Chapter 11 - Walking

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We ended up going to a park. Brayan sat down on a bench while Michael and I walked around. I felt bad for Brayan because I didn't want him to think he was third-wheeling. He just sat there and worked a little on writing a song while Michael and I walked around together.

I just didn't want him to go back to the hotel suite. If he did, the boys would know that Michael and I were out here alone. They'd get suspicious. I couldn't have that happening.

As Michael and I walked around in the beautiful wooded area, I was able to hold his hand because no one was around us. I loved that. I also hated that we had to keep our relationship a secret, but I was glad it was a mutual decision instead of one of us deciding that we would keep it a secret. I was happy knowing that I wasn't the only one that didn't want others to know, especially our band members.

I thought about what would happen if Dawson found out. What if Jonah found out? What about the worst: if Charlie found out?

I had no idea what I'd tell them. If they found out, I'd have to tell them the truth:  everything that was going on between Michael and me, who knew about our relationship, when we got together, how many dates we'd been on, etc. Maybe I wouldn't have to tell them all of that, but I wanted to make sure they were informed about our relationship if they did find out because they probably wouldn't approve at first. They'd want to know how the relationship actually was. Then, they'd probably make a decision whether to support us or to not support us.

I didn't want anyone to find out soon. I hoped not within the first month of our relationship, if it lasted that long. I wasn't sure how long our relationship would last. Given our circumstances with our bands hating each other and my protective big brother, I wasn't sure if either of us would be able to get very far in the relationship.

"Michael, you're amazing," I told him, leaning my head against his shoulder while speaking a rest from walking.

"You're pretty good, too," he joked, "no, you're the best, Desi."

"I love it when you call me that. That nickname is really cute."

"Then I'll call you that forever, babe. Desi, Desi, Desi, Desi..."

"Don't say it too much or it'll wear out."

"Sorry," he chuckled, apologizing.

"It's fine, Mikey. I still do really like the nickname," I smiled.

"I like your nickname for me, too. It's just plain: Mikey. Some other people call me that, but it's not often that anyone calls me that."

"Then I'll call you Mikey as many times as you want me to," I pulled my head off of his shoulder, getting ready to walk with him again.

"You go ahead and call me Mikey any time you want," Michael kissed my forehead right after I pulled my head off of his shoulder.

"We should get going back to the hotel soon. I don't want to stir up too much suspicion. Ashton was already a little suspicious today at rehearsals. I don't want them to keep getting more and more suspicious," I sighed.

"I guess we should get going, then. Let's go find Brayan and see if he's still sitting where he was earlier. Hopefully he didn't move at all," Michael and I walked back towards where Brayan had been sitting. He was still there when we reached him.

"Brayan, we're going to head back to the hotel. I don't want to spend too much time out here. It's about a three-minute walk from here to the hotel. Let's go," I encouraged him to stand up and walk back to the hotel with him.

Brayan got up from the bench and I walked with the two boys back to the hotel. I was glad at the time that no one came up to us, asking for pictures, especially because Michael was with us.

We walked into the hotel and got into the elevator. After we got to our floor, we walked to our suites, and I gave Michael a quick kiss before saying goodbye.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I smiled as he walked into his suite. Brayan and I walked a few more steps and opened the door to ours.

*Michael's POV*

"Michael, where were you? Where did you go after rehearsals? You didn't tell us where you went!" Calum exclaimed as I walked in. Ashton, Calum, and Luke were all gathered in the living room, either on a laptop or phone. Adam was at the kitchen table near the living room working on his laptop.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you guys. I actually went walking around with two of the people from the other band. Brayan and, uh, Desiree? Yeah, that's their names."

"Oh my god, Michael! Why would you go and do something with them?" Luke scoffed.

"I'm just trying to be nice, unlike you three. Just because you guys don't like them, you won't go anywhere near them."

"I'm sorry, Michael, but I don't want to cause problems with them. I feel that if I hang out with them more than I do now, I'll hate them even more," Ashton defended.

"That's not the case for me."


Hey guys.. I'm back!!! I'll be updating regularly from now on:)

-Lizzie xx

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