Tree House

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Spencer's POV:

I was standing next to my locker with my friends at lunch when I feel two hands wrap around my waist. I turn around and smile to be face to face with my boyfriend.

"Hi." He smiles, kissing me. He then wraps an arm around me, joining in on the conversation. "What are you guys talking about?" He asks. "Nothing much, just girl stuff." I smile.

"Spencer was telling us about how she can't wait to have sex with you again." Hanna blurts out and we all glare at her. "Sorry." She mouths and I blush.

I look up at Toby who does nothing but smirk. "Come here." He grins, taking my hand and leading me away from my friend group.

"I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to go on a date tonight? I have the perfect place." He says with a smile, holding both of my hands.

"I'd love to. Where?" I ask with a smile. "It's a surprise. But, pack a bag. It's overnight." He smirks, and I bite my lip.

He leans in to kiss me, but we were interrupted by the bell. As soon as it goes off, I place my fingers on his lips so he can't kiss me.

"Guess you'll have to save it for tonight." I smirk, walking away from him. "Tease!" He calls out, and I smirk back.


I'm currently at Toby's loft waiting for him to pack a bag. I have my things ready and in his truck. "It takes you forever to pack a bag." I tell him and he laughs.

"So, Toby, you really can't tell me where we're going?" I ask, throwing myself onto his bed.

"Sorry." He grins, putting some things in his bag. I sit up, looking at him with a grin. "Come here." I smile, reaching my hands out. He takes them, and I quickly pull him into me for a kiss.

He smiles against my lips, wrapping his hands around my waist. "This is why it's taking me so long to pack. You're a distraction." He whispers. "Shut up, you love it." I tease him, and he pulls me in closer.

I pull him down on the bed with me, allowing him to hover me as we kiss. He puts his hands on the hem of my shirt, attempting to pull it off when I stop him.

"How about we save this for tonight? It'll be much better." I grin, and he groans quietly, sitting up and pulling me with him.

"One more kiss." He smiles, leaning in and kissing me.

"Okay, okay, you need to pack." I smile, putting my hands on his chest. He gets off the bed and continues to pack, while I sit and smile watching him, thinking how lucky I am to have him in my life.

After another 30 minutes, Toby finally finishes packing.

"Ready to go?" He asks, and I nod. "Still no clues?" I ask, and he shakes his head. "Sorry, can't ruin the surprise." He shrugs.

—20 minutes later—

"And we're here." Toby says, pulling into the driveway of his old house, that looks old and abandoned.

"Toby, why are we at your old place?" I ask, grabbing my bag and getting out of his truck.

He follows me, and holds onto my hand.

"Well, when I was little I made a tree house, with the help of my cousins, and it's just been sitting there for years and years." He says, and I look at him funny.

"I always thought this would be the cutest date, you know? Just two people in a little tree house, talking, kissing." He grins, and I smile back.

"Toby, that sounds amazing." I say, still smiling. "I did a few renovations to make sure it's safe, and I decorated it so we can sleep in it tonight." He says, and we walk through the backyard to get to the tree.

"Ladies first." He smiles, taking my bag from me and gesturing towards the shaky ladder.

I slowly climb up, Toby following closely behind so he can securely hold my waist.

When we reach the top, we climb inside and shut the small door.

Inside Toby has it repainted so it looks newer, has fairy lights strung around the room with pictures of us, and tons of blankets and pillows thrown on the floor.

"Toby, this place is beautiful. I love it." I tell him, kissing him as he lays down the bags.

"Do you really?" He asks. "Yes, yes. It's perfect." I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Do you know what we should do first?" I ask him, moving my body closer to him. "And what is that?" He asks, raising his eyebrow slightly.

I press my lips against his, pulling him down on the blankets and pillows.

"Mm, really?" He whispers.


"It's so secluded up here. Just you and I." I say, putting my head on his chest.

"I could stay here like this forever, you know." I tell him, and he strokes my hair.

"Yeah, me too." He responds, putting his hand on my lower back.

"What other plans did you have for us?" I ask. "Honestly, nothing else. All I wanted to do was lay here with you in my arms." He tells me, making me smile.

"Oh really?" I giggle. "So you didn't plan on having sex with me?" I say, raising an eyebrow, making him blush.

"Maybe a little, but we both knew it was bound to happen." He smirks, making me giggle. "Very true." I agree.

"Well, besides all of that tonight was pretty amazing. I love this treehouse, and I love you." I tell him.

"I love you too." He says, kissing my head.

Before I knew it, my eyes closed and I drifted off to sleep.

~the next morning~

I wake up and notice my bare leg was exposed. I quickly cover up, and shiver because it's so cold out.

I press my bare body against Toby's, trying to get warm.

"Good morning." He smiles, wrapping an arm around me. "How did you sleep?" He asks. "Fine, but I'm freezing." I tell him, and he pulls me closer.

"Hm, well I can fix that." He smirks, climbing on top of me and kissing me. As he kisses down my neck I giggle, placing my hands in his hair.

"Toby." I giggle, connecting our lips again.

"Thank you for last night." I smile, looking into his eyes. "Thank you for joining me." He grins, and I stroke his cheek gently.

"I honestly can't believe you redecorated this place for just one night." I giggle. "Well, I'm hoping we'll be back again very soon." He says with a grin.

"Oh, are you now?" I say, a small smirk forming on my lips.

"Yes. Yes, I am. And I think you'll say yes to my offer." He says, smirking as well.

"Don't hope too much, because you know what they say about that-" I say, but he cuts me off. "Yeah, yeah, it breeds eternal misery. But I think hope has done us well, don't you?" He asks, a smile now tugging at the ends of his lips.

"Yeah, I think so." I agree, smiling back and connecting our lips.


Find someone who writes cringier one shots than me,,,,, I'll wait....

^the person doesn't exist! I'm the cringiest person ever I hate myself lol

They get worse lolololol

Comment thoughts????

*sorry for being inactive. i love reading (and writing) one shots but i'm lowkey getting bored :( i may publish what i have /finish some stuff and log out for good. i have lots in my drafts not started but i feel like i'm soon leaving wattpad

& i start school tomorrow so i won't be active a lot

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