Chapter 37

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To Julia's delight they didnt talk much once the two of them retuned to Jax's. Exhausted, they ambled in, showered together and crashed into bed. The next morning they stumbled to the kitchen early before Abel woke up for the day.

"How ya doing?" Jax asked as he joined her at the table with a cup of coffee. He reached across the table and squeezed her hand supportively.

Shrugging, she smiled at him halfheartedly. "Any word? Did they do it?"

Turning, but still in his chair, Jax flicked on the TV. "Don't know but I know when it happens it'll be all over the news."

"The Triad is using the local stations as an announcement to the state." Julia mused in amusement. "Can't be tied back to them but everyone will know."

"Exactly," Jax said confidently. "We gonna talk?"

"About the baby?"

Jax nodded, a weak smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, our baby. Our son."

"Oh you sure about that?" She laughed nervously.

"I am," he reached over and took her hand. "This is what you needed, what you were looking for to get out."

"Whoa," she pushed away from the table. "Get out? After that shit? Why did we just go up against him? We lost all those girls, Diosa is ashes, and now I'm supposed to give it up?"

"Jules," his expression turned dark, "This isn't about pride."

"It's not," she said adamantly. "I put work into this and we lost good people. I don't want to become a shut in, I'm pregnant not disabled or sick."

Jax sighed with exasperation. "It's time to step back. You're done, Jules." Seeing her negative reaction to his forcefulness Jax lightened up. "I thought you wanted an out, some sign that it was time."

"I did," she said with uncertainty. "But I'm not ready. I can work, Jax."

"You don't have to," he laughed as if she were being ridiculous. "And I don't want you to."

"If I don't quit, would still want me to keep the baby or is this some weird leverage thing?"

"No," he said quickly and with force. "That's our son, he's not some mark in a ledger between us."

"We're not even together," she sighed.

Jax was angry now, his jaw was tight as he glared at her across the table. "Still with that? He's dead."

"Not yet," she corrected him sharply. "He's not dead yet."

"I can provide for my family; Abel, you, the new baby. I don't need you to work."

Julia's eyes grew wide. "It's not about what you need, Jackson!"

There was a few creaks from the floorboards behind them before Abel appeared in the kitchen. Jax sighed and stood without a word. "Come on, bud, we should get you dressed your mom is gonna be here soon."

Watching the boys leave the room, Julia huffed and scribbled a note to Jax. "I need to think. You need to step back and drop the alpha male shit." She placed it on the table and, grabbing her purse, slipped quietly out the door and left.


Answering his door in his usual get up, minus the cardigan, Nero seemed more than surprised to see Julia staring back at him.

"Morning," she said timidly.

"It is morning, an early one at that," he stepped aside to let her in.

"I'm sorry," she shrugged. "It's important."

"About Lin?" He pointed to the TV. "Cops found him this morning."

"Oh," she smiled, "Its not but thats good to know."

Nero guided her to the couch and gestured for her to sit. "What's up, mama?" She burst into tears and he knew instantly what the problem was. "You tell Jax?" She nodded, sniffling, and blotted her tears. "And I'm assuming he wasn't happy."

"He was!" She said quickly, "But I don't think it was for the right reasons. We went back to his place and when we woke up he immediately talked about we quitting. Like, what, I'm gonna be some little housewife? I'm not there yet. That's not what I want right now."

"I thought it was," he said with uncertainty.

She nodded but seemed unsure. "It was, it is, but like I told him, we just fought a war. I want to enjoy my spoils. He just doesn't want to be emasculated," she spat bitterly.

"He doesn't like the competition," Nero laughed. "Jax likes a strong woman," Nero explained what he learned about Jax simply by working with him. "But not too strong. Own your shit and not his."

She rolled her jaw, "He knew when we started this."

"You think he didn't see it as a challenge? He told me himself he liked that you got it, you didn't give him shit over the life."

Rolling her eyes she huffed and pulled her knees up to her chest. "I had an idea," she started. "I do need to step back from the more dangerous aspects, I know that. Can I...give you the socks?"

Nero drew his head back, laughing out of surprise, and looked her directly in the eyes. "That what you want?"

"It is," she didn't hesitate. "Don't tell him though. Don't tell anyone. I can't have him thinking I'm listening to his archaic bullshit."

There was no doubt he wasn't comfortable with the lie but he nodded and, when they both stood, hugged her tight. "Don't worry about the Diosa rebuild or the docks. Shower, eat, rest. Take care of yourself, sweetheart."


Short and sweet; still trying to catch up on sleep and such. Thanks for the well wishes! Let me know what you're thinking about this. Xoxo

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