Chapter 41

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After some time to bond, the baby was whisked away to be cleaned up and examined by the pediatrician while they moved Julia. She dozed off and Jax, making a few phone calls, snuck out to grab her a better lunch than what Saint Thomas offered. He was surprised to see her awake, staring hesitantly at their daughter, when he returned.

"Hey. How are you feeling?"

"Sore," she huffed. "She's so small."

"Yeah," he chuckled, "You know she is a baby, Jules."

"Jax, I don't know what I'm doing," she admitted. "At all. We don't even have a name for her, we weren't even expecting a her."

He nodded, feeling the same awe over their surprise and the start of a new fatherhood journey. "Me either, babe. We're in the same boat." He looked down at the baby lovingly as he and Julia went on about their fears and uncertainties.

"We're not in the same boat," she shook her head. "You have Abel, Jax."

"When Abel came home he was huge," Jax laughed. "He was in the hospital for so long, Jules. This is all new to me."

Julia nodded, seeing it from that perspective, and smiled. "I guess I feel a little bit better." Noticing the bag in his hand she clapped excitedly. "Is that for me?"

"It is. I figured it was the least I could do after what you just did." Jax presented Julia with her usual order from her favorite Japanese restaurant. She was very strict while pregnant, cutting out sushi, most caffeine and anything that had a small chance of harming their baby, but now she was ready to indulge. 

Julia's eyes grew wide as she sat up. "Oh my god, thank you, Jax."

"Of course," he beamed. "You know you could have eaten it if you weren't so hard on yourself."

She shrugged, chewing happily, and reached for her ice water. "I wanted to be careful is all."

"Speaking of," he reached in his cut, "Here, a quick sip." Handing her his flask, Jax watched as she took one tiny sip, savoring the flavor. "Just one," he snatched it back.

"Whisky and sushi," she smiled. "Thank you."

Jax nodded, shooting her a wink, before gingerly picking up the baby. "Guess Nicholas isn't going to work, huh?"

"I don't think so," Julia said between bites. "I actually think I found the perfect name for her."

"Alright, shoot." His eyes never left the baby as he cradled her carefully.

"Mila," she said with an expectant smile. "Mila Barosky-Teller."

Jax's face scrunched as he repeated it. "Mila? You sure?"

"I am," she said with certainty. "My grandmother's name was Melina but she went by Mila her whole life."

"Mila," he said it softer the second time now knowing how important it was. "I think it's growing on me."

"Oh yeah?" She asked as she poked his stomach. "It better."

"Alright, alright," he laughed. "Mila Barosky-Teller, I guess can live with it." Seeing her face change he started to laugh again. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!"

"You better be," she took another bite. "Did you call Gemma?"

"I'm surprised she ain't here yet," he said quietly. "I didn't tell her about the mix-up though."

"That's mean," Julia laughed, "And I love it. Any news on Wendy?"

"She's feeling pretty shitty," he shrugged. "I'm not really concerned about anyone but you and Mila right now."

Julia finished her lunch and laid back again. "I'm exhausted, still."

A few little squeaks came from Jax's arms as the baby began to stir. "I think she wants you."

"She probably does," Julia winked. "Thank you, Daddy," she sounded less than enthusiastic.

"Everything is gonna be alright," he assured her as he placed Mila in Julia's arms.

"Look at this perfect family," Gemma said loudly as she burst in without knocking. "Hey baby," she kissed Jax's cheek.

"Hey Ma," he beamed proudly. "We got some news."

"You had a baby? I know," she said as she attempted to take he baby out of Julia's arms. "Why is he wearing pink?" With a touch of attitude she pulled the little hat from Mila's head.

"That's the news," Julia said. "We had a girl, the ultrasound tech was wrong."

"A girl?" Gemma was less shocked and seemed more annoyed than anything. "Jesus."

"That's what I said," Jax laughed. "Ma, this is Mila."

"Trouble," Gemma muttered. "They're trouble."

"I think we can handle her," Julia said quickly.

Gemma rolled her eyes and laughed as she took the baby. "That's what you say now."


After hearing the news, Nero headed to Diosa to inform the girls that Julia would be out for the foreseeable future. Jogging up the steps to her office he stopped, heading his name, and turned to see two men in suits standing by the door.

"Can I help you?"

"We're looking for Jax Teller," one said.

Nero moved slowly back down the steps. "He's not here. What can I do for you?"

"You can explain to our boss why Jax Teller beat one of his dealers to death?"

Not expecting to hear that, at all, Nero hurried down the steps and led the men into the kitchen quickly.

"Who's your boss?" Nero asked in a low tone in hopes of keeping the situation calm.

"Damon Pope," one man said.

Nero cursed under his breath. "Your guy was trespassing," he explained. "Selling on Barosky's turf when everyone knows the docks are off limits is a bold move."

"Charlie's dead and the chick is knocked up," one laughed. "We assumed it was a free for all."

"It wasn't. You know it wasn't." Nero took a hard stance. "Charlie is dead, he's long dead, but Barosky's rules stand. Now his niece is running the show with SAMCRO and me."

"That the message you want to send Mr. Pope?"

"Our message is," Nero brought his tone down and spoke respectfully, "Your guy crossed the line and we handled it. It's just business."

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