Chapter 21

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The confidence Jax touted around Julia must have begun to rub off judging by the way she sauntered into the bakery. With a smile she dropped the envelope of cash onto the table in front of Charlie.

"Your cut for the month," she said casually. "It's slowly picking up so that's good."

"It is," he peeked in the envelope. "I wanted to go over the books; deposits and drops, expenses, just to see what's going on."

Julia stopped and looked over her shoulder at him. "Uhh, okay. They're in my office."

"Then let's go," he smiled. "Unless you have plans?"

"I actually do," she slipped behind thee counter. "I was just checking that the payments are ready in the safe before heading out."

"I thought so."

"So, tomorrow then?" She shouted over the counter. "We can meet there at around three?"

Although she was hidden behind the shelving, Charlie looked in her direction, judging the tone and strength of her voice. "Where are you off to tonight? More time with Teller?"

"Actually no," she laughed. "I'm heading out with a few friends but I'll probably meet up with him later. Why?" Peeking over the edge of the counter she gave him a suspicious look.

"Just looking out," he shrugged. "I still don't trust him with you."

"Well," she popped up again. "Trust me, everything is going be okay with Jax, even if we break up. No drama, hand to God."

"And how long until your back here?" He stood and tapped on the counter. "You've been taking a lot of time away."

"Uncle Charlie," she smiled sweetly. "I thought Diosa was my main responsibility now."

"You can balance the books right here," he scolded her. "I still need you behind that counter."

"Okay," she sighed. "Starting tomorrow, I swear."

"Good girl," he leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Have fun."


"Yeah, she's at some Mexican place."

Charlie paid a local beat cop, only on the street for eight months, to keep an eye on his niece. "Who is she with?"

"Two women, I don't recognize em'."

"Good," he huffed, "Let me know when she leaves." Ending the call be Locked the door to the bakery and he slipped into his car to head toward Diosa.

"Colette," he smirked as she greeted him. "How's my number one girl?"

"Busy," she ran her hand along his arm.

"Really?" Charlie never really talked business with Colette, to him she was good for a few things but that certainly wasn't one of them. "How busy?"

"It's booming," she chuckled. "Sleepy suburbs, who would have known? Well, aside from Julia I guess."

His eyes narrowed. "Yeah, guess so." Pointing behind her Charlie requested his usual drink and cigar without even having to speak.

"Barosky," Clay's gravely voice. "I'm glad you decided to meet with me."

They shook hands but each kept a watchful eye on the other and refused to let their guard down even for a moment.

"We are business partners," Charlie chuckled. "What's good for me is good for you."

"Well there's something bad for both of us," Clay said ominously.

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