Chapter 15

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Surprised by how lively the party already was when he arrived, Jax went right to the bar for a drink in an attempt to catch up. He felt a hand on his shoulder, running along his back and down his arm. Jax smiled and turned, expecting to see Julia, but instead Colette flashed him a toothy grin.

"So what do you think?" She looked around. "Impressed?"

Jax nodded, scanning the room, and when he looked forward again his drink was sitting on the bar. He tipped the bartender well and turned his attention back to Colette.

"I am, it looks great and there's a great turn out. Jules did a good job," he remarked nonchalantly.

"I planned most of it," Colette corrected him. "She's been busy but I that Charlie's got her handling the books she'll be here a lot."

Jax didn't let his surprise change his expression. He nodded along as she stroked his chest and arms and searched for someone to help break the dull conversation.

"I should have know if anyone could charm my girl it would be Handsome Jack." Appearing out of Jax's blind spot to his left Charlie gently, but with clear intentions, took Colette's hand from Jax and pulled her close. "Do you have your eye on my things?"

"Colette is all yours," he winked. "The girls did a good job, I have a feeling Diosa is going to do really well here."

"Of course it is," Charlie said smugly. "With my girls running the show it can't fail." He looked around the room, his eyes darting between guests and girls but Julia was nowhere in sight. "Speaking of my girls, I wonder where my niece is."

"Julia isn't here?" Jax was genuinely surprised.

Charlie eyed Jax. "You were late too."

"Shit with my son's mother," he held his hands up.

"I saw her earlier," Colette chimed in. "She said she was coming."

From the main staircase Julia strutted down, her ex following close behind, and Charlie smiled proudly as his plan unfolded perfectly.

"Must have been giving a tour," he chuckled.

Jax followed her down the steps with his eyes and through the crowd with increasing jealousy. Catching his stare she smiled, flirty yet subdued, and casually made her way to the bar.

"Uncle Charlie," Julia kissed his cheek. "Jax, how are you?"

"Good," he shook her hand. "You did a great job."

"Thank you," she beamed.

"Jax," Charlie interrupted, "This is Ryan, he's a fireman and paramedic up in Modesto."

"Hey man." Jax was confident and nonplussed as they shook hands. "Guess you're trying to keep it all in the family?"

"You have to," he said coolly. "Colette, why don't you check on everyone, make sure it's all running smoothly."

With a smile, Colette nodded and went to make the rounds while the others chatted.

"It was nice to see you," Julia uttered to Ryan. "Maybe we can catch up before the end of the night."

"Catch up now," Charlie said cheerfully.

"It's fine." Jax gestured back to where he'd seen Nero mingling. "You can play Matchmaker," he winked.

Julia watched as Jax left their tiny circle annoyed but she was happy to see he knew the game Charlie was playing. He took it in stride although his jealousy was burning in his chest.

"Nero," Jax smiled and offered him his hand. "Great turn out," he remarked.

"Better than I thought," he chuckled. "Who are we missing?"

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