Happy Birthday!

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Prompt: it's Spencer's birthday and Toby helps make it special.

Spencer's POV:

I wake up and look at the clock; 9:30 AM. I race downstairs, expecting mom to have made me a birthday breakfast and have banners hung accompanied by balloons. When I walk downstairs, it was vacant. I look around, and find a note stuck to the fridge.

"Hey sweetheart, your dad and I decided to visit Melissa in Washington D.C, where it's her and Wren's anniversary weekend." -mom

Did they actually forget about my birthday? It's my 18th birthday, this must be a joke. They're probably doing this to make me think they aren't going to have a party for me. I get my phone from the table and text mom.

"Where are you?" -spence
"Didn't you read the note?" -mom
"You're seriously gone?" -spence
"Yeah, got to go we're boarding the plane" -mom

I can't believe they forgot my birthday, doesn't that make me feel so much better? I feel a tear run down my cheek, and then one tear turns into many. I sit on the couch silently crying when I hear a knock at the door. I quickly wipe my tears, but my face is still red and my cheeks are still puffy, so it's evident I was crying. "Happy birthday!" Toby says as I open the door. He was stood in front of me with lots of balloons, and a gift bag.

"Toby!" I smile wrapping myself around him. "Hey, were you crying?" He asks as I pull back. "I'm fine." I say biting my lip hard, keeping the tears in. "Spence-" he starts saying before I cut him off by placing my finger on his lips. "My parents aren't home.." I grin leading him inside. I shut the door, not bothering to lock it, and begin to kiss him. "I'll take this." I whisper moving the gift bag to the countertop and tying the balloons to the top of the chair.

"Now, where were we?" I ask kissing him, and undoing his button up shirt. I toss it carelessly to the floor, while Toby tries to take my tank top off. I jump up, wrapping my legs around his waist as he lays me down on the couch hovering over me. He pulls down my shorts I'm wearing and then I start to unbutton his jeans. My lips leave his and start to kiss down his neck. That's when we were interrupted by a knock at the door and 4 excited friends yelling "happy birthday!"

"Guys!" I yell pulling Toby down so he's covering me. "Oh my god, you guys couldn't go upstairs? Or lock the door?" Emily says covering her eyes. That's when I start to laugh, putting my face on Toby's chest, and Toby joins in laughing. "We can go, if you want to continue." Hanna offers with a smirk. "No, no, you can stay. Just turn around so we can get dressed." I say and they all turn. I plant one last kiss on his lips before pushing him up so we can both quickly get dressed.

"Okay, we're dressed." I tell them after we both stand up. "So what did you want to do for your birthday?" Aria asks. "I don't have any plans. Why?" I ask. "We want to take you out to a movie!" Alison smiles. "You can come, too." Ali says motioning to Toby. "Um, I don't really want to go out and do something, maybe you four, and Toby, can sleep over tonight and we can have a movie marathon?" I ask biting my lip. "Yeah, sure. Call us later?" Em asks before hugging me. "Of course." I smile as they leave.

When their vehicle leaves the driveway, I lock the door and look over at Toby with a smirk. I teasingly and slowly pull my shirt up a little while walking backwards up the stairs, and then I run to my room. "You little tease!" Toby yells and I hear his footsteps approach me in my room. He opens my bedroom door, and I'm lid down with nothing on, just underneath my thin sheet. "You're asking for it." He says pulling his shirt off and unbuckling his belt as I giggle.

He removes the other pieces of clothes he has on and then climbs underneath the sheets with me.

--after ^^--

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