911 -Luke-

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To say that you were stressed was an understatement. You currently wanted to turn into a potato and roll away from your life's problems.

"Y/N! Hurry up!" You hear one of the boys yell, probably Cal, as you sped towards backstage, your arms full of the boys outfits for the concert. When you're running up the stairs, trying to find the boys, you feel your foot catch on the step and down you fell.

"Agh!" You yell as you try not to smash your face off the ground, but your cheek catches on one of the coat hangers and you feel a slash of pain. You quickly get up and rush to the boys green rooms, throwing their outfits at them, finally stopping in front of Luke's door to catch your breath.

The door opens and he peaks his head out, "Oh hey Y/N!" He beams but suddenly his eyes widen, "Why the hell are you bleeding?! Oh my god!" He shouts and pulls you inside, you throw his clothes onto the sofa and then walk over to the mirror and notice a small gash on your cheek.

"Oh, whoops!" You chuckle as you dab at it with a small towel.

"Are you ok? Do you need a doctor? Should I call 911?" Luke paces back and forth frantically and he looks like he's about to pass out. You roll your eyes and grab his arm, "Calm down dweeb, I'm fine!" You exclaim and he stares at you.

"Are you sure?" He questions and gets closer to you and you catch your breath. You had had a crush on Luke since before you had started working with the band, him being this close always made your heart ache.

"Yes Luke!" You chuckle softly and he nods before walking over to his bag and pulling out a box of band-aids.

"My Little Pony?" You question and with a serious look on his face he carefully covers your microscopic wound as if it's a gunshot.

"Okay, now I have to kiss it better." He says and before you can protest he kisses your cheek and you feel yourself melting.

"Uh oh Y/N." He says, a flicker of amusement on his face, "I think you might have a busted lip too." He teases softly as his face gets closer to yours.

"Uhm...well if you say so Doctor Luke." You tease back and know instantly that you're blushing.

He smirks and wraps his arms around your waist pulling you closer, your lips only an inch apart.

"Yep, it's definitely busted!" He chuckles and bites his lip, "The only cure is for me to kiss it. Is that alright?" He asks gently and you nod gently before his lips press against yours softly. 

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