Chapter 8 - Story

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"Why are you telling me not to get hurt?" I asked Brayan, and he calmed down enough so he could explain to me.

"I don't want you getting hurt by Michael, if you two are going to be together," he sighed.

"It's not official, but we both like each other.. a lot, you could say," I bit my lip slightly.

"I know. I can tell. I just don't want you to be with him, then be torn apart because of our rivalry between our bands. Also, I don't want him hurting you, either physically or mentally. I've told you about my parents' story, right?" He asked.

"No, you never have. What happened with your parents?" I wondered.

"It was actually just my mom, but you know how she used to be in a band?"

"Yes, I do know that. And I know they were pretty good."

"They were. But they were just like us. They had a rival band. It turns out she was dating the lead singer of that rival band. Her bandmates didn't find out for a while.

"My mom thought it was getting serious, but she never told her bandmates or anyone else. Somehow her boyfriend's bandmates found out, and her boyfriend started beating her because they found out and they were giving him a hard time about it. She still dated him, and she never broke up with him. He asked her to marry him, and she said yes.

"That's when she finally told her bandmates. She told them that she was getting married. They told her that they knew how violent he could be when he was angry, and would not let her marry him. She was very stubborn and stuck in her ways, though, and she didn't listen to them.

"That's when she got hurt. Really hurt. Her boyfriend broke her left arm and one of her legs because he got so violent. She was so into him that she wanted to look past his violence. She couldn't anymore, but it was too late. She already had a broken arm and leg, but breaking up with him also gave her a broken heart. She was so hurt by him that the only person that could help was my dad, her fellow bandmate.

"Dawson doesn't know that story. She only ever told me. And I don't want you to be hurt like my mother. We're super close and we always have been. I can't bear to see you hurt like she was. Please promise me you'll be careful."

"I will be, Bray. I can promise you that. Michael doesn't seem to be the violent type, the type that would hit me and hurt my physically. I won't let him hurt me even if he ever tries. Our relationship isn't official yet, so I'm not even sure if we'll be a couple. But if we ever are, I will promise you I'll be safe. I'll tell you everything as long as you don't tell the other three boys or the 5-s-o-s boys."

"I won't. I just don't want you hurt," he hugged me.

"Thank you for caring so much.. You're an amazing friend. You've always been like a brother to me," I pulled away from the hug and smiled at him.

"Anytime. I just want you to be safe," he walked out of the room. I sat on my bed, smiling because of how much he cared for me.

I got my phone out and texted Michael, telling him about the conversation I'd just had.

"Brayan saw us today. He might've heard us in the hallway, too..." I sent him.


"It's okay. He's okay with it. He just told me he didn't want me hurt, that's all."

"What, did he think I would hurt you?"

"He was just worried. He shared a story with me about someone he knew that the exact same thing happened to, being in a rivalry between her band and his, and it didn't turn out well. It's okay though."

"Desi, could you come out into the hallway, please? I want to talk to you face-to-face, not through texts, okay?"


I got worried. I had no idea what he wanted to talk about. Was it bad that he didn't want to text it to me? Was it good? I had so many thoughts running through my mind as I walked out of my room in the suite and made my way to the hallway. As I opened the suite door, I sighed.

After I walked out, I saw Michael standing out there. I got closer to him, and he smiled a little bit.

"Desi," he whispered softly, taking my hands in his. I loved how he called me that. I thought it was so cute.

He continued, "I know we're not completely official, so will you be my girlfriend?"

I obviously said yes.


Yay! It's official now:)

-Lizzie xx

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