Chapter 1 - Tour

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A few days later, I got a call from our manager. Charlie walked into my room when he heard me talking to Patrick.

"What are you guys talking about?" He wondered, and I answered after Patrick had told me to wait for a minute.

"Patrick says he may have found a band for us to go on tour with this year.. He says that now, this far into his conversation with the other band and their manager, there's not really a way that we couldn't go on the tour with them. He really thinks we have a tour set up.."

"Wait a minute.." Charlie's held up a finger, looking at his phone, "ugh, one of those douchebags from 5 Seconds of Summer just tweeted." (A/N: Omg it felt so weird actually typing that)

"You're following them? Why?"

"I have no idea. I should unfollow them," he told me and clicked a few things of his phone.

"What did he tweet about? And which one was it?"

"I think it was Ashton.. I don't know. And what does it matter what he tweeted? Probably something about a huge tour that they're going on this year, probably way better than the one we're going on. I'll tweet back, saying that we're going on a tour too. He'll probably respond with some smart aleck comment, ugh," Charlie scoffed, and Patrick got back on the phone with me.

"So I'm about to sign the papers so you will go on tour with this band. Do you want me to?" He asked.

"Go ahead! I know the boys would love to know that we're going on an actual tour," I smiled even though he couldn't see me.

"Okay! Great! I'll send you pictures of the band after I confirm this tour."

"Okay. Thank you, Patrick!"

"You're welcome, Desiree. Now you can go and tell the boys," he told me. I nodded, then realized he could see me so I responded verbally, "I will."

"I'll text you photos of the band in a few minutes, okay?" He confirmed, and I told him that would be great. He hung up then, and I told Charlie,what he had said.

A few minutes later, he sent me pictures of the band we were going on tour with. I got mad, and I was about to call Patrick to tell him we weren't going on the tour, but I knew he had already signed a contract or something like that so that we would be going on the tour. I don't think he could undo that. I just sighed, and I texted the other boys to come over. I had no idea what they would think.


Later that afternoon, after practicing a little, Charlie and I decided to tell Dawson, Jonah, and Brayan about the tour.

"Daws, Bray, Jonah.. We have something to tell you guys," I began talking slowly.

"What is it? Is there something wrong?" Brayan asked, worrying about me as if he was my own brother. Sometimes he felt like my older brother like the other boys.

"There is something wrong, but it's not with me. You know how we are, like, rivals against 5 Seconds of Summer?" I wondered, and they all nodded like bobble heads.

"We're going on tour with them this year," I announced. Their jaws dropped.

"How did that happen? Why did you agree to that?" Dawson exclaimed angrily.

"I didn't know they were the band we were going on tour with! Patrick told me he found a band for us to go on tour with, and I was like 'cool! Let's do it!' He never told me the name of the band!" I defended myself.

"I can't believe Patrick would do this to us! Why would he do this!? He knows we don't like 5 Seconds of Summer, and they don't like us!" Jonah clenched his teeth.

"Maybe he doesn't want us rivaling against them. Maybe he wants us to go on a tour together and spend more time with each other so we aren't rivaling against each other anymore. I think he thinks that's giving the band a bad reputation," Charlie added.

"That could be true.." I nodded, agreeing with Charlie, "I don't know why he wouldn't tell us the band first, though!"

"He wanted us to agree to going on the tour, and he knew we wouldn't if he told us the band," Brayan pointed out.

"Yeah, I guess that could be why he did it," I sighed.

"I think we should be happy that we're going on a tour, and we can at least try to be nice to them," Jonah suggested.

"Yeah, I think we should. I don't want to be really mean to the band we're touring with, or they won't be nice back. If we're mean to them on this tour, they might not invite us back on tour with them next year, and we might not be going on a tour next year," I made a point.

"That's true. Let's at least try to be nice to them in this tour, okay? If they aren't nice back, that's okay. Maybe sometimes we'll slip up and be rude, but can we try our best to be nice?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah, sure," we all agreed, sighing.

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