Chapter 46

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Even as club members and other guests welcomed Mila loudly to her party, the little one slept soundly in her proud father's arms. Gemma and Jax reached a compromise; she would be allowed to throw a party but it had to wait until both he and Julia were ready.

"Welcome home," Gemma murmured quietly to her granddaughter. "These guys are your family, this club is your family, little girl."

Julia hated it but she let it slide in that moment wanting to keep the peace rather than destroy the entire evening. She watched with trepidation as Mila was passed around and wondered how much alcohol they'd all drank before she arrived.

"You alright?" Jax asked, sliding up next to her.

Nodding, she beamed at him. "I am, just slightly overwhelmed."

"Gem can do that," he chuckled. "She's a real hit."

"Of course, she is," Julia scoffed, "She's a Barosky Teller."

Throwing his arm over her shoulders, he laughed and nodded. "She really is."

"So, what do we do now?" Julia looked up at him. "We've been fighting battles for months, over a year, and now it's just...done."

"We enjoy it," he said sagely repeating what Bobby had told him earlier.

Her face lit up, "I don't know how to enjoy things but I like the sound of it."

"It'll be good," he nudged forehead her with his nose.

The couple whispered for a few more minutes before mingling and enjoying themselves. Gemma toted Mila around proudly before pulling Jax and Julia into a quiet corner. "Why don't you let me take her for the night?"

"No," Julia said quickly. "We're good."

"Are you sure?" Gemma asked again, swaying with the baby.

"We're sure, Ma." Jax sighed. "We can handle her but you can have her till we head out."

Gemma rolled her eyes and huffed. "Aren't you so generous?"

"You don't have to thank us," Julia laughed. "Come on, let's get some fresh air."

Taking her hand, Jax pulled Julia out to the swing sets and, gesturing for her to sit, pushed her gently.

"I hope life doesn't get too boring," she sighed.

"I doubt that," he laughed. "Hey, babe," he slowed her down to a stop. "This is probably gonna lead to some boring shit but, I love you and I want to marry you. I want that boring life." From behind her, he twisted the swing to face him and presented Julia with a ring.

"Seriously?" She asked, her chin trembling. "You're proposing?"

"I am," he looked at her expectantly. "We can even tell people it was for tax advantages and so we aren't forced to testify against each other."

Beginning to cry, Julia nodded and let out an airy, excited giggle. "When you put it that way, yeah, I will marry you."

Pulling her up to stand, Jax hurriedly pushed the ring on her finger before kissing her passionately. "Didn't I tell you this would work?" He asked, lifting her off the ground.

"Slow down," she laughed, "Things have time to fall apart, Jax."

He winked and kissed her again, ignoring her pessimistic attitude for the moment. He knew they'd face their trials, work related and personal, but he was hopeful and excited for their future.


I'm not exactly sure where my head was last week but I meant to end this then so instead I gave you a fluffy, sappy cliche-ish ending! I'm toying with a sequel but haven't plotted much out so if anyone has a request for a second Jules/Jax story or you think I should leave them happily ever after, let me know. When I post it I'll update this story with a note for you guys since I usually post the first chapter of a sequel at the same time I post the last chapter of the first story.

THANK YOU! You guys seriously are the best and I appreciate your time and support. Love y'all!

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