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November 20, 2020

It was Michael's twenty-fifth birthday, and I was so excited. I had been touring with my band on our own for a couple years, and Michael was also touring. We got married in late 2016, but we didn't see each other much in person unless we were both in break.

I took three-year-old Ashlynn and three-month-old Lucas to see Michael on his tour because I had just finished up my tour, and Michael was about to. He was playing at his second-to-last show on his birthday, and they were playing in New Jersey. For the three days before his show in New Jersey, I spent time with my family because I didn't see them much. I saw Charlie plenty on tour, but I didn't see my parents much.

Ashlynn and Lucas saw their uncle Charlie and the rest of my band more than they saw their own daddy. We Skyped Michael every day, but they would still see my band more than they saw Michael.

I didn't sell Michael I was going to his show; I wanted it to be a surprise. The boys knew about it, but Michael didn't. Ashlynn loved her uncle Ashton, whom she was named after. And Lucas seemed to love Uncle Luke, whom he was named after. I thought it was funny how it happened that way.

When we arrived at the show, we got in backstage then walked towards the dressing room. Ashton, Calum, and Luke were standing outside of the dressing room, just talking.

"Uncle Ashyyy!" Ashlynn yelled and let go of my hand as she ran towards Ashton.

"Hey, baby girl!" Ashton exclaimed, picking her up.

"I'm not a baby anymore," Ashlynn giggled. I walked closer to them.

"Hey guys," I smiled, and they smiled back, then said hello to me also. I asked them, "Where's Michael?"

"He's getting ready in the dressing room. We're waiting on him because the show's going to start in about ten minutes.." Calum answered, sighing.

"Okay," I nodded. I couldn't wait to see Michael in person again.

"Are you excited to see Daddy again?" Ashton asked Ashlynn.

"Yeah, a lot. I miss him. I don't see him too much," Ashlynn frowned. Michael slowly opened the dressing room door, just enough that you could partially see his face.

"Do I hear my princess talking out here?" He asked, smiling as he looked at Ashlynn.

"Daddy!" Ashlynn exclaimed, reaching her arms out to him. He threw the door open and grabbed her from Ashton, hugging her incessantly. I watched them, thinking how cute it was seeing them together again.

I stood there holding Lucas as Michael hugged Ashlynn. After he quit hugging her as much, he kept her in his arms and looked over at me. He smiled when he saw me. I walked over to Michael and smiled at him.

"Hey babe," I kissed his lips, and I tried to contain my excitement. "Happy birthday.."

"Thank you, Desi," he hummed, "I love you."

"I love you, too. And I've missed you," I sighed, happy to be able to see him in person again.

"I've missed you so much, Desiree Katelyn Clifford," Michael kissed me again.

"Stop.. please," Ashlynn sighed. I laughed so hard.

"Sorry, Ashlynn," Michael chuckled.

"You guys are gross," she shook her head and asked to be let down. After she was, she walked around backstage like she owned the place. It would've been believable that she did own the place because she knew everyone there, and they always did what she wanted them to do. She was so spoiled on the tours.

Calum took Lucas from me, and he was then passed to Luke before going to Ashton. I took him back from them as Michael told me they had to get ready to go into stage in less than a minute.

"I'll see you after the show, Mikey.. My rival," I joked. I found it crazy but amazing that we actually did start out as rivals..


Sucky ending, of course. That's what I'm known for haha jk.. I hope you don't hate my endings as much as I do.

But anyways I hope you liked this story and will maybe read some of my others:) I really hope that you did like this, and I want to know how you found out about this story. Comment on this part and tell me how you found this book and/or how you found my account!!

I love you all. Thank you so much for supporting me:)

-Lizzie xx

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