Wedding Bells

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Prompt: it's Spencer's and Toby's wedding day!

Spencer's POV:

I wake up to an alarm blaring at 7:30 AM. I reach my arm out and hit the clock so the alarm shuts off. I slowly sit up and start to shake Toby. "Toby, wake up." I say softly and he groans. "5 more minutes." He says pulling the blankets over him. "We don't have 5 minutes, everyone will soon be here." I say excitedly as he slowly pulls the blankets down. "It's finally the day I get to marry the love of my life." He smiles kissing my cheek. He pulls me down on top of him and I chuckle.

"I got to get a shower before the girls come to get ready." I say kissing his cheek, but he wraps his arm around me. "Toby, Caleb and Ezra will soon be here, come on." I giggle trying to push him away from me and he grabs onto me. "Stop!" I laugh as he holds me tighter, eventually I just give up and lay in his arms. I run my hands through his soft, brown hair and stare into his beautiful blue eyes. "I have to get ready, come with me." I beg sitting up. I get off the bed walk to his side, pulling him up. "Come on, let's shower before our friends get here." I smile.

I run the water making sure it's hot, and we both get in. We only want a quick shower, just long enough to wash our hair. When that's done, I turn the water off and we both get out. "You need to put some old clothes on, because Ezra is taking you and Caleb to his place to get you guys ready." I tell him throwing an old shirt at him. "Well what will you wear?" He teases. "Just this." I smirk putting a robe on. "You won't be here that long anyway, plus it's only the girls." I tell him.

"Mhm. Are you sure everyone can't get ready together?" He asks. "It's bad luck to see each other before the wedding." I smile before kissing him. We were interrupted to the sound of knocking at the front door of the loft. "That's our cue." I pull back smiling. We walk out to the door, to be greeted by our 6 excited friends. "I'm so excited!" Hanna squeals. "She's going to be beautiful when we're done with her, Toby." Alison smiles. "She's already beautiful enough." He says smiling. "Awe you guys!" Aria gushes and I blush a little.

"Okay seriously, get out guys we need to make her perfect." Emily says pushing Toby out the door, and they welcome themselves inside. "See you at our ceremony." I tell him before kissing him. "Love you." I smile. "Love you too." He responds before they push us away from each other. "Okay, so you guys are sure everything is prepared?" I ask one final time. "Spence you seen the church with us yesterday evening when we brought the final things. Now everything is being set up down there as we speak." Aria smiles.

"Okay so Hanna you're the maid of honour, whom will be wearing a dress a little different from the girls', who are my bridesmaids." I tell her and she squeals excitedly. "Hanna she told us when she got engaged who she chose." Alison laughs nudging her. "I know but this is happening tonight." She says. "Guys shouldn't I be the most excited, it's my wedding day after all!" I smile. "Enough fooling around, we need to get you ready as soon as possible, and bring you to the church. Plus afterwords there's a photoshoot set up." Emily smiles.

"Let's go up to your room and get ready." Ali smiles. We take all of the make up out, hair products, dresses, etc and lay it on the bed. Okay first let's all put our dresses on, and then help with each other's make up. "Spence, we're getting you ready first, we can't look better than the bride herself." Hanna chuckles. "Fine." I say sitting in the chair in front of the mirror. The girls dry my hair, and then put loose curls in it. "You look adorable all ready." Aria smile running her fingers through my hair.

"Our best friend is actually settling down, this is crazy. It feels like last year we were juniors." Emily says in disbelief. "I know, crazy, isn't it?" Ali replies. They continue with my make up, and when that's done it's time to put the dress on. We carefully take the dress from its place, and lay it out on the bed. "This is it." I smile, and drop my robe. I put on a lacy white bra with matching panties, Hanna approved of course, and they help me into my dress. "You look beautiful." They all smile covering their mouths, and Hanna even sheds a tear.

"Here put the veil tiara on!" Emily says handing it to me. "This is so perfect." Aria smiles. After I'm ready, the girls get themselves ready, making sure Hanna looks a little different than the bridesmaids, to identify who my maid of honour is. "You're all so beautiful.. It's time, let's head to the chapel." I smile as we walk out to the limo together.

Earlier at Ezra's...

Toby's POV:

"Guys, do you think I look good enough for Spence?" I ask fixing my tie. "You look amazing, Toby. Don't worry." Ezra, my best man, says. "Yeah, this is going to be perfect." Caleb, my groomsman says. They help fix my hair, make sure my tuxedo is perfect, and then they get ready. They both look a little different, to identify who is who, but everyone in the wedding sort of matches or goes together. "This is perfect." I whisper looking at them. "Are you ready to head to the chapel?" Ezra asks and I nod.

Spencer's POV:

Traditionally, the groom will arrive before the bride so the bride can be in a separate room. We arrive just after 3:00 pm, so we know we won't run into Toby. I'm escorted into a room with all the girls. "Okay, we have to go stand with the guys now, it's about to start. Are you okay?" Hanna asks before hugging me. "I'm ready, I'm so ready." I smile hugging them. They run off and stand in their positions. My parents aren't even attending my own wedding, because they hate the fact I'm with Toby.

Usually a girls father "gives her away" at the wedding, and they have a special "father-daughter" dance, well this will be a special "bride-sister's fiancé" dance. You heard me right, I have to dance and be given away by Melissa's fiancé Wren. We discussed it, and Wren and I are pretty good friends, seeing Melissa and I are really close now that mom and dad don't really like me. "Are you ready?" Wren asks with a smile, and I nod. "You're beautiful, Spencer. Toby is a lucky man." He smiles.

"Thank you." I smile as he loops his arm with mine, and we wait by the church doors, listening for the music. When the music starts playing, I hear people stand up, a lot of people. I take a nervous and shaky breath before pushing open the doors. At the end of the aisle, is the man I love. Toby looks so amazing, and so do the guys and girls. I look around and see Melissa smiling at me, giving a small wave to me and Wren. I exchange a smile before bringing my attention back to Toby. Wren kisses my cheek before ushering me up to him.

"Dearly beloved..." The priest starts as everyone takes a seat. "Spencer you're so beautiful, you're even making me nervous." He chuckles and I smile. The wedding continues, and the priest continues talking. "Toby, you may now kiss the bride." The priest says before taking a step back. Toby leans in closer to me, and I wrap my arms around his neck, letting our lips sync together. Everyone is cheering and clapping in the background. I can't help but to smile, and look around. I look at the 2 boys who are smiling and giving a thumbs up.

I look over at the girls, who are mainly crying, but especially happy. And then I look at the love of my life, who shows nothing but happiness and love. "I love you." I smile hugging him, with everyone still cheering.

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