Chapter 4

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Slick with sweat, Jax rolled off Julia and reached for his cigarettes. They didn't say much as they shared the cigarette but a few flirty giggles and toothy smiles.

"You wanna stay?" Jax asked as he stubbed the cigarette out in the ashtray.

Looking at him for a long moment she nodded and slid into the spot under his arm where she was sure many other women had spent the night. His past didn't concern her, she had her own ex's and flings, but she tried to keep her budding crush minimized by reminding herself she wasn't special, at least not to Jax.

They fell asleep after just a few minutes of cuddles and whispers, rest that Julia needed desperately, but it didn't last for long. As usual, after having just a couple hours of rest, Julia's eyes popped open much. She sighed, hating her bouts of insomnia, and cuddled a bit closer to Jax.

"I should go," she sighed, her lips brushing against his chest as she whispered.

Carefully, she slipped out of bed and redressed quietly before writing Jax a little note. It was a horrible decision to sleep with him and she knew it, which was why she left. Julia couldn't complicate anything in her life by catching feelings for Jax Teller; so she disappeared.

"I had a blast but had to get back to business. I'll be seeing you. - Julia"

Finding the note was a blow. Jax hadn't had any women run out on him and the fact that the one who had was so intriguing to him made it even worse. When he left the apartment his bruised pride was only exacerbated by the jabs and jokes from the other members.

"She was outta here fast," Opie chuckled. "Right after midnight."

"I didn't ask her to stay," Jax said it to save face but no one truly bought it; he was never like that, he always allowed the girls to stay.

"Uh huh," Happy joked with a deep raspy laugh. "Kicked her straight outta bed. Right."

"What time we meeting Nero and Barosky?" Opie asked as he refilled his mug.

Jax pulled a face and helped himself to some coffee. "I'll go, you can hang back."

"And let you tour this place yourself?" Happy scoffed. "Those chicks may not be safe, Prez."

"Real dangerous," Opie added.

"Assholes," Jax chuckled a bit. "Fine. We're meeting em' at noon."


Although she didn't open the bakery that morning, Julia was there for her car before sunup only returning for work a little before noon.

"Oh," she huffed when she saw Colette sitting at the table in the back. "Charlie let you in?"

"He did," she smirked. "Morning, Julia."

"Morning, Madame." She rolled her eyes. "I didn't know you were invited today."

Colette scoffed, disbelieving, and let Charlie answer as he popped in from the back. "She's going to help get them up and running."

"I thought this was my action," Julia snapped. "I can make sure shit is running smoothly and watch the money, Uncle Charlie."

He looked at Colette for a long moment before ushering his niece in the back. "You know how to run a whore house?" He asked gruffly.

"No," she said in disgust. "But I can oversee everything. That old whore fucked her way to being your little pet, she gets treated like gold cause she's easy and now she gets to be part of this?"

"You know why they treat you like they do?" He used a softer fatherly tone as he tried to reassure her. "Because they're scared of you, jealous too. No one likes taking orders from a woman, even other women."

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