Chapter 18 - Amsterdam

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May 22, 2016

During the next tour, we were in Amsterdam, one of my favorite places. I loved playing in Amsterdam in the previous tour. It was one of the best shows on the Rock Out With Your Socks Out Tour, in my opinion.

Michael and I had been public for a while, ever since the last tour ended. Right after the tour ended, Michael sent out a tweet and revealed to everyone about our relationship. I was glad that we didn't have to be restricted anymore and that we could be open with our relationship; we didn't have to hide it from anyone.

I was extremely happy to find out that management was okay with it. That was the one thing that I was really worried about. I just hoped and prayed that management was okay with Michael and me dating. If they weren't, they'd have to find a different opening act, and they didn't want to do that, so they decided that they would have to be okay with the fact that Michael and I were dating.

It usually didn't come as a problem. Because I was on tour with Michael, I saw him every day, so it wasn't like Michael was away all of the time to see me and missing shows, like management feared. It worked out just fine.

During sound check, I watched the 5 Seconds of Summer boys practice like I always did. They sounded great, except Michael seemed a little out of it. The other boys noticed it, too.

"Michael, come on. You need to be focused here. Sing when you're supposed to sing and play what you're supposed to play. It's usually not too hard for you," Luke looked at Michael as if there was something wrong.

"Okay, Luke. I'm sorry. I'll try harder this time," Michael gave the slightest smile before they started the song over again.

Michael did a little better, but it still wasn't the same as usual. Michael seemed to still be really out of focus. It worried me. He was never like that. When it came to practicing or especially preforming, he always gave his best.

"Michael, is there something wrong? What is keeping you from giving your best? I want to help if there's something wrong," Calum told him after they stopped the song again.

"Again, I'm sorry. I'll tell you guys after we're done practicing.. Let's just keep going because I promise I'll do better," Michael looked at the three of his band mates. They nodded and agreed.

While they played the song again, I noticed that Michael was doing better, a lot better. It still wasn't his best, however.

While my band was practicing, I saw Michael and the other boys standing backstage talking. Michael smiled at me as he saw me look over. What are they talking about?

I wanted to know what was bothering Michael. Maybe it wasn't bothering him, but I wanted to know what he was thinking so much about. Did it have something to do with me? Was he breaking up with me? I really hoped he wasn't thinking about breaking up with me. I really didn't want him too, but I worried he would.

After my sound check and practice were done, I walked over to Michael backstage and asked him what was distracting him.

"It was nothing, Desi. Don't worry about it," he gave me a small smile.

"Was it something that has to do with me? Are you breaking up with me?" I questioned. He looked at me, shocked.

"No, Desi. Why would you think that?" He asked with him mouth hanging open.

"I don't know.. I just, uh, I just thought that could've been a possibility of what you were thinking about," I shrugged.

"Desiree, I'm most definitely not going to break up with you," he chuckled a little. "That's not what I was thinking about."

"Okay, that's good. I'm sorry I even brought that up. I don't even know why I thought of that, but that was the first thing that came into my mind.."

"It's all right, babe. It's okay. I don't mind," he smiled, "You just shouldn't be thinking about that because that isn't going to happen."

"Good," I grinned back. Charlie called me into the stage where my band was again. I told Michael I'd talk to him later, but that I needed to go help Charlie with whatever he needed.


Later that night, my band and I had already preformed, and Michael's band was currently preforming. I was watching them from the side of the stage with Brayan and Jonah right beside me. They kept looking over at me, smiling, then looking away.

"What is your problem?" I asked them. They laughed. "Why do you keep looking over at me like that?"

"No reason, Desiree. Just watch your boyfriend and his band play," Jonah chuckled a little bit after he spoke.

After the last song ended, Michael called me out onto the stage and reminded everyone about us dating. He then turned to me, got down on one knee and pulled out a ring.

"Will you marry me?" He asked, announcing it to the whole venue. My eyes lit up as he asked the question, and I was so flabbergasted that I didn't know what to say. I managed to get one word out, though.


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