Chapter 15 - Worried

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"Guys, I can expl-" Desiree began as Charlie, Dawson, and Jonah began to walk out of the room.

"No need!" Dawson exclaimed, stopping and spinning around quickly. He huffed and began walking towards Desiree again with Charlie and Jonah following him.

"How long has this thing been going on between you two? Hm?" Charlie wondered, putting his hand on his hip. I knew he was mad.

"It's been about five months..." I sighed. I looked up to see him enraged. I knew he was going to hate me.

"You fucking bastard!" Charlie yelled at me, speeding towards me and trying to tackle me. Jonah and Brayan grabbed his arms and held him back.

"Let me go!" Charlie exclaimed to his two bandmates, trying to break out of their grasp. They wouldn't let go.

"Charlie, why are you so mad? You don't have to be so mad. Just let it go. It's not like Desiree is dying because she's dating him," Jonah tried to explain to Charlie.

Charlie shook his head, "you don't understand! That's my baby sister. I have to protect her from guys like him." Charlie tried to bring his right arm up to point at me, but Brayan held his arm down.

"Charlie, listen to me. I've been with them on many of their dates. I went with them so, uh, so you guys wouldn't find out because I found out early on. I know that Michael is good to Desiree. Trust me. He doesn't hurt her like you might think he does. What have you noticed in Desiree in the past five months. Has she been happier? Definitely. Why do you think she was happier? Because she'd been with Michael. Now don't assume anything about Michael because he's a great boyfriend to Desiree. Don't hurt him, because he hasn't done anything wrong," Brayan told Charlie and threw his arm out of his grasp.

Charlie sighed, looking at me before looking at Desiree. I turned around to look at Desiree as Charlie looked at her too. She smiled, and I smiled back.

After turning back to Charlie, he actually smiled at me. I couldn't believe it. He'd never liked me before, even before we were on the tour together. It seemed like now he approved of me because of what Brayan said and since he knew I was dating his younger sister.

Charlie got closer to me, and I wasn't sure of what he was doing. I hoped he wasn't just deceiving me, coming closer to me to hurt me. I still didn't quite trust me. He got as close as he could, and reached his arms out to me. He hugged my body tightly, and I hugged back.

I couldn't even comprehend what was happening. Charlie was finally warming up to me, and I could tell that Dawson and Jonah both were too. After Charlie hugged me, there was a whole big group hug consisting of Charlie, Dawson, Brayan, Jonah, and me. Desiree watched, and when we came out of the hug, she smiled at me. I knew that this was something she'd wanted since we started dating: for me to get along with her band.

I knew that there was still another thing we had to do, a few other things. We needed to first tell my band. I wanted them to accept me being with Desiree and at least try to get along with A4dable Affair, not like they had been "getting along" with the band during the tour. Both bands had been nasty to each other throughout the whole tour. That was one thing I didn't like.

"So what did the doctors say happened?" I asked Desiree to see if she knew. I didn't remember what the doctor had told us before we walked in the room; all I heard was that she as going to be okay.

"Yeah, he said that I was just too worried about telling everyone. I was sort of nervous, and I was pacing back and forth in the room, so much they I fainted because of the two combined," Desiree explained and I crouched down next to her.

"Why were you so worried about telling everyone?" I wondered, grabbing her hand.

"Well, I just wasn't sure of how everyone would react. I was worried that Charlie would get really mad at us, and I felt that the guys in your band wouldn't approve because they hate my band so much. I just wanted the ones closest to me and closest to you to accept us dating. I don't want them to hate the fact that we're together, you know?" She explained, and I nodded, understanding every part of it.

"That makes sense. I guess I was sort of thinking the same thing. I didn't want people to disapprove. Plus, I really wanted the fans to be nice, to both of us. If they like my band and hate yours, they wouldn't like us together. And if they like your band and hate mine, they wouldn't be happy either. We'll just have to hope for the best and see what happens, okay?" I smiled at her, and she agreed.

"We need to tell your band, soon," she nodded.

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