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Spencer's POV:

6 months.

It's been 6 months since the night Jenna shot me, the night I took a bullet for my friends, the night I thought my life was over...

I was rushed into immediate surgery at the hospital, and after 5 hours of surgery, they successfully removed the bullet and I now have full mobility in my arm.

While I was still bandaged up and in the hospital room, I got a call. It was strange though. The call was from the very hospital I'm admitted in. I quickly pick up, and wait for a voice.

It was the doctor, the same doctor I had seen earlier today. She told me that my ex boyfriend, Toby Cavanaugh, had gotten into a car accident with his fiancé Yvonne Philips while on the way to Maine. All I could think of was that I was the person he wrote down to call if anything happened to him...

They told me he's going to the hospital I'm now in, and being rushed into surgery. They also had informed me Yvonne was dead on the scene, there was no hope for her.

After Toby had his surgery, he was able to leave shortly after, his injuries were minor. They held Yvonne's funeral after he was okay, and ever since then we've been dating. We realized how much we needed each other, and just how much we really did love each other.

Toby currently works as a Police Officer in Rosewood. I've tried to get him to come live with me in Washington while I'm in college, but he won't leave his job, because they say they can't transfer him. We don't mind the distance, but we both want to live together after everything that's happened and still going on.

Nearly every night I suffer with PTSD. It sucks. I get flashbacks to that night in my nightmares, I remember the shock of getting shot, the sirens wailing, my friends crying... It happened so quickly, but definitely not quick enough. I really thought it was the end of me.

Now, I live in Washington, well in a dorm room, and only get to see my boyfriend Toby every few weekends he has off. I'm seeing a therapist every Wednesday and Sunday about my PTSD, and I'm on many different medications for it.

"Hey Toby." I smile picking up my phone. "Hey Spence, how are you?" He asks me. "I'm pretty good. It's boring without you, and without a roommate, or even friends." I say walking into the bathroom to check how I look.

"If that's your way of saying you miss me, I miss you too." He says and I chuckle. "I'm soon putting in for time off so I can come visit you." He says and I smile brushing my hair. "Yeah, sounds great." I say when I'm interrupted by a knock on the door. "One minute!" I yell out to them.

"One second, Toby. There's someone at my door. My mail probably was just sent to my neighbour's aga-" I say opening the door and I drop my phone when I see who it is. "Toby." I smile jumping into his arms. "I've missed you so much." I tell him hugging him tightly. I pick up my phone and pull him inside, continuing the hug.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as he removes his jacket. "I asked for a transfer here, I got an interview tomorrow to finalize it." He smiles and i do too. "So you may be moving in here?" I ask excitedly. "Temporarily. I plan on buying a house for us." He grins and I just laugh. "Be realistic, Toby. You're a cop and I'm a college student." I tell him putting his coat on the floor.

"I can dream." He smirks sitting on the bed and I sit on his knee. "You're beautiful, Spence." He tells me kissing my shoulder, my neck, and then my cheek. I turn around, wrapping my legs around him, as he puts his hands under my oversized shirt. "How's your shoulder?" He asks lightly putting his hand on my bare shoulder, making me flinch at his cold hand.

"Here.." He says removing my oversized shirt and taking a better look. He kisses around it, being extremely careful, and soothingly drawing circles on my back. All of the sudden, this shooting pain goes through me.

"Ahh." I scream grabbing my shoulder and starting to cry. Toby pulls me close and cradles me. "Stop, Jenna. Stop.." I mumble, crying.

"Spencer? Spencer??" Toby exclaims worried. He starts waving his hand in front of my face, as a single tear falls down my cheek. "Shh you're okay,  I got you.." He whispers in my ear.

"Emily? Is Toby okay?" I ask in fear, still crying. "Shh, baby, it's okay, I'm fine, I'm holding you.. this is in the past, you're safe my darling.." He whispers kissing my head. After at least an hour of sobbing, I come to my senses again.

"I'm sorry.." I mumble crying into his shoulder. "Hey, it's okay, you can't help it." He says rubbing my shoulder. I realized the two of us were now lying in bed, he must of put me in here to calm me down.

"We can keep a nightlight on if you want." He says holding me tight. "Sometimes I have dreams like this, you know." I say as he kissing my head. "Mhm." He responds playing with my fingers. "You're here, holding me, and everything is perfect. But then I wake up and everything isn't perfect, it's the opposite. I'm alone, and afraid." I say, my voice breaking.

"I'm so sorry, Spencer. I'm an idiot for not coming here sooner." He whispers in my ear. "Just know, you're safe now, I'm your safe place to land, always." He says kissing my cheek as I fall into a deep sleep.

"Always.." He whispers again.


This sucks !!

I'll start Christmas themed one shots around the end of November/beginning of December. 🤗 ((I'm so excited!!))

Comment thoughts??

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