Chapter 5 - Four People

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"Hi," I smiled, "I'm Desiree."

"Yeah, we knew that. You guys know who we are, right?" The one on the left asked. We shrugged. I knew who they were, but I don't think the boys cared enough to know.

"I'm Calum," they began from right to left, "and I'm Michael." "I'm Ashton" "I'm Luke."

"We know who you guys are," Charlie told them, "of course we know who you are. We hate you guys."

"Hey, hey.." Patrick scolded, "don't say that."

"Sorry," he mockingly apologized, "we really don't like you guys."

"Be nice!" Patrick exclaimed quietly.

"I know we really don't get along and we don't like each other, but for the sake of this tour, let's at least try our best to get along," I begged.

"I may try, but I don't know about trying my best," Michael shrugged. I sighed and looked at Dawson, Brayan, Jonah, and Charlie. They nodded and told me they'd try to get along. The other boys in 5 Seconds of Summer shrugged just as Michael had. I rolled my eyes and ignored their attitudes. They seemed like such assholes, but why was I attracted to them?

"So you guys will be spending a lot of time together, remember that," Adam looked at both bands.

"Yeah, I know," Dawson groaned.

"At least try to be nice to each other, please," Patrick begged.

"Yes, we'll try," I nodded.

We began to leave the other boys' suite after Patrick and Adam talked for a little while. During the time that they were talking, I was standing there awkwardly with the eight guys, and we weren't talking at all. We were standing in silence, just looking at each other. It seemed like all of the boys from 5-s-o-s were eyeing me up, and Charlie noticed. He glared at them all and made a comment once, just before we left.

"Get your eyes off of my sister. She'd never date any of you assholes," he spat, then walked out of the suite and shut the door behind him.

"What was that, Charlie? Don't be so rude!" I exclaimed.

"Since when have you cared if I was rude to them?" He wondered.

"I just don't want them hating us. We need to get along with them."

"You need to accept the fact that we won't get along. We never have, and we never will. We just need to tolerate each other on the tour," he sighed.

We walked back into our suite a few steps down the hallway. I went right into my room to begin to unpack a few more things of mine. I put things into drawers and into the closet of mine.

I got my own room because I was the only girl, but Charlie shared a room with Jonah, Dawson and Brayan shared a room, and Patrick had his own room. I liked the sleeping arrangements, mainly because I got my own room. I figured I would anyways.

I laid on my bed and got on my phone. After looking around on Twitter, I found that I had a DM from someone. I didn't know who it would be, though, so I opened it to see that Michael had DMed me. Why was he sending me a message? More importantly: what was the message about?

When I looked at the message, I realized that he had just sent it less than a minute before. He was talking about when we were over in their suite minutes before.

"It seems like your brother is pretty protective of you. He's older, I'm guessing?" It read.

"He is, yeah" I responded, "why the interest in my brother?"

"I was just curious" was the next text he sent.

"Oh ok.. So are you excited about the tour? You've been on how many before?"

"We've been in two before this one. I'm really excited, even though we have to spend a lot of time with four people that I really don't like. What about you?"

"I'm super excited!! We've never been on a tour, and I'm not really that excited about hanging out with you guys either.. no offense. And you said four people you don't like; there's five in the band..."

"I know"

"What are you saying, then?"

"You seem pretty cool, I'm looking forward to maybe spending some more time with you while on this tour and getting to know you;)"

"Oh... Okay:)" I was flattered. Maybe I was wrong about them. I might've been wrong about Michael, at least. He seemed nice, but I still was not sure about the other three.

"Well I've got to go.. Talk to ya later?"

"I guess we will be talking later, a lot actually because of the tour haha"

"Yeah. Bye Desi:)"

"Goodbye Michael..." Maybe I did like Michael.. Just a little bit?

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