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Spencer's POV:

The past little while I've been thinking...a lot. Toby and I have been married for 2 years, we live in the house he built for me, and it's just the 2 of us.

If he's willing, I want to have a baby. I feel like I'm ready, but I don't know if he is. I've been trying to find a way to bring it up for a while now, but I haven't been able to get the words out.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted by Hanna. "Do you think we should buy this for tonight?" She asks shoving different chip bags in my face. "Sure." I agree, honestly not even noticing what she chose. "She adds it to the cart of many things and we start checking it out. "I have to use the bathroom, I'll come out to the car when I'm done. You don't have to wait." I smile as she finishes and she nods walking off with the bags.

I wait to make sure she's out of sight, and quickly pick up a few pregnancy tests, just to have if he's okay with this. I make my way to the check out nervously and lay them on the counter. I feel like everyone is judging me, when in reality, no one cares. I buy them and quickly shove them in my coat so Hanna can't see them, and get in the car. "Okay lets go to Aria's!" She says with a smile driving off.

We go inside to find Aria and Emily setting up some food on the coffee table. "Ready to start our girl's night?" Emily asks and we just nod sitting down. After a few minutes into the movie, I decided I really didn't want to be here today, I have too much on my mind. I'm probably a terrible friend for wanting to go on the first girl's night in months, but I have other, and more important things, on my mind.

"Guys, I feel sick." I say holding my stomach. "Want to lay down?" Aria asks worried, rushing to my side. "I'll call Toby, sorry to go." I say and they tell me it's fine, as long as I'm okay. I call Toby, and he's there within minutes after I tell him I'm feeling sick.

I leave Aria's and sit next to Toby, the pregnancy tests still in my coat. "Are you okay?" He asks me as soon as I sit down. "I'm fine, I lied to them." I say putting my head down. "What's up?" He asks rubbing my arm. "I have a lot on my mind, let's just go home." I smile and he drives back home.

When we get inside, I realize I need to tell him. So when we sit on the couch, I feel the urge to tell him.

"Toby, I need to tell you something." I blurt out, immediately regretting it. "What is it?" He asks as I continue to lay with my head on his lap. "I.." I say taking a deep breath and sitting up. "I want to...start a family." I say, scared to his reaction so I look down at my fidgeting hands.

His hands slowly move, holding his over mine. "Really?" He asks and I nod. "I do too." I look up at him after he says that, and he's smiling. "Toby don't-" I start before he interrupts me. "Spencer, I'm ready. I'm ready to start a family with the person I love most. The question is, are you sure you're ready?" He asks pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "Yes." I whisper and then nod.

I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer as we kiss. He puts his hands on my waist, pulling me on top of him as we lay back on the couch. "Are you sure you're ready?" He asks looking down at me. "I'm sure." I smile as he kisses me again.

Later ^^

"Want me to run to the store and get some tests for you?" He asks as we lay next to each other on the couch. "I bought some earlier, maybe I should go try." I say and he nods sitting up. We both get dressed and he starts pacing nervously. "Hey, I'm nervous too, it's okay." I say grabbing his arm. I walk off to the bathroom, close the door, and take a deep breath.

I take the test, and sit it on the counter as I wash my hands. I then pick it up, my hands shaking nervously the whole time.

That's when, 2 lines pop up on the screen. My heart starts beating fast, and a smile was present on my face. I walk out to see Toby pacing again, but he stops when he notices me. He raises his eyebrows waiting for an answer.

"It's positive." I say starting to cry, and Toby runs over picking me up and spinning me around. "We're going to have a baby, we're going to start a family." He says smiling as I laugh and putting his hands on my bump-less stomach.

"I love you, so much." I smile kissing him. "I love you too." He smiles back.


This sucks but I haven't posted in forever oops

Comment thoughts??

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