Chapter 16 - Approved

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Early the next morning, the doctors released Desiree from the hospital. They believed she didn't need to be in there any longer, so they were letting her go. The tour was now over, but the boys were still in Florida in the same hotel we had been staying in because they needed to wait for me before we could fly back home. I knew Desiree and I would have to tell them before we flew back home if we wanted to tell them together.

"Desi, do you want to tell my band now? I think that would be easiest," I asked her as I began to drive towards the hotel we had been staying in, the hotel where the boys were until we found out what happened with Desiree.

"Yeah, that would be great. I still need to get my things from my hotel room before I leave for New Jersey."

"Okay, then we'll be going to my hotel room first or yours?" I wondered.

"Yours. Then after we tell the boys, we can go to my room to get my things so I can go home."

"I'm going to miss you," I pouted.

"I'm going to miss you, too, Michael. We have to go home to our families, though. We can set up a Skype call with each other sometime so we can tell our parents about us.." She suggested.

"That would be great. I want them to know. That way, sometime while we're on break, we can see each other. You know, see each other in person," I smiled.

"Definitely," she agreed as we pulled into a parking spot in the parking garage next to the hotel we were staying in. We got out of my car and walked into the hotel, then went up to the floor with our rooms on it.

"Are you ready to tell them what we've been hiding from them for months?" Desiree questioned.

"Yeah. I'm just a little nervous about what their reactions are going to be. I have no idea what they'll say or what they'll do. What about you?"

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be.." She sighed as the elevator doors slowly opened. We walked out of them and with each step, I got closer and closer to my hotel room where I would tell my three best friends a secret that I had been hiding from them for around five months.

"I can't believe we're actually telling them," I sighed. I still wasn't sure how we were going to do it, but I knew we'd find a way to tell them. Or maybe they'd find out by themselves and ask us.

"Well, we are. Are you nervous?" Desiree wondered.

"A little bit. Desi, they're my best friends. They won't want to know that I've kept a secret like this from them for five months.."

"I know, Mikey. My bandmates were surprised, too. I know they're going to be surprised. But more likely than not, they will be supportive."

"Okay. Let's go," I took a deep breath as we took the last few steps towards the band's hotel room.

I used my key to get into the room, and I walked into the kitchen. All three of the boys walked into the kitchen and crowded around Desiree and me.

"So what was wrong?" Luke asked. All of them were staring at us intently.

"I was just stressed. Maybe it was because I was nervous to tell everyone about..." Desiree trailed off. She looked at me to finish for her, but I hesitated.

Ashton finished her sentence for her, "you and Michael dating?"

"Yeah, that," I nodded, looking at Desiree and biting my lip.

"I can't believe you guys didn't tell us. I mean, I had my suspicions, but I didn't want to accuse you two of anything in case it wasn't true," Calum sighed in anger. "How long has it been since you got together?"

"Um," I hesitated because I didn't want to tell them; I knew they'd just get even more mad. "Five months."

"Five months? You've been together that long? Oh my-" Ashton stopped and grunted in aggravation. "You should've trusted us, Michael Gordon... We would've been okay with it. I can't believe you thought we'd.. What did you think we'd do?"

"I didn't think you'd like it because Desiree is in A4dable Affair. I thought you wouldn't let us date. Plus, if management found out..?"

"I know, Michael. I know that management would've split you two up. They think it's best for you not to be distracted during practices, performances, interviews, or at all. I understand why you didn't want management to know, but you could've told us, and we wouldn't have told management." Ashton informed us.

"But about her being in A4dable Affair..." My voice trailed off.

"I personally don't care," Luke voiced his opinion, "You're happy, Mikey. And sure, we don't like the guys in A4dable Affair. No offense, Desiree."

"None taken," Desiree shrugged.

"We don't care who you date, Mikey. As long as you're happy," Calum smiled.

"Yeah, I guess I agree," Ashton sighed, "I'm just mad that you didn't tell me you were dating. I would've liked to know that. Next time something big happens in your life, Mikey, I'd like to know about it." Ashton chuckled.

"I promise, next time, I'll tell you." I assured Ashton. We all laughed about what had happened.

"I approve of you two together," Ashton smirked.

"What's it to you to say if you approve of us, or not?" Desiree put her hand on her hip and jokingly sassed Ashton. When Ashton wasn't sure if she was joking, she clarified. "I was just kidding, Ashton. Chill out."

"So are you guys sure that you're okay with us being together? You're fine with it?" I questioned once more.

"You just heard what Desiree said. It's not up to us to approve of you two together, but we do approve. Be good, though," Calum pointed a finger at me, and all five of us laughed.


This book will be coming to an end soon, just to make sure you know:(

-Lizzie xx

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