Chapter 8

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While giving Julia a few minutes to compose herself Jax's rage fester. Being attacked, the President of his own charter, in such an unhanded manner made his indignation grow. Prying herself away from Jax, Julia stood and dusted the dirt and debris from her pants.

"I'm good," she said, slightly embarrassed by her sudden break down. "I can't believe I did that."

"Bad ass chick," Jax smirked, not wanting to upset her further with his anger. She could see it, clearly, but it didn't bother her, she understood completely.

"No," she laughed, her voice still wavering. "I almost peed myself Jax, I mean literally if I didn't stop at the bathroom before we left the game I would have peed myself."

Drawing his head back he looked at her, unsure if she was really being honest, and offered her his hand. "I don't think I buy it, you held your own with that dick cop when we first met."

"Controlled," she laughed. "And Clemons is a coward, he wouldn't have actually done shit."

"Alright," he pulled her into his arms and held her once again. "You did great, you may have been scared but you sold that shit, and that's what's important."

She nodded awkwardly. "I think my nose is broken, we should probably head out."

Jax agreed and they left, nursing bruised egos and bodies, on their way back to the clubhouse. The last thing Julia really wanted to do was show off her new look but she was still trembling and not ready to deal with going home alone and having to lie to Charlie. He'd know they were together so an airtight tale was necessary to avoid any extra suspicion.

"What happened to you?" Gemma was already amped before he even took his sunglasses and helmet off. When she saw his face; eyes blackened, a nasty gash along his eyebrow among various other bloody bumps and bruises.

"I'm fine," he said angrily. "Ope, church, I want a full table."

"What happened?" Gemma's hot stare fell on Julia. "This got something to do with her?"

"Ma," Jax snapped. "It's club business. The only thing Jules did was keep it from escalating."

Julia felt her chest puff out with pride as she listened to him simultaneously praise and standup for her in front of everyone. Jax reached out for Julia to take his hand and led her into the clubhouse. "Mind if I clean up?" She asked, gesturing off toward the apartment.

"I'll come with you," Jax glanced back to see Opie on the phone still gathering the others. "Chibs can uhh, straighten out your nose." He winked playfully, waving for Chibs to follow them.

Gemma grabbed him first, as Jax and Julia disappeared into the hall, and did her best to try to intimidate him. "Find out about her," she said darkly. "I want to know who my son is taking shots for."

"Trust me Mom," he winked and smiled to appease her, far from intimidated as she would have liked. "Jax knows what he's doing." Giving her upper arm a squeeze, Chibs disappeared after Jax and Julia and slipped into the apartment to find Julia perched on the edge of the desk while Jax cleaned the crusted blood from under her nose.

"Is it that bad?" She asked. "Like, could I get away with it like this forever?"

Jax grimaced. "I wouldn't kick you out of bed," he whispered softly. "But I think you should let him set it, Jules."

"It won't hurt, much," he promised but her stomach only knotted tighter.

Chibs didn't lie but her eyes still watered as he straightened her nose with a swift flick of his wrist. She hissed slightly but smiled as he stepped back and admired his handy work. "Thank you," Julia sighed. "I should go."

"Chibs can we get a second?" Jax asked with a knowing glance. Chibs left quickly and Jax smiled at Julia, his thumb tracing her jawline. "You alright?"

"I'm fine," she hung her head. "I need some weed and sleep. I don't have anything to worry about do I?"

Although he was unsure of the Mayans' motivation he nodded and gingerly kissed her, careful not to cause her any more pain. "You're good, babe, no one is gonna come after you."

"How can we be sure?" She smirked slightly.

Catching the subtle smile and mischievous look in her eyes, Jax nodded. "You know what, if you're nervous, I'll stop by and check everything out. How's that?"

"I feel better already," she sighed. Julia was truly anxious, more so than she should have been or that she'd ever admit to anyone but she was confident she played it off well enough. "I'll see you tonight? We can make some shit up for Charlie when you come by, my brain is fried."

"Yeah," he pressed his palm against her lower back and guided her through the clubhouse to the door. "I'm gonna finish up shit here and I'll be around."


Julia did exactly as she said; when she arrived home she showered, smoked and promptly passed out. She awoke to a few loud knocks on her door before hearing her uncle's voice bellowing through her apartment.

"Where you be-" Charlie stopped when he saw her coming out of her bedroom. "What in the hell happened to you?"

Still half asleep and shocked by the visit, Julia forgot for a split second how terribly her face looked. The weed had done it's job, easing her pain considerably, but that meant she had no reminder.

"Oh," she scoffed. "I went to a ball game and uhh, got into a thing with some guys. It's nothing."

"Nothing my ass," he roared. "What did you do? Who are they?"

"I handled it," she said forcefully. "Pulled my gun, fired a few shots, scared em' off. It's done. They were just shit heads."

"Didn't handle it well enough to remember Clemons," he huffed. "I'm not done with this but right now you gotta handle some more business."

"Clemons," she grit her teeth. "Fuck. I forgot. I'm sorry."

"Go now," he ordered. "Money is in the safe, he gets three this week."

Julia nodded and slammed the door to her bedroom as she hurried to get dressed. When she came back out Charlie was still there, looking around her apartment, and made no attempt to leave as she grabbed her purse.

"Alright well," she pointed to the door. "Time to go."

"Someone is trying to inch in," he warned her. "That's what this has to have been about." Charlie pressed his palm to her cheek. "I'm worried about you, about the business."

"I got it," she snapped. "I can handle it. One broken nose doesn't mean I can't do this, Charlie."

"Prove it," he said challengingly. "Your dad, he was a good cop but he didn't have this business in his blood, it wasn't him. Don't make me question you."

She stared at him, slack jawed, as he turned and saw himself out. "Shit," she hissed, waiting for him to pull away before heading out toward the bakery.

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