Chapter 3 - Pumped

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March 26, 2015

The days inched closer to the beginning of the tour. I couldn't wait, to be honest. I knew I'd be spending a lot of time with 5 Seconds of Summer, and I'd probably be annoyed a lot, but I really wanted to go on tour. I couldn't believe that we were finally going on tour. I was elated and excited, but the four boys were just not happy to be going on a tour with 5 Seconds of Summer.

"Come on, guys!" I exclaimed, trying to get them excited, "we're leaving in a about two weeks, lets go! Aren't you guys excited? I know I am!"

"Why would you be excited? We all hate those boys," Dawson groaned.

"I'm trying to make the best of this. I'm glad we're going on a tour. Daws, this is our first tour. Can't you be any more excited? I know you'll be really excited when we're in the tour," I smiled. He shrugged.

"Des, you seem a little too excited for this tour. Is there something you aren't telling us?" Charlie wondered.

"No, I just really can't wait to go on the tour because it's our first!" I tried to explain, "I don't know why you guys aren't excited. Sure, we don't like the 5-s-o-s boys that much, but we can still have fun and have a great time on this tour. Please, guys. I don't like seeing you guys all bummed. It's really frustrating when you guys don't see the bright side to things. We're going on a tour with another band. We may not like that other band, but it's still pretty amazing, right!?" I threw my arms up in the air.

"Yeah, I understand what you're saying. It makes sense; I just don't know how much fun we'll have with the 5-s-o-s boys around," Brayan sighed.

"We'll have tons of fun," I tried to convince them, "we don't have to spend all of our time with them. And who knows? We might be great friends with them after the tour. You don't know until you do it."

"Us? Be friends with 5 Seconds of Summer? I don't think so. Are you seriously in A4dable Affair? We all hate 5-s-o-s, but you don't seem to hate them!" Dawson exclaimed at me.

"Like I've said, I'm just trying to see the bright side. I don't like 5-s-o-s, but we're going on a tour, and you guys should be happy about that," I snapped slightly.

"We are happy we're going on a tour. I guess we can try to at least get along with the 5-s-o-s boys, but I'm not promising we'll be friends by the end of the tour. So don't put words in my mouth and say that I told you we'd be friends," Jonah informed me, pointing his finger at me.

"I won't. I'm just glad you're going to try to get along with them. I appreciate that," I smiled.

After our argument, we took a break from what was supposed to be practice. We had gotten started on talking about the tour and began to argue about it.

After our break, we got back to actually practicing. We were getting really good on our songs that we were going to play on the tour. I was really pumped to be playing the songs we had played in Dawson and Brayan's basement at an actual concert. It just seemed so amazing to me that we would be playing for thousands of people instead of a few dozen each night.

"Charlie," I talked to him as the other boys went over something they needed to do that was involved with the music, "are you actually excited about the tour?"

"Yeah, I am," he nodded, but he seemed unsure.

"Would you be more excited if we weren't going with 5 Seconds of Summer?"

"Yeah, a lot more excited," he didn't even hesitate, "to be honest, I can't wait to play in front of all of those people, even though I'm a little scared. Our first show is about a month away, but I'm still worried I'll mess up. I know I won't because we've been practicing so much lately. I can't get these songs out of my head. I'm constantly playing the songs in my head."

"I've been singing them nonstop ever since we wrote the songs. I really like how we're coming along with preforming them as a band, though. I don't think I'll be too nervous for our first show," I smiled brightly. You could tell I was the most excited out of all five to go on tour. I think the other three boys (other than Charlie) were nervous as well. I think that was contributing to them not being very excited.

"You guys ready?" Jonah asked, and I nodded at the same time Charlie did.

We played one of our songs for about the fifth time in that practice session. I was finally beginning to get the four boys pumped for the tour. I knew they'd love it once I got to the first venue. I'd sang as an opening act once before, so I had experience with it. That was when I was fourteen, so it might be a little different now, but I still couldn't wait for the tour. I felt that we just didn't get along with the 5-s-o-s boys because the five of us were too stubborn. I thought that maybe, just maybe, the 5 Seconds of Summer were nicer once you actually met them.

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