Stay a while

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Spencer's POV:

When I was 17, Wren hurt me.

He was dating Melissa at the time, and when she had left to go somewhere, he did it.

And now, 2 years later, I have a beautiful baby girl Ella.

Wren went to jail for what he did to me, and isn't allowed to see the baby under any circumstances. Also, he's in jail for 10 years.

Ella looks nothing like Wren, thankfully. She has my brown hair, brown eyes and giggles like me, so I'm told by Melissa.

Ever since the day I found out he got me pregnant, Melissa has supported me and helped me, seeing I'm single and my friends distanced themselves away from me.

Ella is soon turning 2 years old, and spends most of the time with me, and running errands with me. Because my friends distanced themselves, she doesn't have much social interaction besides Melissa, my parents and I.

Actually, there's one person who has stuck by me the whole 2 years.

Toby Cavanaugh.

Toby is my current best friend, and he's always around when I need a night out or a babysitter. He loves Ella, and Ella loves him. He knows her so well, and he's always there for me.

He recently broke up with his fiancé, Yvonne, so he's been a little down in the dumps, so he couldn't help out for the past week or so.


It's late on a Wednesday afternoon, and I'm studying for my French test that's coming up.

It's really hard maintaining a part time job, being a single mother with minimal to no support from my parents, and studying for university.

As I look over some verbs, Ella begins to cry.

I lay my things down, and begin to rock her gently, and sing to her quietly. "Shh, it's okay baby." I whisper, bouncing her up and down.

I kiss her head, but the crying just won't stop.

Melissa is out with her current boyfriend, Adam, so it's just Ella, my parents and I.

And they don't really love Ella, like Melissa and I do. They think she was a mistake, and that I should of gotten an abortion.

They're allowing me to stay here, but I have to support her myself, and I can't keep them up. They have a huge list of rules, and if I break any, I'm out of the house.

"Shh, Ella. Nanny and poppy won't be happy to wake up to your crying." I whisper, bouncing her but the shrieks get louder.

My heart beat quickens as I hear a door open down the hall, and I hear angry footsteps. I continue to bounce Ella, and my door opens quickly.

"Shut her up!" My mom yells, and I bite my lip. "I'm trying, mom. It's hard." I sigh, looking down at Ella. "You're an unfit mother, Spencer. Look at you! Put her up for adoption, she deserves a happy mom and dad." My father hisses and I roll my eyes, holding in tears.

"Please, just give me a chance to quiet her down. She's just tired. Maybe she needs some milk." I suggest, beginning to walk towards the door where they're standing.

"No, you're leaving." My father says. "It's the middle of the night, guys. Come on, I have nowhere to go." I say and they shrug.

"Pack a bag and go. Take all of her stuff and yours." My mom says, and they walk away. A tear falls down my cheek, and Ella quiets down, beginning to babble.

"It's okay, baby. We'll find someplace to go." I whisper, giving her a soft smile.

~~~30 minutes later, 11:24 PM

All of our things are packed and in the car. I didn't bother getting us out of pyjamas, because it looks like we'll be sleeping in the car for a while.

We can't afford a hotel, I have no place to go.

Or do I?

I take a deep breathe as I pull out of the driveway and drive away from home.

After a 10 minute drive, I pull up to his house. The man that has supported me since the very beginning.

I grab Ella from her car seat, who had just fallen asleep. I cradle her as she continues to nap, and I quietly knock on the door.

I fidget with my hands nervously, waiting for an answer. This was a dumb idea, it's the middle of the night, he's probably asleep, with Caleb, or with a girl getting over his fiancé.

After a minute, the door swings open and Toby is stood there with messy hair and in pyjamas. He notices my tear stained face and sighs.

"Can Ella and I stay here for a while?" I ask, my voice breaking mid sentence, and he nods, pulling me inside. He hugs me immediately, and I cry onto his shirt.

"What happened?" He asks, taking Ella from my arms. He kisses her head, placing her on the couch and putting a blanket over her.

"My parents kicked us out. All of our things are in my car. I have nowhere to go. I have no money, no friends, I should give up Ella. Give her to someone that can make her happy." I say, beginning to sob and Toby holds me.

"Spencer, you're an amazing mother. This has been so hard on you. How you got pregnant, dealing with it all by yourself, staying in university." He goes on. "Spencer, you deserve to be happy with Ella. She's going to grow up and be smart, strong, and beautiful just like her mom." Toby says with a small smile, making me smile for a moment.

"Really?" I ask shyly. "Really." He confirms.

"Spencer, you can stay here as long as you need, alright? I'll support you, I'll help you, I'm here for you always. We're best friends." He smiles, kissing my head.

"You go sleep in my bed, I'll crash on the floor or something. Tomorrow I'll bring in her crib and I'll take her place on the couch for a bit." Toby says, pushing hair off my face.

"No, I-I can't be alone tonight." I mumble, tears falling down my cheeks. "Okay, okay." He whispers, hugging me as I cry.

We go into his bedroom, and get under the blankets. "Just sleep. It'll all be okay eventually, I promise.." He whispers, stroking my hair.


I kinda like this??

Want a part 2? It'll be like in the future and happier and Toby will be part of their life ;)

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