Chapter 1

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Hey everyone! This new Jax story was requested by @NicoleJohn179! I hope you all enjoy it!


"Nope," Julia slid the bag across the counter with a forced smile. "Two, that's what was ordered."

"I was told four," he snapped, flinging the bag in her face. "I'm risking internal affairs on my ass for this shit. Where's Charlie?"

Julia pursed her lips and leaned her elbows on the counter. "He's not here. You deal with me, this is always the way it's been and its not going to change."

"I'm done listening to women," he spat. "Lemme talk to Charlie."

"You really think having him come here for this petty bullshit is gonna put him in a good mood, at all?" Julia rolled her eyes and stepped away from the counter. "The job pays two, Charlie's orders, you throw this in my face again," she held the bag out to him, "And you'll have more than two grand and a visit from Internal Affairs to worry about, Officer Clemons."

"Fucking whore." He grumbled, snatching the bag just as Nero Padilla and an unknown blond pulled up outside.

Julia knew it was Nero, his flashy blue Impala announced his arrival, but she had never seen his friend. The comfort his genuine smile brought her helped ease the fear that churned her stomach over the confrontation. Charlie always told her she could be afraid, that didn't matter, but she could never show it and it was something she mastered over the years.

"You should go, Clemons," she said firmly.

"Should I?" He reached over the counter, his fingers wrapping around her neck, just as the mysterious blond headed into the shop. "Call Charlie, now."

"Hey!" Jax immediately rushed the officer, knocking him back and away from Julia. "You don't put your hands on a woman, asshole." When he looked back at his damsel, no longer in distress, Jax smiled sweetly. "You alright?"

She nodded, her hand on her neck, trying to hold back her tears. "Thank you," she stammered as Nero joined them.

"Everything alright?" He asked with concern as Clemons clambered to his feet. "I make one phone call and this shit happens?"

"You're done," Clemons growled at Julia. "And you," he gestured to Jax.

"Officer, you drop this now and I won't go to Barosky myself," Nero warned. "He won't like hearing you man handled his niece."

Clemons' back went up. "Fucking assholes."

"Dirty cops," Jax chuckled. "No honor among thieves, I guess. Now get lost."

The cop charged out of the shop, every intention of finding Charlie himself, and Jax immediately turned to Julia.

"You okay, darlin'?"

"I'm good," Julia swallowed hard. "Thanks for that."

With a charming smile Jax winked at Julia and Nero interrupted them with a heavy annoyed sigh. "Charlie around?"

She smiled as her left eyebrow rose up her forehead. "Like I said to that asshole, he's not here. Sorry," she shrugged.

"I'm not that asshole," Nero chuckled. "I need to talk with him."

"We're looking to make him some money," Jax added, "Not cost him any."

Holding up one finger she scurried into the back room. Nero leaned his elbow on the counter, looking at Jax, and waited as Julia undoubtedly made a call.

"That's going to get in the way of business," he warned.

"I don't let anything get in the way of business," he smirked. "Relax, mano."

They waited, no other words passing between them, only the tapping of Nero's fingers along the glass case keeping the awkward silence at bay. Julia reappeared with a smile, Charlie swaggering in behind her with a smug grin.

"Nero Padilla."

"Charlie," Nero laughed and the two shook hands. "This is Jax Teller."

Jax and Charlie shook hands and the three men moved to a small table toward the back of the shop. Before they truly got down to business, while Jax and Nero explained who Jax was, Julia came over with three coffees. Barosky's was already fixed perfectly but she placed a small ceramic sugar bowl and creamer dish for the others.

"You guys need anything else?" She asked Charlie but he simply shook his head and she hurried off, locking the front door before disappearing out the back.

Julia texted from the back alley and eavesdropped on the conversation without guilt or reservation. Charlie never doubted she would, he never said it but he wanted her to as one day she would take over what he built.

"I'm looking to expand," she heard Nero explain. "Jax and his club own a porn production company, we're going in together."

"Porn star fantasy fetish," Charlie laughed gruffly. "Smart."

"That's what we thought," Jax said confidently. "We found a great spot but it's up here."

"And we know you have Colette and her girls in the area." Nero added. "We don't want to step on any toes."

Charlie sat back, his fingers wrapped around his coffee as he rolled their offer around in his head. "The demand is there," he mused. "Where's the location?"

"Off second, big Victorian house on the corner," Nero said quickly.

"In that neighborhood?" Charlie laughed. "You'll need the local reps on your side cause when word gets out the homeowners are going to fight it."

"I've spent my life buying the goodwill of my town," Jax said. "I think we can manage to keep the neighbors happy."

"Let me think about it," Charlie said vaguely. "Come back tomorrow, same time."

Jax and Nero nodded, the men shaking hands as they rose to their feet. "We'll be by tomorrow," Nero assured Charlie.

"Your counter girl gonna be around?" Jax smirked as he walked by the register.

"She's always here," Charlie said. "It's my circus but she handles the monkeys, as they say." Jax smiled and nodded but Charlie wasn't done. "She won't be here for you though, Handsome Jack."

Julia rolled her eyes and popped back into the front of the store. "Can I get you two anything to go?"

"We're just fine," Nero said with a subdued polite smile.

"Well, if you change your mind were open till six," she winked as the bell above the door signaled their departure.

"Stay away from him," Charlie said as she cleared their coffee mugs from the table. "He's business. I don't need anything getting messy."

"So you'll let them rent the house and run ANOTHER whore house?" She asked with disgust.

"I will," Charlie chuckled. "Do you not understand the potential of this business relationship or are you just fundamentally against it?"

Julia nodded, her hip cocked out as she looked over the counter at him. "I hate it. It's disgusting but, I do get the potential."

"So you'd make the same call?" He questioned. "Because one day it will be your decision."

"Yeah," she lied. "Probably."

"Good girl," he leaned over the counter and kissed her cheek. "I'll see you in the morning."

Julia nodded and watched as he drove away. She hoped she's see Jax come by again but the day ended and he hadn't reappeared. She was disappointed but if he was too scared of Charlie she didn't want anything to do with him anyway. Dropping the cash in the safe in the back she locked the doors and headed home. Jax didn't enter her mind again until the next day when he arrived much earlier than expected and very much alone.

"Morning darlin'."


I gotta thank @Haley_1130 for all her amazing help with this. She's a lifesaver and I seriously couldn't do this stuff without her! I hope y'all enjoy this and keep reading as I update! Vote and comments are much appreciated! Xoxo

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