bottom lip, and he takes in a sharp breath. "Spence, I, you, can't." He says shaking his head, but the idea still running through his head.

"One kiss, please." I say, almost begging. "Spencer, you know I want to. But it isn't right, not after what Caleb did." He says, pulling into his driveway and I sigh.

"In a few weeks, when the time is right, and you're feeling much better. I promise I'll make it up to you, and we'll have the best date ever." He says, smiling. I can't help but to smile back. "Okay." I mumble.

He steps out of the truck, retrieving the wheelchair, and then helping me into it. He wheels me inside of his house, and lays me on the couch.

"I'll go get my bed ready," he smiles. "Wait, what?" I ask. "I'll sleep here on the couch for a while, and you can take my room. It's more comfortable, seeing your situation." He smiles, and runs upstairs before I can say anything.

About an hour later, Toby returns. "It's all ready, let's put you on bedrest!" He says in a joking matter, making me laugh.

He holds onto me, and we slowly walk up the stairs. When we reach his room, he opens the door to reveal mountains of pillows and blankets on his bed for me.

"Thank you." I smile, laying down and pulling blankets over me. "So there's a TV in here for you, and.." he says pulling something out of his pocket.

"It's a little pager, so whenever you need me, at any time of day, you click the little green button, and I'll find you and help you." He smiles, and I do too.

"You know, you don't have to do this." I tell him, laying the pager down, and he sighs, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I know, and you keep saying that, like you feel bad I'm going to be spending weeks waiting on you. But don't feel bad. I'm choosing to take care of you, because I lo-" he says, before stopping himself.

My heart is beating out of chest. Was he going to say what I think he was? "Because I, uh, want to." He says nervously. He checks his watch, "oh, um, it's time for your medication. I'll be back." He smiles, running his hands through his hair and walking out.

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