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Spencer's POV:

Toby and I have been dating for well over a year, and the most we've done is kiss. It's complicated to why I don't want to go any farther, but he respects my choices and doesn't force anything upon me.

"Hey, Spence." Toby says kissing me and taking a seat next to me at the lunch table in the cafeteria. "So I was thinking..." He says playing with my hair. "Maybe tonight you can come over, and I'll cook you dinner? My parents are out of town so we can watch movies, have whatever kind of fun you want." He grins continuing to play with my hair.

"Sounds perfect." I smile kissing him and we were interrupted by my friends. "Hey love birds." Alison giggles sitting next to Toby and I just roll my eyes. "I'll find you later." He says giving me a quick kiss and walking off. "What's going on?" Emily asks as I eat my lunch. "I'm just going over to Toby's for the night." I say smiling.

"Any...plans?" Hanna smirks and I glare at her. "Kidding." She says laughing a little. "It's 1:20 pm, I have to go to the library and finish some reading. See you." I wave and they wave back. I walk to the library, and spot Toby sitting alone. "Hi." I say sitting on his knee, because he was sat on a couch in the back.

"Oh, hey." He smiles sitting upright and pulling me into him. "Is Toby Cavanaugh actually in a library?" I giggle and he glares down at me. "I was just looking something up, about cooking." He admits blushing and I giggle. "You don't have to cook, Toby." I say. "I know but I want to impress you, trust me, you'll love what I'm cooking." He tells me.

"Do you mind if I stay right here and read?" I ask smiling and he shakes his head. I take "Romeo and Juliet" from my book bag, and try to catch up because I missed last English class. As I read, Toby plays with my hair.

•later at my house•

"Hey Spencer, you can come over now if you're ready :)" - T

I read the text he just sent and start to panic a little. It's our first date alone at his place, and his first time cooking for me. I'm nowhere near ready because I don't know what I should wear, or how to do my hair. I know he doesn't care how I look, but I'm so nervous.

I leave my hair as it is, straightened, and put on a pair of black skinny jeans with a white crop top.

"Leaving now :)" -S

I text him before putting my seatbelt on and driving to his place. When I get there, I nervously knock then patiently wait for an answer. Toby opens the door, wearing an apron, and has flour on his face. I can't help but to smile looking at him.

"You're earlier than I expected." He says opening the door to welcome me in. "I can see." I giggle kissing his cheek as I walk in. "Don't worry, I'll look a bit nicer when our date begins." He grins. "Need any help?" I ask hopping up on the counter in the kitchen. "I'm fine, Spence." He tells me and I chuckle. "Okay, okay." I say smiling.

He walks over to where I'm sat to on the counter, and I pull him closer by wrapping my legs around his waist and then connecting our lips. The kiss quickly escalates when I untie his apron, letting it drop and quickly taking his shirt off. I run my hands over his chest as he kisses down my neck.

Toby removes my crop top in a swift move, and puts his hands on my waist. "Toby, can we go to your bedroom?" I ask innocently and he nods.

Toby's POV!

She wraps herself around me, and I securely hold her, beginning to walk to my room. When we reach the couch, something happens.

"Help! Stop it, stop, please." She begs starting to kick and cry. My heart starts beating fast, did I do this to her? Did I make her scared? Did I force something upon her?

I quickly sit her up on the couch and kneel in front of her. Her make up is smeared down her face and her eyes are puffy. "I'm sorry." She mumbles, another tear falling down her cheek.

Spencer's POV:

Toby is looking at me with concern, but I can't find a way to tell him this, I need to, because he thinks he did this. "It wasn't you..." I whisper looking down and fidgeting with my hands. He slowly and cautiously takes my hands in his, holding them gently.

"Toby. When I was dating Wren a few months ago, Melissa's soon to be husband, he..he..hurt me." I say swallowing hard, tears falling down my cheeks. "I haven't ever told anyone this. But, everyday after school, he'd be at my place waiting, if I didn't go home right after school, he'd hurt me more. After school, he'd force me to take my clothes off, and he'd hit me, punch me, I was his punching bag." I say a tear falling, and Toby wipes it away using this thumb.

"I still have the bruises, scars, and marks he left. He'd force me to do things I didn't ever want to do, and if I didn't, he'd hit me, or threaten me. I had no choice. I only got out of that relationship because, well, he fell in love with my sister, and got tired of me." I say, not looking into his eyes.

He takes a deep breath and kisses my cheek before kneeling in between my legs. "Spencer, thank you for telling me, and trusting me. That's what I'm here for, okay? No matter what, I'm always here to keep you safe. I'll never let that happen again, and I wouldn't dare hurt someone as beautiful and incredible as you, okay? No matter what we do, or what I see, you'll always be the most beautiful person in the world in my eyes." He tells me and I give him a smile.

"I love you, Toby. I want to show you how much I love you, but I'm scared. The last time, and the only times, I've done it was because Wren forced me. I'm just scared." I say hugging him tight. "It's okay, I'll never pressure you to do anything you don't want to do, I'm always here to keep you safe." He says kissing my head.


Sorry for being inactive lol and this one sucked!!!

Happy birthday to MEEE❣️🎉

Comment thoughts??

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