Chapter 39

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Julia moved in and out of the bathroom as she dolled herself up for the Diosa re-grand opening party. She stopped rushing for a moment and looked at herself in the mirror, a smile slowly curling up the corners of her mouth, as she thought back on the months that had passed since her and Jax reconnected. Her belly had grown exponentially, the baby was due in the next few weeks, and they had found a content groove together in that house.

"Babe," Jax poked his head in the bathroom and pulled her from her thoughts. "We got two girls backing out."

Pursing her lips, she nodded and shrugged, unsure what he wanted her to say or do. "I can't blame them," she said sadly. "I'm surprised we got enough to open, honestly."

"I know." He stepped in the bathroom, and whispered, his lips brushing against her ear. "Everything is gonna be fine."

"Am I that obvious?" She asked, her eyes closing as he held her close and comforted her.

Jax chuckled, "Yeah, you are." Growing more serious, he looked her in the eye and tried to give her some much-needed support. "It's gonna be great and no one is gonna come after us again, not like Lin."

"I love you, Jax," Julia said gleefully. "I'm excited for all this, for everything were doing."

"Me too," he winked and flashed her his usual charming grin. "Now let's get going."


When they walked into the party Julia didn't feel her usual rush of confidence or excitement, she felt monumentally out of place. Keeping a smile on her face she and Jax said hello to everyone before settling at the bar.

"Just a beer," he winked at the bartender, Kimi. "And grab a bottle of water too."

"Here you go," she said with a flirty giggle.

"Water," Julia huffed. "I think this has been the biggest change, and the hardest."

Jax laughed, bringing his beer to his lips, and surveyed the room. "Nice turnout," he remarked.

"Yeah," she was less enthusiastic. "I'm just gonna head to my office, I haven't actually seen it yet."

Without a word, he kissed her eagerly then walked her to the steps. "You good?"

"I am good," she smiled.

Jax mingled when Julia disappeared up the stairway and into her office. She immediately slipped her heels off and collapsed on the couch with a groan. The party was a bust, for her personally, and Julia couldn't help but feel incredibly self-conscious.

"This is not what I was expecting," she sighed. "I miss my life."


Gemma too was preparing for the party, Nero was already on his way to pick her up, but Wendy was nowhere to be found while Abel was waiting patiently for his mother. Just a few minutes late, as Gemma had started to expect, Nero strutted into the kitchen.

"Hey Mama," he cooed.

"I need a favor," she said slightly concerned but mainly annoyed. "I can't find Wendy."

"Are you thinking she's late?" He asked her quietly.

"I'm thinking she's lost," Gemma said knowingly. "She's been struggling with the new baby and Jax."

Nero's eyes darted to Abel, an ominous feeling making the air around them thick. "Give me her address," he sighed. "I'll take a look around."

"Thank you," she whispered before kissing him. "Come on, Abel," Gemma said with a smile. "Let's have a snack before bed."

"I thought Mommy was coming?" He asked as Gemma poured him milk.

"Cookies?" Gemma said cheerfully.

"Yeah!" Abel gave her a toothy grin and munched happily while Gemma watched out the kitchen window for Wendy and obsessively checked her phone for news from Nero.


It wasn't Nero that found Wendy but Mickelson, Julia's right hand man. He was doing a quick sweep of the docks for Julia, something he kept up for her peace of mind, before heading to Diosa himself. As he was leaving he came across two people huddled by one of the side gate entrances.

"Hey," he pulled his gun and flashlight. "Private property, assholes."

"Sorry man," the dealer raised his hands quickly. "We were just leaving."

Mickelson aimed his flashlight on each o their faces for a second. "I know you," he said to the female. "You're Jax Teller's ex."

"No," she stammered. "I'm cool man, you don't have to call Jax."

"I'm not," he sighed. "Take a knee, both of you, don't move." Mickelson instructed while he maneuvered his hands and weapon to pull his phone from his pants. He called Julia, knowing it was a touchy subject, but she didn't seem grateful for the courtesy.

"Wendy?" Julia gasped. "Jesus. She high or just looking to score?"

Mickelson moved closer and shined the light in her face. "Can't really tell, boss."

With a heavy sigh, Julia punched the bridge of her nose between her thumb and index finger. "I'll come by and talk to them."

"You?" Michelson seemed amused by the idea and Julia was furious that she'd suddenly been deemed less than. "You sure about that? What happened to Nero being the go to?"

"I'm pregnant not disabled and it's personal, kind of," she spat. "Christ, just stop. I'll be there as soon as I can."

Moving as quickly as she could, Julia grabbed her things and locked up her office on her way out.

"Where you going babe?" Jax asked loudly before Julia could even make it off the steps.

"I have something to take care of," she sneered. "I shouldn't be too long."

"I'll come with you," he offered.

"I got it," Julia said forcefully. "Really, it's not a big deal."

He looked at her questioningly but slowly nodded and handed her the keys. "Guess you're taking my truck?"

"Don't be a smart ass, Teller." Julia smirked as she snatched his keys. "Thank you."

"Be careful," he kissed her. "I mean it."

"I won't be alone, I'm meeting Mickelson." She winked. "Keep your pants on, I caught the bartender staring at you."

"Guess she's out of a job?"

Julia smirked and shook her head as they strolled outside. "Nah, she's not shit compared to me."

"There's my confident outlaw," he joked, opening the door for her. "I missed her."

"Yeah, I missed her too," she sighed. "I'll be back," Julia assured him as she climbed in the driver's seat.

Jax watched with suspicion as she drove off. She could have been going to any number of places judging just by the direction she headed but he doubt she'd make an effort to keep him off her tail.

"Everything alright?" Opie asked when Jax joined the party again. "She was outta here fast."

"I think so," Jax tried to ignore his nagging concern. "She didn't say. I think she just needs some independence or some shit."

"Can't get less independent than having a kid," Opie laughed. "She still think she gonna be cracking skulls with a baby on her hip?"

"Don't start," Jax growled. "I've already tried to tell her that shit."

Opie laughed again and shook his head. "You did know up an old lady, you knocked up an outlaw."

Jax huffed and slammed his beer down before hurrying out the door and onto his bike.

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