Chapter 40

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Mickelson offered Julia his hand as she climbed out of the truck a few feet from the gate where the dealer and Wendy were kneeling. She squeezed his fingers, her stomach tightening with her another Braxton Hicks contraction, and tried to focus on her breathing.

"You okay?" He looked at her red cheeks. "More of them fake contractions?"

"For fucking weeks now," she hissed. "I'm never having another kid. This has been a nightmare." Letting go of him she smoothed her dress and tried to relax. "You talk to em'?" She asked quietly still hidden behind Jax's truck.

He shook his head. "They won't even look at me, the dealer tried to run. I fired once in the air and he fell," Mickelson laughed.

"This is awkward," she huffed as she stepped toward them. "Wendy?"

"You called her?" Wendy was humiliated and furious, crouching on the ground, looking up at the woman who currently held her ex's heart. "Next time just call Jax."

"There won't be a next time," Julia said calmly. "This is the last time."

The dealer and Mickelson looked at Julia as if she had meant she was planning on killing them but both women knew that wasn't the case.

"I've tried that shit," she sniffled. "Rehab and halfway houses, it doesn't work."

"So you did relapse?" Julia asked with frustration.

"I'm not talking to you," Wendy spat.

"Show me your fingers," Julia ordered. "Don't make me take your shoes off. I'm fucking serious."

"Why do you care?" Wendy asked on the verge of tears. "You have Jax, you can have the perfect little family.

"I already do with MY baby. Julia crossed her arms over her chest. "Look, you got Abel, he needs HIS mom, and you know this isn't just gonna piss Jax off, Wendy. He's going to be so upset and he's gonna feel guilty."

"This isn't on him," she scoffed.

"Doesn't matter, he'll think it is." She arched her eyebrow, her hand on her hip. "He'll think it's because he's with me."

Wendy looked at Julia expectantly. "So what? What are you gonna do?"

"So, we'll do a more unofficial approach," Julia shrugged. "I have space at Diosa since we're so low on girls. I think Gemma would love to help too."

"Oh a whore house? Great." Wendy laughed ruefully. "Gemma hates me. She won't help."

"She will. Gemma may hate you but not as much as she hates me," Julia winked.

"What about Jax?" Wendy asked, suddenly looking hopeful. "I don't want him to know, please."

"Yeah, right," Julia scoffed. "I'm not lying to Jax especially about this shit. We'll take care of Abel and once the worst of the withdrawal is over maybe we can bring him by."

"What about me?" The dealer suddenly spoke up, maneuvering around so he could stand. "Do I get a deal?"

"Shut up," Mickelson shouted as he kicked the dealer back to the ground.

Julia looked at him and shook her head. "No. You dickheads know the docks are off limits and your chosen profession is insidious and sick. I hate dealers. I'll let Jax handle you." Turning to Mickelson she instructed him to call the clubhouse about the dealer. "Don't tell them she was here, I want to tell Jax myself first. Touchy subject."

They all turned toward the entrance as the rumble of a bike grew louder and louder to see Jax. As he parked, concern darkening his expression, he went right to Julia.

"What are you doing?" He asked her without trying to hide his anger. "This is dangerous."

"You followed me?" She asked quietly.

"Yes," he said in exasperation. "You're my pregnant old lady, Jules. Shit."

Feeling suddenly emotional she began to cry quietly. "That is so sweet, Jackson."

"Jesus," he huffed, wiping her tears. "It's okay, babe. What's going on here?"

"Wendy," Julia sniffled, composing herself slowly. "Mickelson found her here trying to score."

"Jesus Christ, Wendy," Jax growled. "What are you doing, darlin'? What is this?"

"I'm sorry," she began to cry. "I'm sorry, Jax."

"He's all yours," Mickelson grabbed the dealer by the scruff of his neck.

"This guy sell to you before?" Jax asked as he grabbed the dealer by the throat. "He get you high, Wendy?"

She didn't speak. Simply nodding, Wendy shielded her eyes as he began to tear into the man. Jax didn't hold back, furious for numerous reasons most of which had little to do with the dealer personally, and the three onlookers turned away.

"Jax," Julia tried to call his attention. He didn't look up. "Jax," she said louder. "Jax STOP!"

He turned, bloody and out of breath, and looked at her still in a rage. "What?"

"I think we should go."

"Why?" He dropped the dealer.

She grimaced, "I think my annoying ass Braxton Hicks turned into real contractions."

"Huh?" His eyes grew wide. "Oh shit."

"Yeah," she wobbled on her feet. "I wasn't sure but I'm sure now. I'm really sure." They were closer together than before and the intensity was suddenly much worse.

Jax immediately grabbed her under her arms and helped her into the truck. "Take Wendy to Gemma's and let Nero know about this fucking mess."

"Got it," Mickelson nodded. "You want me to tell Gem about this," he pointed to Julia.

"No," Jax snapped. "Don't tell anyone."


Before they managed to get to Saint Thomas, Julia's water broke and she was officially in panic mode.

"I'm not ready for this," she whimpered. "Jax I'm not ready to do this."

"Uhh, babe, you don't have a choice right now."

She closed her eyes as another contraction started and by the time it was over there was a wheelchair waiting for her outside the truck.

"Jax, I'm scared."

Jax nodded and kissed her, his lips crashing into hers, hoping to reassure her. "You're gonna be fine."

She was fine, sure, but over the next several hours Julia was sure she was going to die. Not only was the pain extreme but emotionally she was spiraling. The baby was such a shock and she still had yet to accept the change that was now barreling toward her.

Jax stood by her head, holding her hand and cheering her on, but the moment he heard the baby start to cry he stretched out his neck to see his son.

"He's big," Jax said to Julia proudly.

"She," the OB nurse corrected. "It's a girl."

"What?" Julia tried to get a look but her legs were still in her eye line and there was too much going on by her feet. "A girl?"

"Did they tell you two you were having a boy?"

"Uhh yeah," Jax said as the nurse offered him the baby. The surprise weighed heavily on him, the new world of concerns involving a daughter dawned on him and he internally panicked. Until, of course, he looked at the wrinkled, screaming bundle in his arms. "A girl, Jesus," he chuckled nervously. "She's gorgeous."

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