Chapter 12 - Defending

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"You're spending way too much time with them," Ashton growled, "I don't like that you're becoming okay with them. They're assholes!"

"If they're assholes, then we're just as bad as them!" I fought. I had no idea why Ashton was being so rude. Why was he so against me spending time with them?

"That is definitely not true," he spat, "they are way worse than we could ever be! Have you seen their comments on our photos? Their rude suggestions?"

"Have you seen the ones you post, too?" I defended.

"Okay, you hated them just a week ago, and now you're defending them?"

"Yeah, because they're not as bad as I thought they were. They're nowhere near as bad as you think they are."

"Sure," he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"I'm done with you hating on them. I'm going to my room, so just leave me alone."

I walked back to my room, trying to calm down and forget the things he said about A4dable Affair. He was being so rude, and he hadn't even tried to talk to them ever. He didn't know what they were like. Once you got to know them, if you were nice to them, they'd be nice back.

I sat in my room, and I could hear what the boys were talking about in the living room. They were still talking about me. I heard them say that I was just defending the band because I had a crush on Desiree. I got so mad. I didn't just have a crush on her; I was her boyfriend. Plus, I did like Brayan and Charlie, but I hadn't interacted with the rest of the band much. I just knew that once you get to know them, they're nice.

"What if he's just defending the band because he wants to fuck the lead singer?" I heard Luke say and laugh.

I opened the door to my room and walked out to the living room of the suite, trying to stay calm.

"I just heard what you said, Luke Robert Hemmings," I said, gritting my teeth, "don't think that when I'm in my room, I don't hear you guys."

"Woah, Michael, why are you getting rude now?"

"I'm not being rude. You guys are the ones being rude. I can't believe you're saying those things about the other band and about me. Your own band member? Are you serious?"

"We just don't know why you're defending them. They're a bunch of assholes around the center bitch," Calum scoffed.

"You have no idea how hard it is not to punch you right now," I growled and sighed to try to calm down.

"What's wrong, Mikey? Got a crush?" Calum taunted.

"I just don't like that you're saying that nice people are assholes and bitches. I may have called them that before, but now I realize that they aren't. I hope you realize that, too, because you're the ones who are being assholes right now," I sighed.

"Why are we the ones being assholes?" Ashton asked as if he didn't know.

"I just told you. You're calling A4dable Affair a group of assholes around the center bitch, which is not the case," I gave him the death stare.

"Fine," Ashton sighed, "I'm sorry." He raised up his hands in surrender.

"Yeah, like that's sincere," I scoffed.

"If I stop calling them assholes and bitches, will you stop bitching out on us?" Ashton wondered.

"Of course. I'm just 'bitching out' because you guys are being rude to a group of nice people. I don't understand how you can't see that. You're being rude to them, so they're being rude back. But when I'm nice to them, they're nice to me too. Maybe you should try that sometime," I sighed as I walked back to my room.

I plopped myself on my bed and got out my phone. I began to text Desiree, telling her what all just happened with me and the boys.

"You will not believe what just happened," I texted.

"I bet I will.. You and the boys fought because you were spending time with my band, and you were defending us..."

"How did you know?" I questioned her.

"I could hear you guys. My room is the closest to your suite, and your living room is the closest to my suite. I can hear what goes on in your living room lol"

"Really, Desi? You were listening in on the whole conversation?"

"Yeah, I was... Sorry:("

"No, no, no, it's fine:)"

"And btw thank you for defending me & my band"

"You're so welcome, babe:)"

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